Applying Machine Learning in Retail Demand Prediction—A Comparison of Tree-Based Ensembles and Long Short-Term Memory-Based Deep Learning
:1. Introduction
- Feature diversity: Our study goes beyond historical demand data by incorporating a wide array of diverse features, including price and external factors, such as weather and COVID-19-related data. This enriched dataset enhances our understanding of demand behavior;
- Real-world applicability: We utilize a substantial dataset from a prominent supermarket, demonstrating the real-world applicability of our findings. This authenticity adds credibility to our research and enhances its practical relevance;
- Advanced machine learning models: We leverage advanced machine learning techniques by employing two state-of-the-art models selected for their ability to handle complex datasets and capture intricate demand patterns effectively to improve forecast accuracy in an uncertain environment;
- Category-based analysis: To comprehensively evaluate our forecasting models, we conduct category-based analyses across three distinct perishable product categories. This approach showcases the models’ effectiveness in handling diverse consumer behaviors and demand patterns.
2. Background
3. Research Methodology
3.1. Initial Dataset
- (i)
- Historical demand data: Our dataset comprises historical demand data, which is also our target variable, covering a 76-month period from January 2016 to February 2022. It includes daily demand amounts for over 330 products across 3 main product categories: fruits (A), fresh meat (B), and soft drinks (C). In total, the dataset spans more than 6 years, resulting in over 5.2 million available records for training and testing. The data are extracted from a sales transaction dataset from a supermarket located in Austria;
- (ii)
- Internal data: This component includes data that results from business decisions, such as pricing and promotions. Key components of these internal data include pricing information and promotional activities. This dataset includes daily price values for each product;
- (iii)
- External data: In addition to internal factors, our dataset incorporates external variables that are beyond the direct control of the retail company. These external variables encompass various factors, including calendar-related data, weather conditions, and COVID-19-related data. Calendar-related data provide information for each day, including the month of the year, week of the year, day of the week, day of the month, and any special day or event. Weather data include temperature in Celsius, wind speed in m/s, amount of precipitation in mm, and precipitation type (no precipitation, rain, snow, rain–snow). COVID-19-related data include information about the type of lockdown, including no lockdown and lockdown.
3.2. Data Preparation
3.3. Feature Creation
3.4. Input Dataset
3.5. Feature Scaling and Encoding
3.6. Feature Selection
3.7. Model Training
3.7.1. Model 1—Extra Tree Regressor (ETR)
3.7.2. Model 2—LSTM-Based Deep Learning (DL)
3.8. Model Evaluation and Tuning
3.9. Trained Model
3.9.1. Model 1—ETR
3.9.2. Model 2—DL
3.10. Final Evaluation
4. Results and Discussion
4.1. Comparison of ETR and DL
4.2. Comparison of ETR and Other Tree-Based Ensembles
- Random forest regressor (RFR): the RFR is another ensemble model, like ETR, which leverages a collection of decision trees to make predictions using the bagging method. It combines predictions from multiple trees to enhance accuracy and robustness. In previous research, random forests emerged as the top performer in retail sale prediction considering calendar dimensions [33];
- Gradient Boosting Regressor (GBR): the GBR is an algorithm that sequentially constructs decision trees to minimize prediction errors using the boosting method. It iteratively refines the model’s predictions by focusing on correcting mistakes in subsequent iterations, leading to strong predictive performance. The GBR has been found to perform especially well in demand prediction when both numerical and categorical features are involved [53];
- XGBoost: XGBoost is another gradient-boosting algorithm known for its efficiency and high performance. It incorporates regularization techniques, parallel processing, and optimized tree construction to achieve high accuracy while maintaining computational speed. In combination with Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), XGBoost (XGB) was identified as the most suitable choice for predicting purchase probabilities [32].
5. Conclusions, Limitations, and Outlook
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Publication | Year | Domain | Ensemble Algorithms | Features |
[20] | 2016 | Crude oil price forecasting | EEMD and EELM | |
[17] | 2016 | Tourism demand forecasting | Bagging, boosting, randomization, and stacking | |
[8] | 2017 | Retail demand forecasting | Boosting | Daily sale, special days, and promotion days |
[28] | 2017 | Supply chain demand forecasting | Averaging ensemble model | |
[24] | 2017 | Agriculture commodities forecasting | Bagging | |
[36] | 2017 | Hog price forecasting | EEMD | |
[25] | 2018 | Metro passenger flow forecasting | Averaging ensemble model | Eight neighboring origin–destination (OD) flows are utilized as features for a single target OD flow |
[29] | 2018 | Food price volatility forecasting | EEMD | |
[30] | 2019 | Retail demand forecasting | Bagging (RFR) and boosting (GBR and XGBR) | Daily sales |
[21] | 2019 | Electricity load time series forecasting | . | |
[37] | 2020 | Energy load forecasting | ETB | Hour, DayOfWeek, IsWorking, Dewpnt, Drybulb, prior 1 h, prior 1 day, prior 1 week, and season |
[31] | 2020 | Wholesale distribution demand forecasting | Weighted and non-weighted, depending on product | Monthly sales, product type, local weather, price promotions, marketing campaigns, holidays, and special events |
[32] | 2020 | Retail purchase probability forecasting | RF, CNN, XGBoost, and voting classifier | Transactional data and newly generated features |
[22] | 2022 | Electricity price forecasting | CatBoost | Hourly electricity price, hour of the day, weekend (the current day is weekend or not), and the day name |
[26] | 2020 | Agribusiness prediction | Bagging (RFR), boosting (GBR and XGBR), and stacking (STACK) | |
[38] | 2021 | Food and raw materials in restaurant forecasting | Stacking | Independent variables (year, month, date, day, weather conditions, public holidays, and festive season). Dependent variables (chicken niryani, mutton biryani, dal tadka, paneer lababdar, and curd rice) |
[34] | 2021 | Retail demand forecasting | Extra tree regression | Date, weekly sales, holiday, temperature, fuel price, CPI, and unemployment |
[33] | 2022 | Retail demand forecasting | Stacking | State, weekly sales, price |
[27] | 2022 | Steel demand forecasting | Bagging (RFR), boosting (GBR and XGBR), and stacking (STACK) | Availability, raw materials, workers, working days, holidays, down time, and demand level |
[18] | 2022 | Retail demand forecasting | Majority voting | Fifty-two features related to stores, customers, products, sales, orders, shipping, and delivery |
Feature | Type |
Demand value | Numeric |
Price value | Numeric |
Month of the year | Categorical–Nominal |
Week of the year | Categorical–Nominal |
Day of the week | Categorical–Nominal |
Day of month | Categorical–Nominal |
Special day status | Categorical–Nominal |
Day after status | Categorical–Nominal |
Day before status | Categorical–Nominal |
COVID-19 lockdown type | Categorical–Nominal |
Temperature | Numeric |
Wind speed | Numeric |
Precipitation | Numeric |
Precipitation type | Categorical–Nominal |
Product Category | Model Name | MAPE | MAE | RMSE | R2 |
A | MA | 22.53% | 2053.06 | 2728.39 | 0.06 |
ETR | 12.29% | 1141.47 | 1794.09 | 0.60 | |
DL | 12.33% | 1199.89 | 1840.46 | 0.59 | |
B | MA | 35.00% | 963.48 | 1216.12 | 0.05 |
ETR | 12.48% | 431.92 | 805.47 | 0.58 | |
DL | 16.63% | 569.69 | 922.02 | 0.45 | |
C | MA | 27.08% | 5299.60 | 7745.05 | 0.01 |
ETR | 10.56% | 2344.92 | 5193.20 | 0.55 | |
DL | 12.33% | 2768.68 | 5549.90 | 0.48 |
Product Category | Model Name | MAPE | MAE | RMSE | R2 |
A | ETR | 12.29% | 1141.47 | 1794.09 | 0.60 |
RFR | 12.44% | 1144.24 | 1828.58 | 0.58 | |
GBR | 12.80% | 1179.25 | 1816.42 | 0.58 | |
XGBOOST | 12.68% | 1157.18 | 1763.33 | 0.60 | |
B | ETR | 12.48% | 431.92 | 805.47 | 0.58 |
RFR | 12.66% | 432.70 | 796.95 | 0.59 | |
GBR | 13.02% | 440.08 | 788.16 | 0.60 | |
XGBOOST | 12.78% | 436.63 | 789.01 | 0.60 | |
C | ETR | 10.56% | 2344.92 | 5193.20 | 0.55 |
RFR | 10.71% | 2355.70 | 5215.72 | 0.54 | |
GBR | 10.13% | 2224.36 | 5029.83 | 0.57 | |
XGBOOST | 10.33% | 2269.65 | 5064.17 | 0.57 |
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Share and Cite
Nasseri, M.; Falatouri, T.; Brandtner, P.; Darbanian, F. Applying Machine Learning in Retail Demand Prediction—A Comparison of Tree-Based Ensembles and Long Short-Term Memory-Based Deep Learning. Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 11112.
Nasseri M, Falatouri T, Brandtner P, Darbanian F. Applying Machine Learning in Retail Demand Prediction—A Comparison of Tree-Based Ensembles and Long Short-Term Memory-Based Deep Learning. Applied Sciences. 2023; 13(19):11112.
Chicago/Turabian StyleNasseri, Mehran, Taha Falatouri, Patrick Brandtner, and Farzaneh Darbanian. 2023. "Applying Machine Learning in Retail Demand Prediction—A Comparison of Tree-Based Ensembles and Long Short-Term Memory-Based Deep Learning" Applied Sciences 13, no. 19: 11112.
APA StyleNasseri, M., Falatouri, T., Brandtner, P., & Darbanian, F. (2023). Applying Machine Learning in Retail Demand Prediction—A Comparison of Tree-Based Ensembles and Long Short-Term Memory-Based Deep Learning. Applied Sciences, 13(19), 11112.