Real UAV-Bird Image Classification Using CNN with a Synthetic Dataset
<p>Schematic representation of data preparation (<b>left</b>), network training (<b>middle</b>) and testing (<b>right</b>) process for experiment 1 (<b>top</b>) and experiment 2 (<b>down</b>).</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Green box studio designed in the unity game engine environment: (<b>a</b>) Virtual camera used to take a picture. (<b>b</b>) RW-UAV 3D model. (<b>c</b>) Light sources to generate realistic pictures. (<b>d</b>) Green-colored background, wall view. (<b>e</b>) Example camera view.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Modern and historical city views designed in the unity game engine—virtual environments: (<b>a</b>) Game engine terrain of all design. (<b>a1</b>) Modern city design. (<b>a2</b>) Old city design. (<b>b</b>–<b>g</b>) City views from different angles.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>The schematic representation related to the creation of a dataset of the RW-UAV class.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Some examples of real bird and RW-UAV images. (<b>a</b>–<b>c</b>) Bird images; (<b>d</b>–<b>f</b>) RW-UAV images.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Sample output images of the CDNTS algorithm. (<b>a</b>–<b>d</b>) synthetic RW-UAV and bird images samples for the training process; (<b>a1</b>–<b>d1</b>) transformed shape by CDNTS layer of a–d labeled images; (<b>e</b>,<b>f</b>) synthetic RW-UAV and bird images samples for the test process; (<b>e1</b>,<b>f1</b>) transformed shape by CDNTS layer of e,f labeled images; (<b>g</b>–<b>j</b>) real RW-UAV and bird images samples for the test process; (<b>g1</b>–<b>j1</b>) transformed shape by CDNTS layer of <b>g</b>–<b>j</b> labeled images.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>CDNTS layer, nearest three-point selection process schematic representation.</p> "> Figure 8
<p>Schematic representation of combinations of networks.</p> "> Figure 9
<p>Experiments 1 and 2: the precision and recall graph of the most successful networks of syntetic image test of squeezeNet with Adam optimizer (blue), real image test of SqueezeNet with Adam optimizer (orange), synthetic image test of CDNTS +AlexNet with SGD optimizer (green), real image test of CDNTS + SquezeeNet with RMSProp optimizer (red).</p> "> Figure 10
<p>Time cost comparison of experiments 1 and 2. Alexnet 55%, squeezenet 74%, and VGG16 70% are time cost of experiment 1. CDNTS + Alexnet 89.9%, CDNTS + squeezenet 88.9%, and CDNTS + VGG16 87.4% are time cost of experiment 2.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Related Work
3. Materials and Methods
3.1. Generate Synthetic Training Dataset
Algorithm 1: RW-UAV model rotation and synthetic image generator algorithm in the unity game engine. |
3.2. Real-Test Dataset Collection and Preparation
3.3. Train and Test Setup
3.4. Corner Detection and Nearest Three-Point Selection Layer (CDNTS)
Algorithm 2: Corner detection and nearest three-point selection layer. |
4. Result and Discussion
4.1. Training and Test Results
4.2. Computation Times
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
UAV | Unmanned aerial vehicle |
RW-UAV | Rotary-wing UAV |
FW-UAV | Fixed-wing UAV |
ML | Machine learning |
AI | Artificial intelligence |
DL | Deep learning |
CNN | Convolutional neural network |
ILSVRC | IMAGENET Large-Scale Visual Recognition Challenge |
RELU | Rectified linear unit |
VGG | Visual geometry group |
3D | Three-dimensional |
CDNTS | Corner detection and nearest three-point selection |
2D | Two-dimensional |
AUC | Area under the curve |
GPU | Graphics processing unit |
CAD | Computer-aided design |
RGB | Red–green–blue |
MD5 | Message-digest algorithm 5 |
SGD | Stochastic gradient descent |
RMSprop | Root mean square error probability |
GB | Gigabyte |
RAM | Random access memory |
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Hyperparameters | Values |
Optimizers | Adam/Adadelta/RMSprop/SGD |
Batch Size | 32/128/256 |
Learning Rate | 0.1/0.01/0.001 |
Dropout | 0.5/0.8 |
Exp 1.1 Synthetic Images Test | Exp 1.2 Real Images Test | |||||
Model | F-Score | Acc | AUC | F-Score | Acc | AUC |
Optimizer | (%) | (%) | (%) | (%) | (%) | (%) |
AlexNet | <55 | <55 | <55 | <55 | <55 | <55 |
for All | Lr: for all, Bs: for all | Lr: for all, Bs: for all | ||||
SqueezeNet | 71 | 70 | 70 | 76 | 73 | 72 |
AdaDelta | Lr: 0.1, Bs:256 | Lr: 0.001, Bs:128 | ||||
SqueezeNet | 80 | 74 | 74 | 63 | 58 | 57 |
Adam | Lr: 0.01, Bs:32 | Lr: 0.1, Bs:128 | ||||
VGG16 | 76 | 70 | 70 | 69 | 64 | 63 |
SGD | Lr: 0.01, Bs:32 | Lr: 0.001, Bs:32 |
Exp 2.1 Synthetic Images Test | Exp 2.2 Real Images Test | |||||
Model | F-Score | Acc | AUC | F-Score | Acc | AUC |
Optimizer | (%) | (%) | (%) | (%) | (%) | (%) |
CDNTS + AlexNet | 90 | 90 | 89.9 | 77 | 75 | 75 |
SGD | Lr: 0.1, Bs: 256 | Lr: 0.001, Bs:256 | ||||
CDNTS + SqueezeNet | 84 | 84 | 83.7 | 91 | 89 | 87.8 |
Adam | Lr: 0.01, Bs:256 | Lr: 0.01, Bs:32 | ||||
CDNTS + SqueezeNet | 79 | 76 | 75.6 | 91 | 90 | 88.9 |
RMSProp | Lr: 0.001, Bs:128 | Lr: 0.01, Bs:256 | ||||
CDNTS + VGG16 | 88 | 88 | 87.4 | 62 | 58 | 57.7 |
SGD | Lr: 0.001, Bs:32 | Lr: 0.001, Bs:32 |
Process Name | Process Time (ms)/Each Image |
Train dataset | 36.7 milliseconds |
Synthetic test dataset | 63 milliseconds |
Real test Dataset | 75.9 milliseconds |
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Share and Cite
Öztürk, A.E.; Erçelebi, E. Real UAV-Bird Image Classification Using CNN with a Synthetic Dataset. Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 3863.
Öztürk AE, Erçelebi E. Real UAV-Bird Image Classification Using CNN with a Synthetic Dataset. Applied Sciences. 2021; 11(9):3863.
Chicago/Turabian StyleÖztürk, Ali Emre, and Ergun Erçelebi. 2021. "Real UAV-Bird Image Classification Using CNN with a Synthetic Dataset" Applied Sciences 11, no. 9: 3863.
APA StyleÖztürk, A. E., & Erçelebi, E. (2021). Real UAV-Bird Image Classification Using CNN with a Synthetic Dataset. Applied Sciences, 11(9), 3863.