Design and Evaluation of Large-Scale IoT-Enabled Healthcare Architecture
<p>Overall view of IoT e-health system model.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>The coverage architecture.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Simple view of a general-purpose control message from UM to HM. MG# [2 bits]: Message group number—Flags [3 bits]: G (Guidance), S (Stop), and I (Inform)—DB# [2 bits]: Number of data blocks—L [9 bits]: Length—SSRC [16 bits]: Source ID (UM ID)—SDES [16 bits]: Destination ID (HM ID).</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Simple overall view of the proposed healthcare system.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Simple view of the proposed healthcare architecture workflow.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Simple view of the proposed simulated architecture.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>Device classification in the proposed IoT-enabled healthcare architecture.</p> "> Figure 8
<p>Percentages of end-to-end delay.</p> "> Figure 9
<p>Energy consumption average.</p> "> Figure 10
<p>Packet loss ratio.</p> "> Figure 11
<p>Usage of coverage tools.</p> "> Figure 12
<p>Average of throughput.</p> "> Figure 13
<p>Percentages of served users.</p> "> Figure 14
<p>Percentage of each exchanged data type.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
- the proposal of IoT-enabled healthcare architecture,
- applying a large-scale coverage scheme to guarantee communication between healthcare devices,
- usage of clustering and prioritization methodologies in the proposed IoT-enabled healthcare architecture,
- a simulated environment to measure the performance of the proposed IoT-enabled healthcare architecture, and
- discussion of the simulation results and recommendations.
2. Related Work
3. Proposed IoT-Enabled Healthcare Architecture
3.1. Communicator
3.2. Manager
- Manage its cluster(s).
- Monitor the activities of each thing in its cluster(s).
- Update its cluster by deletion/addition of old/new thing(s).
- Predict the future events in its cluster(s).
- Control the message exchange process in its cluster(s).
- Gather information about the things in its cluster periodically.
- Send summarized report about its cluster to UM.
- Communicate with neighbor HMs.
- Select a computing center to process a specific data inside its cluster region.
- Manage the entire domain of the proposed IoT-based healthcare environment.
- Select additional HMs for a specific cluster (If required).
- Achieve the load balancing issue between clusters.
- Achieve the fault tolerance issue inside clusters.
- Achieve the communication between clusters’ HMs.
- Evaluate the clusters in the healthcare environment periodically.
- Exchange between the messages’ transmission strategies.
- Select a computing center to process a specific data outside a cluster region.
3.3. Prioritizer
3.4. How the Proposed Healthcare Architecture Works
3.5. Mathematical Analysis
3.6. Simple Use Case
4. Simulation Infrastructure
5. Results and Discussion
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Group # | Type | Description |
First | Guidance | Used by UM to determine HM status (active/sleep/off). |
Stop | Used to break the connection between HM and its cluster. | |
Inform | Used to send regular information to managers. | |
Second | Status | Used to describe the clusters status. |
Threshold | Used when an element of the healthcare system reaches one of its indicators (power or processing unit) threshold. | |
Sudden | Used in case of an unexpected event occurrence. | |
Prediction | Used when HM has some signs of a future event. | |
Third | Update | Used to update the cluster status. |
Fourth | New messages | Used to inform the device that new function(s) is required. |
Fifth | Aggregate | Used to gather information about devices in HM’s cluster. |
Tool | Mission | Network | Coverage | ||
Medical Sensors | Monitoring | WSN | Internet | HAP | Satellite |
RFID | Tracking | RFID | |||
Mobile | Connection | Cellular | |||
Health Software | Decisions | AI | |||
Specialist Temporary Cooperation | Discussion | MANET |
Parameter | Value |
Number of patients | 50,000 |
Number of organizations | 20 |
Number of users | 100,000 |
Number of active devices | 200,000 |
Number of passive devices | 300,000 |
Distance between organizations | Random range (200–1000 km) |
Number of wearable devices | 30,000 |
Number of body sensors | 15,000 |
Number of mobiles with medical applications | 10,000 |
Number of HAPs | 5 |
Number of satellites | 1 |
Distance between users | Random in range (10–1000 km) |
Distance between patients | Random in range (10–100 km) |
Computing centers | Cloud and fog |
Data types | Text, image, and multimedia |
Transmission channels | Full duplex |
Types of sensors | Heterogeneous |
Number of medical devices | 1000 (distributed) |
Number of monitoring devices | 20,000 |
Number of importance queues | 5 |
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Said, O.; Tolba, A. Design and Evaluation of Large-Scale IoT-Enabled Healthcare Architecture. Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 3623.
Said O, Tolba A. Design and Evaluation of Large-Scale IoT-Enabled Healthcare Architecture. Applied Sciences. 2021; 11(8):3623.
Chicago/Turabian StyleSaid, Omar, and Amr Tolba. 2021. "Design and Evaluation of Large-Scale IoT-Enabled Healthcare Architecture" Applied Sciences 11, no. 8: 3623.
APA StyleSaid, O., & Tolba, A. (2021). Design and Evaluation of Large-Scale IoT-Enabled Healthcare Architecture. Applied Sciences, 11(8), 3623.