Free Surface Reconstruction for Phase Accurate Irregular Wave Generation
<p>Numerical wave tank setup for the grid refinement study (coloured with the velocity contours).</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Comparison of the theoretical input and reconstructed irregular wave signal for case A (<b>a</b>) W1 (<span class="html-italic">x</span> = 0 m); (<b>b</b>) W2 (<span class="html-italic">x</span> = 11 m).</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Comparison of the theoretical input and reconstructed irregular wave signal for case B (<b>a</b>) W1 (<span class="html-italic">x</span> = 0 m); (<b>b</b>) W2 (<span class="html-italic">x</span> = 11 m).</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Comparison of accuracy between the numerical and experimental wave signal with different grid sizes <math display="inline"><semantics> <mrow> <mi>d</mi> <mi>x</mi> </mrow> </semantics></math> for (<b>a</b>) case A (RMSE for wave phases); (<b>b</b>) case A (<span class="html-italic">R</span>); (<b>c</b>) case B (RMSE for wave phases); (<b>d</b>) case B (<span class="html-italic">R</span>).</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Numerical wave tank setup for simulating the experiments performed by Beji and Battjes [<a href="#B38-jmse-06-00105" class="html-bibr">38</a>].</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Comparison of the experimental and reconstructed irregular wave signal for breaking irregular waves (<b>a</b>) W1 (<span class="html-italic">x</span> = 6 m); (<b>b</b>) W2 (<span class="html-italic">x</span> = 11 m); (<b>c</b>) W3 (<span class="html-italic">x</span> = 12 m); (<b>d</b>) W4 (<span class="html-italic">x</span> = 13 m); (<b>e</b>) W5 (<span class="html-italic">x</span> = 14 m); (<b>f</b>) W6 (<span class="html-italic">x</span> = 16 m).</p> "> Figure 7
<p>Numerically reconstructed irregular wave free surface over a submerged bar (zoomed around the free surface) at <math display="inline"><semantics> <mrow> <mi>t</mi> <mo>/</mo> <msub> <mi>T</mi> <mi>p</mi> </msub> </mrow> </semantics></math> = (<b>a</b>) 19.14 s; (<b>b</b>) 19.32; (<b>c</b>) 19.58; (<b>d</b>) 19.85.</p> "> Figure 8
<p>Comparison of accuracy between the numerical and experimental wave signal at different wave gauge positions by (<b>a</b>) RMSE for wave phases; (<b>b</b>) <span class="html-italic">R</span>.</p> "> Figure 9
<p>Numerical wave tank setup for simulating the experiments performed by Pákozdi et al. [<a href="#B39-jmse-06-00105" class="html-bibr">39</a>] (side-view).</p> "> Figure 10
<p>Snapshots of numerically reconstructed steep irregular wave propagating in deep water in side view at (<b>a</b>) <span class="html-italic">t</span> = 38.37 s; (<b>b</b>) <span class="html-italic">t</span> = 38.37 s (zoomed around the free surface); (<b>c</b>) <span class="html-italic">t</span> = 38.69 s (zoomed around the free surface).</p> "> Figure 11
<p>Comparison of the numerically reconstructed and experimental irregular wave signal for steep irregular waves in deep water at (<b>a</b>) W1 (<span class="html-italic">x</span> = 1.4 m); (<b>b</b>) W2 (<span class="html-italic">x</span> = 15 m); (<b>c</b>) W3 (<span class="html-italic">x</span> = 34.74 m).</p> "> Figure 12
<p>Comparison of accuracy between the numerical and experimental wave signal at different wave gauge positions by (<b>a</b>) RMSE for wave phases; (<b>b</b>) <span class="html-italic">R</span>.</p> "> Figure 13
<p>Numerical wave tank setup for simulating the experiments performed at SINTEF Ocean [<a href="#B40-jmse-06-00105" class="html-bibr">40</a>] (top-view).</p> "> Figure 14
<p>Snapshots of numerically reconstructed irregular wave crest interacting with the cylinder (<b>a</b>), <span class="html-italic">t</span> = 30.42 s, in three-dimensional view; (<b>b</b>) before the cylinder, <span class="html-italic">t</span> = 30.42 s (top-view); (<b>c</b>) next to the cylinder, <span class="html-italic">t</span> = 31.15 s (top-view); (<b>d</b>) besides the cylinder, <span class="html-italic">t</span> = 31.58 s (top-view).</p> "> Figure 15
<p>Comparison of the numerically reconstructed and experimental irregular wave signal in time and frequency domains for irregular waves impacting the cylinder at (<b>a</b>) W1 (time-domain); (<b>b</b>) W1 (frequency-domain); (<b>c</b>) W2 (time-domain); (<b>d</b>) W2 (frequency-domain); (<b>e</b>) W3 (time-domain); (<b>f</b>) W3 (frequency-domain).</p> "> Figure 16
<p>Comparison of accuracy between the numerical and experimental wave signal at different wave gauge positions by (<b>a</b>) RMSE for wave phases; (<b>b</b>) <span class="html-italic">R</span>.</p> "> Figure 17
<p>Comparison of the numerically reconstructed and experimental irregular wave force on the cylinder in (<b>a</b>) time-domain; (<b>b</b>) frequency-domain.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. CFD Model
2.1. Overview of the Numerical Schemes
2.2. Free Surface Reconstruction
3. Results with the Free Surface Reconstruction Method
3.1. Grid Refinement Study with the Theoretical Input
- Simulation 1: Irregular waves are numerically simulated with a given significant wave height and peak period in the numerical model using the random wave phases with the JONSWAP spectrum. The numerical free surface elevation is measured at the different wave gauge locations along the NWT (x = 0 m and 11 m).
- Simulation 2: Finally, the waves generated using the free surface reconstruction method (simulation 2) are compared with the waves generated using the wave spectrum in the time-domain (simulation 1).
3.2. Breaking Irregular Waves over a Submerged Bar
- The wave amplitudes (), wave phases () and wave frequencies () are computed from the experimental free surface elevation at x = 6 m.
- With an assumption of linear dispersion between x = 0 m and 6 m (from the wave generation until the waves interact with the bar), the wave phases at x = 0 m () are computed by using the equation: , where x = −6 m.
- The computed wave phases , wave amplitudes () and wave frequencies () are used as inputs to the numerical model for the wave generation.
- The numerical free surface elevation is compared with the experimental free surface elevation at different wave gauge locations along the wave tank.
3.3. Irregular Waves with Large Spectral Steepness in Deep Water
3.4. Irregular Wave Forces on a Monopile
4. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Case | Sim. No. | Significant Wave Height (m) | Peak Period (s) | Steepness s | Grid Size (m) |
A | 1 | 0.04 | 1.2 | 0.0178 | 0.10 |
2 | 0.05 | ||||
3 | 0.01 | ||||
4 | 0.005 | ||||
B | 1 | 0.08 | 1.2 | 0.0356 | 0.10 |
2 | 0.05 | ||||
3 | 0.01 | ||||
4 | 0.005 |
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Aggarwal, A.; Pákozdi, C.; Bihs, H.; Myrhaug, D.; Alagan Chella, M. Free Surface Reconstruction for Phase Accurate Irregular Wave Generation. J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2018, 6, 105.
Aggarwal A, Pákozdi C, Bihs H, Myrhaug D, Alagan Chella M. Free Surface Reconstruction for Phase Accurate Irregular Wave Generation. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering. 2018; 6(3):105.
Chicago/Turabian StyleAggarwal, Ankit, Csaba Pákozdi, Hans Bihs, Dag Myrhaug, and Mayilvahanan Alagan Chella. 2018. "Free Surface Reconstruction for Phase Accurate Irregular Wave Generation" Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 6, no. 3: 105.
APA StyleAggarwal, A., Pákozdi, C., Bihs, H., Myrhaug, D., & Alagan Chella, M. (2018). Free Surface Reconstruction for Phase Accurate Irregular Wave Generation. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 6(3), 105.