A Coaxial Dielectric Barrier Discharge Reactor for Treatment of Winter Wheat Seeds
<p>Experimental setup of the coaxial DBD reactor used for seed treatment.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Current and voltage waveforms of the discharges generated in (<b>a</b>) argon and (<b>b</b>) helium along with pictures of the discharges in (<b>c</b>) argon and (<b>d</b>) helium.</p> "> Figure 2 Cont.
<p>Current and voltage waveforms of the discharges generated in (<b>a</b>) argon and (<b>b</b>) helium along with pictures of the discharges in (<b>c</b>) argon and (<b>d</b>) helium.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Dependence of the discharge power on applied voltage for argon (black) and helium (red).</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Optical emission spectra of the discharges generated in (<b>a</b>) argon and (<b>b</b>) helium.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Temperature measured (<b>a</b>) inside the reactor for both gases during 10 min of plasma on and cooling process after plasma is turned off. (<b>b</b>) Temperature at the seed coat of wheat treated for treatment times varying from 1 to 10 min using an argon (black) and helium (red) discharge.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Water contact angle of wheat seeds treated for different treatment times from 1 to 30 min using an argon (black curve) and helium (red curve) discharge. Gas control values for both gases are in the same range as the control points: argon control is 107° ± 12° and helium control is 111° ± 9°. Curves were fitted with a logistic function.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>Germination acceleration of wheat seeds treated for different times (from 3 to 30 min) for both discharges (<b>a</b>) argon and (<b>b</b>) helium. Germination curves were fitted with the Hill function.</p> "> Figure 8
<p>Comparison of germination acceleration of wheat seeds treated with both discharges (argon in black and helium in red) for (<b>a</b>) 3 min, (<b>b</b>) 5 min, and (<b>c</b>) 10 min. Germination curves were fitted with the Hill function. * represents a statistically significant difference (<span class="html-italic">p</span> ≤ 0.001–0.02).</p> "> Figure 9
<p>(<b>a</b>) Discharge power increase and (<b>b</b>) linear rise of gas temperature with voltage duty cycle variation for the argon discharge after 4 min from starting the plasma.</p> "> Figure 10
<p>Germination acceleration of argon-treated wheat seeds with different voltage duty cycles for 4 min. Germination curves were fitted with the Hill function.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Plasma Source
2.2. Electrical Characterization
2.3. Optical Emission Spectrocopy (OES)
2.4. Temperature Measurements
2.5. Plasma Treatment of Wheat Seeds
2.6. Water Contact Angle (WCA) Analysis
2.7. Germination Tests
2.8. Statistical Analysis
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Discharge Characterization of the DBD Reactor Operating with Different Feed Gases
3.2. Impact of the DBD Reactor Operation Time on the Temperature Evolution
3.3. Effects on Seed Surface Wettability of Wheat for Both Discharges
3.4. Effects on Seed Germination of Wheat Treated with Argon and Helium Plasmas
3.5. Variation of Voltage Duty Cycle Affects the Discharge Temperature without Harming the Seeds
4. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Geometry | Movement System | Volume ** | Gap | Gas | Pressure | Electrical Parameters | Gas Temp. | Plant Species | Treatment Time | Ref. | |
Frequency | Power and Voltage | ||||||||||
Planar | No | ≈28.5 cm3 | 3 mm | Ar (1–2 slm) | 1 atm | 13 kHz | 0.84 W/cm2 | <30 °C | Chicory seeds | 60 and 120s | [51] |
0.84 W/cm2 and 10 kV | Catharanthus roseus | 15, 30, 60 and 90 s | [40] | ||||||||
23 kHz | 0.84 W/cm2 | Wheat seeds | 15, 30, 60, 90, and 120 s | [13] | |||||||
0.84 W/cm2 and 11 kV | Pepper seeds | 60 and 120 s | [52] | ||||||||
N.I. | 0.84 W/cm2 | Salvia nemorosa L. | 80 and 100 s | [53] | |||||||
Planar | Yes | 20 cm3 | 10 mm | He (10 slm) | 1 atm | 35 kHz | 15 kV | Room temp. | Hybrid corn | 10 s | [54] |
Planar | Yes | ≈95.4 cm3 | 60 mm | Air | ≈0.5 atm * | 4.5 kHz | 45 W and 5 kV | ~37 °C | Black gram seeds | 20, 40, 60, 90, 120, 180 s | [49] |
Planar | Yes | 100 cm3 | 5 mm | Ar (5.6 slm) | 1 atm | 2.5–10 kHz (pulsed) | 6–10 kV | <100 °C | Onion, radish, cress and alfalfa seeds | 2–10 min | [47] |
Planar | No | 5300 cm3 | 20 mm | Air | ≈0.002 atm * | 5.28 Mhz | 0.025 W/cm3 | <37 °C | Maize, Lupine and Winter wheat seeds | 2, 4, 5 and 7 min | [55] |
Planar | No | ≈21.1 cm3 | 4.2 mm | Air | ≈0.5 atm * | 1 kHz | 6.4 W and 8.2 kV | <25.5 °C | Quinoa seeds | 10, 30, 60, 180, and 900 s | [38] |
Planar | No | ≈62.8 cm3 | 8 mm | Air (1.5 slm) | 1 atm | 50 Hz | 9–17 kV | Room temp. | Wheat seeds | 4 min | [21] |
13 kV | 4 min | [41] | |||||||||
1.5 W and 13 kV | 1, 4, 7, 10, and 13 min | [22] | |||||||||
O2, air, Ar, N2 (1.5 slm) | 13kV | 4 min | [20] | ||||||||
Planar | No | ≈78.5 cm3 | 10 mm | He (2 slm) + 0.5% O2 | 1 atm | 10 kHz | 30 W | N.I. | Grape seeds | 2, 5 and 10 min | [56] |
He (2 slm) | 50 W | 10 °C above room temp. | Grape and coffee seeds | 30, 60, 120, and 240 s | [57] | ||||||
Planar needle array | Yes | ≈113.1 cm3 | 10 mm | O2 and N2 (6 slm) | 1 atm | 50 Hz | 65 W or 85 W | Room temperature | Soybean seeds | 1, 2, and 3 min | [48] |
Planar | No | ≈19.6 cm3 | 10 mm | Air | 1 atm | 50 Hz | 10 kV | <40.2 °C | Wheat seeds | 3 min | [58] |
Planar | No | 6 cm3 | 10 mm | Air (1 slm) | 1 atm | 200 Hz (pulsed) | 130 W/cm3 and 21 kV | Room temp. | Radish, tomato and sweet pepper seeds | 10 and 20 min | [59] |
Planar | Yes | ≈4 cm3 | <4 mm | Air | 1 atm | 22.5 kHz | 30 W and 10 kV | <40 °C | Wheat seeds | 2–10 s | [60] |
Planar | No | ≈19.1 cm3 | 12 mm | He (5 slm) | 1 atm | 16 kHz | 30 W and 20 kV | N.I. | Wheat seeds | 10–900 s | [24] |
Planar | No | ≈141.4 cm3 | 8 mm | Air | 1 atm | N.I. | 9–35 W | N.I. | Pea seeds | 1, 3, 5, 7, and 10 min | [34] |
Coaxial | No | N.I. | N.I. | N.I. | 1 atm | 990 Hz (pulsed) | 1.8 mW/cm2 and 35 kV | N.I. | Mimosa caesalpiniafolia | 3, 9, and 15 min | [61] |
Coaxial | Yes | N.I. | 4 mm | Air (15 slm) | 1 atm | 50 Hz | 0.55; 1.01 and 1.43 W/13; 15 and 17 kV | Room temp. | Tomato seeds | 13 min (13 kV)–7 min (15 kV)–5, 30, and 45 min (17 kV) | [50] |
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Nishime, T.M.C.; Wannicke, N.; Horn, S.; Weltmann, K.-D.; Brust, H. A Coaxial Dielectric Barrier Discharge Reactor for Treatment of Winter Wheat Seeds. Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 7133. https://doi.org/10.3390/app10207133
Nishime TMC, Wannicke N, Horn S, Weltmann K-D, Brust H. A Coaxial Dielectric Barrier Discharge Reactor for Treatment of Winter Wheat Seeds. Applied Sciences. 2020; 10(20):7133. https://doi.org/10.3390/app10207133
Chicago/Turabian StyleNishime, Thalita M. C., Nicola Wannicke, Stefan Horn, Klaus-Dieter Weltmann, and Henrike Brust. 2020. "A Coaxial Dielectric Barrier Discharge Reactor for Treatment of Winter Wheat Seeds" Applied Sciences 10, no. 20: 7133. https://doi.org/10.3390/app10207133
APA StyleNishime, T. M. C., Wannicke, N., Horn, S., Weltmann, K.-D., & Brust, H. (2020). A Coaxial Dielectric Barrier Discharge Reactor for Treatment of Winter Wheat Seeds. Applied Sciences, 10(20), 7133. https://doi.org/10.3390/app10207133