UWB-Based Real-Time Indoor Positioning Systems: A Comprehensive Review
<p>UWB and other RF technologies’ frequencies and power spectral densities.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Flowchart of the selection process.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Triangulation IPS positioning technique.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Trilateration IPS positioning technique.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Multilateration positioning technique in a 3D environment.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>SDS-TWR tag–anchor signal propagation times.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>Topology of the TDoA positioning algorithm.</p> "> Figure 8
<p>PDoA positioning algorithm.</p> "> Figure 9
<p>Signal propagation path for UWB IPSs in (<b>a</b>) LoS and (<b>b</b>) NLoS.</p> "> Figure 10
<p>TWR IPS topologies: (<b>a</b>) anchor-based; (<b>b</b>) tag-based.</p> "> Figure 11
<p>TDoA IPS topologies: (<b>a</b>) TDoA; (<b>b</b>) RTDoA.</p> "> Figure 12
<p>IPS: (<b>a</b>) real-time testing environment; (<b>b</b>) 2D simulated environment with real-time object tracking using Python [<a href="#B80-applsci-14-11005" class="html-bibr">80</a>].</p> "> Figure 13
<p>Distribution of the used UWB modules.</p> "> Figure 14
<p>Distribution of the used UWB topologies.</p> "> Figure 15
<p>Distribution of the sensors and supporting technologies besides the UWB.</p> "> Figure 16
<p>Distribution of the used algorithms and filters.</p> "> Figure 17
<p>The main applications of the proposed references.</p> "> Figure 18
<p>The percentage range of errors for the included systems.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Search Strategy
2.2. Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria
- Inclusion criteria
- -
- Real-time systems, positioning algorithms, and filters for a real-time system.
- -
- Systems for indoor application.
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- Can be used for mobile object tracking (robots, UAVs, etc.).
- -
- Complete IPS/RTLS system including hardware, software, and monitoring server (object coordinates, tracking, and positioning can be monitored).
- Exclusion criteria
- -
- Simulation, theoretical research, and algorithms; UWB manufacturing research.
- -
- Systems for outdoor environments.
- -
- Systems cannot be used for mobile object applications.
- -
- Partial work (incomplete system; cannot implement real-time tracking and monitoring; work for solving a partial issue).
- -
- Works that do not include any information about the UWB components used.
3. UWB Positioning System
3.1. UWB Positioning Techniques and Algorithms
3.1.1. Triangulation Technique
3.1.2. Trilateration Technique
3.2. UWB IPS Topologies
3.2.1. Two-Way Ranging (TWR)
3.2.2. Time Difference of Arrival (TDoA)
3.2.3. Phase Difference of Arrival (PDoA)
3.3. Optimization Filters and Fusion-Based Algorithms for IPSs
3.3.1. Least Squares Algorithm (LS)
3.3.2. Kalman Filters (KFs)
3.3.3. Particle Filter (PF)
4. Commercial UWB Modules and Chips for IPSs
4.1. Qorvo DW1000 UWB Family
4.2. Qorvo DW3000 UWB Family
4.3. NXP Trimension UWB Chips Family
4.4. Microchip ATA8350/ATA8352 UWB Transceivers
4.5. Infineon 3DB6830 UWB IC
4.6. SPARK SR1010/SR1020 UWB Transceiver
4.7. B-UWB-MOD1
4.8. Summary of the Commercial UWB Modules and Chips for IPSs
4.9. Commercial UWB-Based IPSs
5. Real-Time UWB Indoor Positioning Systems (RTIPSs)
5.1. Obstacles and Non-Line-of-Sight Obstructions
5.2. Real-Time Implementation Ranging and Topologies
5.2.1. Two-Way Ranging-Based Indoor Positioning Systems
5.2.2. Time Difference of Arrival (TDoA)-Based Indoor Positioning Systems
5.2.3. Phase Difference of Arrival (PDoA)-Based Indoor Positioning Systems
5.3. Indoor Positioning Systems for Robotics Applications
5.4. Indoor Positioning Systems for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Applications
6. Results
7. Discussion
8. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
ARPF | Adaptive robust particle filtering |
ANN | Artificial neural network |
BLE | Bluetooth Low Energy |
CRLB | Cramér–Rao lower bounds |
CNN | Convolutional neural network |
DF | Debiasing filter |
ECA | Efficient channel attention |
FNN | Fuzzy neural network |
GPS | Global Positioning System |
BYOPS | Bring Your Own Positioning System |
AltDS-TWR | Alternative double-sided two-way ranging |
SDS-TWR | Symmetric double-sided two-way ranging |
EDS-TWR | Extended double-sided two-way ranging |
EFIR-RTS | Extended finite-impulse response-based Rauch–Tung–Striebel smoother |
DS-TWR | Double-sided two-way ranging |
DBLD | Dynamic best link discovery |
DNN | Deep neural network |
FLA | Five-line approximate |
IPS | Indoor positioning system |
ISAR | Inverse synthetic-aperture radar |
IGN | Iterative Gauss–Newton |
RF | Radio frequency |
KF | Kalman filter |
CKF | Cubature Kalman filter |
KNN | k-Nearest neighbors |
LoS | Line-of-sight |
LS | Least squares |
LSTM | Long short-term memory |
LinHPS | Linear hyperbolic positioning system |
ML | Machine learning |
MAL | Multi-algorithm |
MPGA | Multi-population genetic algorithm |
MCC-VC | Maximum correntropy criterion with variable center |
MCA | Multipath component analysis |
NLoS | Non-line-of-sight |
NN | Neural network |
PF | Particle filter |
REKF | Robust extended Kalman filter |
RFID | Radio frequency identification |
RSSI | Received signal strength indicator |
RNN | Recurrent neural network |
SAR | Synthetic-aperture radar |
SWF | Sliding window filtering |
STVBF-DO | Skew-t variational Bayes filter-disturbance observer |
TDoA | Time difference of arrival |
ToF | Time of flight |
TWR | Two-way ranging |
UWB | Ultra-wideband |
UAV | Unmanned aerial vehicle |
PAAL | Passive anchor-assisted localization |
PDoA | Phase difference of arrival |
PZS | Predictive zone selection |
PDoP | Position dilution of precision |
GDoP | Geometric dilution of precision |
CWCS | Cascaded wireless clock synchronization |
KF | Kalman filter |
ROS | Robot operating system |
WAKF | Weighted adaptive Kalman filter |
WIP | Weighted indoor positioning |
UKF | Unscented Kalman filter |
UCAS | UWB control and analysis suite |
EKF | Extended Kalman filter |
TDMA | Time-division multiple access |
TDoA | Time difference of arrival |
SMA | Slime mold algorithm |
VGICP | Voxelized generalized iterative closest point |
WHFFA | Weighted hybrid filter following algorithm |
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Vendor | Chip/Module | Estimation Method | LoS Accuracy (± cm/°) | Operation Range (m) | Frequency Range (GHz) | UWB Channels | Application | Reference |
Qorvo | DWM1000 | TWR, TDoA | 15 in 2D, 30 in 3D | 300 | 3.5–6.5 | 1–5, 7 | IPS, asset, employer | [42] |
Qorvo | DW3110, DW3210 | TWR, TDoA | 15 in 2D, 30 in 3D | 50 | 6.5, 8 | 5, 9 | IPS, asset, employer | [32,43] |
Qorvo | DW3120, DW3220 | TWR, TDoA, PDoA | 15 in 2D, 30 in 3D | 50 | 6.5, 8 | 5, 9 | IPS, asset, employer | [44,45] |
NXP | SR150 | AoA, TWR, TDoA | 10/3 | 50 | 6.24–8.24 | 5, 6, 8, 9 | Industrial IoT, RTLS | [35] |
NXP | SR40 | TWR, TDoA | 10 | 50 | 6.24–8.24 | 5, 6, 8, 9 | IoT battery-based, IPS | [46] |
Microchip | ATA8350 | TDoA | 15 | - | 6.2–7.8 | 5–8 | IoT battery-based | [47] |
Microchip | ATA8352 | TDoA | 4 | - | 6.2–8.3 | 5–9 | IoT battery-based | [48] |
Infineon | 3DB6830 | TWR | 10 | 120 | 6-8 | 5–9 | Industrial IoT | [39] |
Spark | SR1010 | TWR | 30 | 100 | 3.1–6 | 1–5 | IoT applications, Asset and individual tracking | [49] |
Spark | SR1020 | TWR | 30 | 100 | 6–9.3 | 6–9 | Industrial IoT | [49] |
STM | MOD1 | TWR | 10 | 600 | 3.25–4.75 | 1, 2, 3, 4 | RTLS, asset, employer | [41] |
Vendor | Algorithm/Topology | Accuracy (± cm) | Operation Range (m) | Frequency Range (GHz) | Application | Reference |
Inpixon | TWR/AoA | 40 | 50 | 6.4 | Asset, employer | [50] |
Eliko | TWR/TDoA | 50 | 70 | NA | RTLS | [51] |
Litum | TWR/TDoA | NA | 70 | 3.25–6.75 | Asset, employer, forklift | [52] |
WOXU | ToF/TDoA | 10 | NA | 3.24–6.74 | RTLS | [53] |
Sewio | TDoA | 30 | 50 | 3–7 | Asset, employer, forklift | [54] |
KKM | TDoA | 30 | NA | NA | Asset | [55] |
Kinexon | TDoA/AoA | 20 | NA | 6.25–6.75 | RTLS | [56] |
Pozyx | ToF | 30 | 50 | 3.5–6.5 | People, assets, vehicles | [57] |
Zebra | ToF | 30 | 200 | 6.35–6.75 | Transportation, warehouse | [58] |
Tsingoal | ToF/TDoA | 30 | NA | NA | RTLS | [59] |
Ubisense | TDoA/AoA | 30 | 65 | 6–7 | Asset | [60] |
Kathrein | ToF/TDoA | 10 | 40 | 3–10 | Vehicle, forklift | [61] |
Ubudu | TDoA/TWR | 20 | NA | NA | Portable tracking device | [62] |
Tracktio | TDoA | 30 | 150 | 3–7 | Worker, warehouse | [63] |
Leisure | ToF/TDoA | 1 | 100 | 3.1–10.6 | Vehicles | [64] |
MK | TDoA/AoA | 7 | NA | 6.5–8 | RTLS | [65] |
BeSpoon | TWR | 10 | 880 | 3.99 | RTLS | [66] |
Topology | UWB Chip/Module | Multi-Sensor | UWB Frequency/Channel | Optimization Algorithm/Filter | Application | Improvement (%)/ Accuracy (cm) | Monitoring | Reference No., Year |
SS-TWR | DW1000 | UWB | 5 GHz | KF, PF | IPS | 13 cm | MATLAB | [79], 2023 |
DS-TWR | DW3000 | UWB | 6.5 GHz, CH5 | Trilateration, LSM | IPS, Robotic | 50 cm | Python | [80], 2024 |
SS-TWR | DW1000 | UWB | 3.5–6.5 GHz | Trilateration | IPS | 14 cm | Custom | [81], 2020 |
DS-TWR | DW1000 | UWB | 3.5–6.5 GHz | KF | IPS | 8% | Custom | [82], 2021 |
TWR | DW1000 | UWB+IMU | 3.5–6.5 GHz | DUKF, RMSE | IPS | 6 cm | MATLAB | [83], 2024 |
AltDS-TWR, TDoA | DW-EVK1000 | UWB | 3.5–6.5 GHz | Multilateration | IPS | - | Custom | [84], 2020 |
SDS-TWR, AltDS-TWR | ElikoUWB-RTLS | UWB | 3.5–6.5 GHz | Active–passive method | RTTS | 20% | R Language | [85], 2022 |
TWR | Wi-Pos UWB | UWB | CH5, 6.5 GHz | KF | IPS | 50%, 15 cm | Custom | [86], 2024 |
TDoA | DW1000 | UWB | 3.5–6.5 GHz | Trilateration | RTTS | 9 cm | Web-based application | [98], 2022 |
TDoA | DW1000 | UWB | 3.5–6.5 GHz | Taylor algorithm | IPS | 10 cm | Custom | [99], 2022 |
TDoA | DW1000 | UWB | 3.5–6.5 GHz | LSTM, DeepTAL | IPS | 20 cm | Custom | [100], 2019 |
TWR, TDoA | DW3000 | UWB | CH5, 6.5 GHz | EKF | IPS | 38%, 22 cm | Custom | [103], 2023 |
TDoA | Custom | IR, UWB | 7.25 GHz | Multilateration, median, mean F. | RTLS | 10 cm | Custom | [104], 2021 |
TDoA | DW1000 | UWB | 3.5–6.5 GHz | - | IPS | 15 cm | Custom | [105], 2020 |
PDoA | Custom | UWB, IMU, GPS | 6.5 GHz | Chan andconvex method | IPS | 45 cm | Custom | [110,111], 2021 |
AoA, PDoA | DecaWave Beta-PDoA | UWB | 3.5–6.5 GHz | Triangulation | IPS | - | KDE plots | [112], 2022 |
wrapped PDoA | DW1000 | UWB | 3.5–6.5 GHz | GMM | RTLS | 8 cm | Custom | [113], 2022 |
TWR | DW1000 | UWB, IMUCamera | 3.5–6.5 GHz | MCKF | Robotics, RTLS | 13.7 cm | SLAM | [122], 2019 |
TWR | P440 | UWB, IMU | 4.3 GHz | ESKF | Robotics, RTLS | 20 cm | Custom | [4], 2020 |
TWR | DW1000 | UWB | 3.5–6.5 GHz | M-RKF | IPS, robotics | 31%, 30 cm | Custom | [123], 2023 |
TDoA | Pozyx UWB | UWB, LiDAR | CH5, 6.5 GHz | MVG, EKF, LPF | RTLS, robotics | 6.16%, 8 cm | Python | [124], 2024 |
TWR | Custom | UWB, LiDAR | – | EKF, PDR | IPS, robotics | 47.8 cm | Custom | [125], 2024 |
TWR | MDEK1001 | UWB LiDAR | 3.5–6.5 GHz | Trilateration | IPS, robotics | 7 cm | Custom | [126], 2021 |
TWR | DW1000 | UWB, IMU | 3.5–6.5 GHz | UKF | IPS, UAV | 15 cm | Custom | [136], 2022 |
TWR | Custom | UWB | CH1, 3.5 GHz | MLKF | RTLS, UAV | 60%, 22.4 cm | Custom | [137], 2021 |
TWR | P440 | UWB, IMU | 4.3 GHz | ET-EKF | IPS, UAV | 10.3%, | Gazebo platform | [138], 2022 |
TDoA | LinkTrack-P | UWB, IMU | 3.5 –6.5 GHz | LSTM-RNN, EKF | IPS, UAV, robotics | 5 cm | Custom | [139], 2023 |
TDoA | LinkTrack-S | UWB, IMU, camera | 3.5–6.5 GHz | Custom | IPS, UAV, robotics | 41.4 cm | SLAM | [140], 2023 |
TWR | DW1000 | UWB, IMU | 3.5–6.5 GHz | Multilateration | RTLS, IPS, UAV | 25% | Custom | [141], 2023 |
PDoA | DW3000 | UWB | CH5, 6.5 GHz | Distance adaptive weighting | IPS | 36 cm | Custom | [149], 2023 |
TDoA | LinkTrack | UWB, IMU, camera | 3.5–6.5 GHz | - | IPS, UAV | 5 cm | Custom | [143], 2020 |
TDoA | DW1000 | UWB | 3.5–6.5 GHz | CWCS | IPS, robotics | 20 cm | Custom | [150], 2024 |
TDoA | DW1000 | UWB, IMU | 3.5–6.5 GHz | Trilateration, Kalman F. | IPS, RTLS | 94.7%, 8.25 cm | Custom | [151], 2022 |
AoA, TDoA | DW1000 | UWB, IMU | 3.5–6.5 GHz | PAAL, UKF | RTLS | 12%, 12.5 cm | Custom | [152], 2021 |
TWR, TDoA | DW1000 | UWB | 3.5–6.5 GHz | Spoofing detection | RTLS | 30 cm | Custom | [153], 2024 |
TDoA | DW1000 | UWB | 4 GHz, 6 GHz | Aperture-coupled patch | IPS, RTLS, UAV | Size of an apple | Custom | [154], 2022 |
DS-TWR | MDEK1001 | UWB | 3.5–6.5 GHz | Trilateration | RTLS | 23.76 cm | Custom | [155], 2021 |
TDoA | EVK1000 | UWB | 3.5–6.5 GHz | TDMA | RTLS, Robotic | <30 cm | Python | [156], 2019 |
AltDS-TWR | TREK1000 | UWB | 3.5–6.5 GHz | Multilateration, KF | RTLS | <28 cm | Custom | [157], 2019 |
SDS-TWR | MAX2000/ DW1000 | UWB, IMU | 3.5–6.5 GHz | EKF | RTLS, IPS | 38.24%, 11 cm | Custom | [91], 2021 |
DS-TWR, TDoA | DW1000 | UWB | 3.5–6.5 GHz | KF | IPS | 10 cm | MATLAB | [90], 2022 |
SS-TWR | DW3000 | UWB | CH5, 6.5 GHz | Trilateration, WAKF | IPS | 20.84%, 25 cm | Custom | [158], 2023 |
EDS-TWR | DW1000 | UWB | 3.5–6.5 GHz | EKF | IPS | 80.53%, 51.8 cm | Custom | [92], 2024 |
TWR-TDoA | DW1000 | UWB | 3.5–6.5 GHz | MPGA | RTLS | 11.21 cm | Python | [159], 2022 |
TDoA | DW1000 | UWB | 3.5–6.5 GHz | ML | IPS | 29%, 46.6 cm | Custom | [160], 2021 |
TDoA | DW1000 | UWB | 3.5–6.5 GHz | MCC-VC | IPS | 42 cm | MATLAB | [161], 2023 |
TDoA | Trimension NXP SR040 | UWB, Bluetooth | 6–8.5 GHz | Trilateration, LS | IPS | 35 cm | Samsung’s app | [101,102], 2024 |
TDoA | DW1000 | UWB | 3.5–6.5 GHz | WIP, DNN, LSTM | IPS | 8.1 cm | Custom | [162], 2021 |
TDoA | DW1000 | UWB | 3.5–6.5 GHz | - | IPS | 26 cm | Custom | [163], 2019 |
TDoA | DW1000 | UWB | CH5, 6.5 GHz | EKF | IPS | <50 cm | Custom | [164], 2020 |
TDoA | DW1000 | UWB, IMU | 3.5–6.5 GHz | UKF | IPS | 34 cm | Custom | [165], 2019 |
TDoA | MDEK1001 | UWB | 3.5–6.5 GHz | LS, KF | IPS | 15 cm | SLAM | [97], 2022 |
TDoA | DW1000 | UWB | 3.5–6.5 GHz | LinHPS | IPS | 10 cm | Custom | [166], 2022 |
TDoA | DW1000 | UWB | 3.5–6.5 GHz | PZS, DBLD | IPS | ≈27 cm | SLAM | [17], 2021 |
TDoA, FDoA | DW1000 | UWB | 3.5–6.5 GHz | WLS, KF | IPS | ≈60 cm | Custom | [107], 2021 |
SS-TWR, TDoA, FDoA | Custom | UWB | CH5, 6.5 GHz | BYOPS | IPS, robotics | 40 cm | UCAS | [167], 2023 |
TDoA | DW1000 | UWB | 3.5–6.5 GHz | - | IPS, robotics | 30 cm | Custom | [108], 2021 |
TDoA | DW1000 | UWB | 3.5–6.5 GHz | Trilateration | IPS | 10 cm | Python | [168], 2023 |
TDoA | NXP-SR100T, | UWB | 6–8.5 GHz, CH5, CH9 | KF, RNN | IPS | 31% | Custom | [169], 2023 |
TDoA | DW1000 | UWB | 3.5–6.5 GHz | EKF | RTLS | 17 cm | C language | [109], 2019 |
TDoA | DW1000 | UWB | 3.5–6.5 GHz | SWF | IPS | 20 cm | Custom | [170], 2020 |
TDoA | DW1000 | UWB | 3.5–6.5 GHz | FLA | IPS | 17.6 cm | Custom | [171], 2019 |
TDoA | DW1000 | UWB | 3.5–6.5 GHz | LS | IPS | 8 cm | Custom | [172], 2024 |
TDoA | DW1000 | UWB | 3.5–6.5 GHz | EKF | RTLS | 19 cm | Custom | [173], 2019 |
TDoA | DW1000 | UWB, IMU | 3.5–6.5 GHz | Dead Reckoning, KF | IPS, robotics | 10 cm | Custom | [174], 2022 |
TDoA | DW1000 | UWB | 3.5–6.5 GHz | ARPF, | IPS | 50% | Custom | [175], 2023 |
TDoA | DW1000 | UWB | 3.5–6.5 GHz | Triangulation | IPS | 9 cm | Custom | [176]. 2022 |
TWR, TDoA | DW1000 | UWB | 3.5–6.5 GHz | - | IPS | 30 cm | Custom | [177], 2023 |
TDoA | DW1000 | UWB | 3.5–6.5 GHz | EKF | IPS | 30 cm | Custom | [178], 2022 |
TDoA | DW1000 | UWB | 3.5–6.5 GHz | Multilateration, DF, EKF | IPS | 15.8 cm | Custom | [179], 2022 |
TDoA | DW1000 | UWB | 3.5–6.5 GHz | EKF | IPS | 30.3 cm | Custom | [180], 2023 |
TWR | DW1000 | UWB | 3.5–6.5 GHz | MAL | IPS | 20 cm | Custom | [181], 2022 |
TWR | DW1000 | UWB, GPS | 3.5–6.5 GHz | Trilateration | IPS | 11.8 cm | Custom | [182], 2021 |
TDoA | DW1000 | UWB | 3.5–6.5 GHz | IGN | RTLS | 50 cm | Custom | [183], 2020 |
TWR | DW1000 | UWB, IMU | 3.5–6.5 GHz | UKF | IPS | 50.28%, 48.7 cm | Custom | [184], 2024 |
TWR | DW1000 | UWB, IMU | 3.5–6.5 GHz | Trilateration, EKF | RTLS | 31 cm | Unity software | [185], 2023 |
TWR | DW1000 | UWB, LiDAR | 3.5–6.5 GHz | VGICP | IPS, robotics | 40 cm | SLAM | [186], 2022 |
TWR | DW1000 | UWB | 3.5–6.5 GHz | MCA | IPS, robotics | 30 cm | Custom | [187], 2021 |
TWR | P440 | UWB, IMU | 4.3 GHz | REKF | IPS | 56 cm | Custom | [188], 2022 |
TWR | DW1000 | UWB | 3.5–6.5 GHz | EKF | IPS | 60.61%, 10 cm | Custom | [189], 2020 |
TDoA | DW1000 | UWB | 3.5–6.5 GHz | EKF | IPS, robotics, UAV | 42.09%, 14.1 cm | Custom | [190], 2021 |
TWR | DW1000 | UWB | 3.5–6.5 GHz | KF | IPS, robotics | 16 cm | Custom | [191], 2024 |
TWR | Pozyx UWB | UWB | 3.5–6.5 GHz | EKF | RTLS, robotics | 20 cm | ROS | [192], 2020 |
TWR | Mini 3s | UWB, LiDAR | 3.5–6.5 GHz | EKF | IPS, robotics | <40 cm | SLAM-ROS | [193], 2019 |
DS-TWR | DW1000 | UWB, IMU | 3.5–6.5 GHz | KF | IPS | 7.58 cm | Custom | [194], 2020 |
TWR | DW1000 | UWB, IMU | 3.5–6.5 GHz | EKF | IPS, robotics, UAV | 60%, 48 cm | Custom | [195], 2020 |
TWR | Samsung UM100 | UWB, camera | 3.1–8.976 GHz | EKF | IPS | 20 cm | SLAM | [196], 2020 |
TWR | Pozyx UWB | UWB, encoder | 3.5–6.5 GHz | EKF | RTLS, robotics | 6 cm | Custom | [135], 2023 |
TWR | Pozyx UWB | UWB, LiDAR, IMU | 3.5–6.5 GHz | EKF | RTLS, robotics | 10 cm | SLAM-ROS | [128], 2020 |
TWR | DW1000 | UWB | 3.5–6.5 GHz | CRLB | IPS, robotics | 12 cm | Custom | [129], 2023 |
TDoA | DW1000 | UWB | 3.5–6.5 GHz | EKF | IPS, robotics | 54 cm | Custom | [133], 2020 |
TDoA | DW1000 | UWB | 3.5–6.5 GHz | NN | IPS, robotics | 89.2 cm | Custom | [197], 2024 |
TWR | DW1000 | UWB | 3.5–6.5 GHz | EFIR-RTS | IPS, robotics | 25.35%, 16 cm | SLAM | [198], 2022 |
TWR | DW1000 | UWB, LiDAR | 3.5–6.5 GHz | UKF | IPS, robotics, UAV | 34 cm | SLAM | [199], 2022 |
TDoA | DW1000 | UWB | 3.5–6.5 GHz | - | IPS, robotics, UAV | 34.6 cm | Custom | [142], 2021 |
TWR | DW1000 | UWB | 3.5–6.5 GHz | Multilateration | IPS, UAV | 28 cm | Custom | [141], 2023 |
TWR | Pozyx UWB | UWB, LiDAR, IMU | 3.5–6.5 GHz | EKF | IPS, UAV | 39 cm | SLAM | [200], 2022 |
TWR | DW1000 | UWB | 3.5–6.5 GHz | EKF | IPS, UAV | 32%, 6.9 cm | Custom | [146], 2024 |
SS-TWR | DW1000 | UWB | 3.5–6.5 GHz | Multilateration, GDoP | IPS, robotics, UAV | 15 cm | SLAM | [201], 2022 |
TWR | DW1000 | UWB, IMU | 3.5–6.5 GHz | EKF | RTLS, UAV | 15 cm | Custom | [202], 2023 |
TDoA | LinkTrack-S | UWB, IMU, camera | 3.5–6.5 GHz | UWB odometryconstraint | IPS, UAV | 43.4 cm | SLAM | [203], 2022 |
TWR | DW1000 | UWB, IMU | 3.5–6.5 GHz | EKF | IPS, UAV | 20.8 cm | Custom | [145], 2022 |
TWR | DW1000 | UWB | 3.5–6.5 GHz | EKF | IPS, UAV | 27.8 cm | Custom | [204], 2023 |
TWR | DW1000 | UWB | 3.5–6.5 GHz | Multilateration | IPS, UAV | 10 cm | Custom | [144], 2020 |
TDoA | LinkTrack-S | UWB, IMU | 3.5–6.5 GHz | EKF | IPS, UAV | 3.8 cm | Custom | [148], 2023 |
TDoA | DW1000 | UWB | 3.5–6.5 GHz | STVBF | IPS, UAV | 42.0%, 40 cm | Custom | [205], 2022 |
TWR | DW1000 | UWB, IMU | 3.5–6.5 GHz | Trilateration, KF | IPS, UAV | 10 cm | C++ | [206], 2021 |
TWR | DW1000 | UWB, IMU, camera | 3.5–6.5 GHz | Outlier rejection algorithm | IPS, UAV | 20%, 14 cm | SLAM | [207], 2021 |
TDoA | LinkTrack-S | UWB, IMU, camera | 3.5 –6.5 GHz | CNN, LSTM | IPS, UAV | 42 cm | Custom | [208], 2023 |
TWR | Pozyx UWB | UWB | 3.5–6.5 GHz | GDoP | IPS, UAV | 20 cm | Custom | [209], 2022 |
TDoA | DW1000 | UWB | 3.5–6.5 GHz | Multilateration | IPS, UAV | 30 cm | Custom | [210], 2023 |
TWR | DW1000 | UWB | 3.5–6.5 GHz | ANN | RTLS | 26 cm | Custom | [211], 2024 |
TWR | DW1000 | UWB | 3.5–6.5 GHz | LS | IPS, robotics | 20 cm | Custom | [212], 2023 |
TDoA | DW1000 | UWB | 3.5–6.5 GHz | DoP | IPS | 44 cm | Custom | [213], 2022 |
TDoA | LinkTrack | UWB, LiDAR | 3.5–6.5 GHz | PF | IPS, robotics | 31.2 cm | Custom | [131], 2021 |
TDoA | DW1000 | UWB | 3.5–6.5 GHz | PDoP | IPS | 20 cm | Custom | [214], 2021 |
DS-TWR | DW1000, DW3000 | UWB | 3.5–6.5 GHz | Multilateration | IPS | 40 cm | MATLAB | [215], 2024 |
SDS-TWR | DW1000 | UWB | 3.5–6.5 GHz | Trilateration | RTLS | 10 cm | Custom | [216], 2023 |
DS-TWR | DW1000 | UWB | 3.5–6.5 GHz | EKF, LSTM | IPS | 50%, 37 cm | MATLAB | [217], 2023 |
AoA, TDoA | DW1000, Ubisense D4 | UWB | 3.5–6.5 GHz | EKF, PF | RTLS | 40 cm | Custom | [218], 2020 |
TWR | DW1000 | UWB | 3.5–6.5 GHz | Multilateration | RTLS | 53 cm | Python | [219], 2023 |
TWR | DW1000 | UWB LiDAR | 3.5–6.5 GHz | Trilateration, LS | IPS, robotics | 16.34 cm | Python | [220], 2024 |
TWR | DW1000 | UWB | 3.5–6.5 GHz | LS, ECA | IPS | 17 cm | Python | [221], 2023 |
TWR | LinTrack | UWB, IMU | 3.5–6.5 GHz | EKF | IPS, UAV | 51 cm | Custom | [222], 2021 |
TWR | DW1000 | UWB | 3.5–6.5 GHz | ANN | IPS | 88.45% | Custom | [76], 2022 |
TWR | DW1000 | UWB, IMU | 3.5–6.5 GHz | PF, EKF | IPS | 36.15%, 71.5 cm | MATLAB | [223], 2024 |
TWR | DW1000 | UWB | 3.5–6.5 GHz | CNN | IPS | 7.35 cm | Custom | [224], 2022 |
TWR | DW1000 | UWB LiDAR | 3.5–6.5 GHz | EKF, PF | IPS, robotics | 7.2 cm | SLAM | [225], 2023 |
TWR | DW1000 | UWB | 3.5–6.5 GHz | Trilateration, KNN | IPS | 4.71 cm | Custom | [226], 2021 |
TWR | DW1000 | UWB | 3.5–6.5 GHz | Trilateration, UKF | IPS | 4 cm | Custom | [227], 2024 |
TWR | DW1000 | UWB, Wi-Fi | CH12, 3.993 GHz | KNN | IPS | 69.8%, 30 cm | Custom | [228], 2024 |
TWR | Pozyx UWB | UWB | 3.5–6.5 GHz | Trilateration | IPS | 30 cm | Python | [229], 2024 |
TDoA | DW1000 | UWB | 3.5–6.5 GHz | Triangulation, KF | IPS | 68%, 10 cm | Web/mobile application | [230], 2023 |
TWR | Pozyx UWB | UWB | 3.5–6.5 GHz | ANN, KNN | IPS | 34%, 31.6 cm | Python | [231], 2022 |
ADS-TWR | DW1000 | UWB | 3.5–6.5 GHz | Multilateration, EKF | IPS | - | Python | [232], 2023 |
TWR | Pozyx UWB | UWB, Wi-Fi | 3.5–6.5 GHz | Trilateration | IPS | 87 cm | Python | [233], 2022 |
TWR | DW1000 | UWB | 3.5–6.5 GHz | SMA | IPS | 6.69 cm | Custom | [234], 2022 |
TWR | DW1000 | UWB | 3.5–6.5 GHz | Trilateration, KF | IPS, robotics | 38%, 12.4 cm | Custom | [235], 2022 |
TWR | DW1000 | UWB | 3.5–6.5 GHz | WHFFA | IPS | 4 cm | Custom | [236], 2023 |
TWR | DW1000 | UWB, IMU | 3.5–6.5 GHz | FNN | IPS | 25 cm | Custom | [237], 2023 |
DS-TWR | DW1000 | UWB, IMU | 3.5–6.5 GHz | Multilateration, LS, EKF | IPS | 20 cm | Custom | [238], 2022 |
TWR | DW1000 | UWB, IMU | 3.5–6.5 GHz | Trilateration | IPS | 20 cm | Custom | [239], 2022 |
TDoA | DW1000 | UWB | 3.5–6.5 GHz | Trilateration | IPS | 33.4 cm | Custom | [240], 2019 |
TWR | DW1000 | UWB | 3.5–6.5 GHz | LS, Chan | IPS | 57.6%, 15.7 cm | Python | [241], 2022 |
AoA, PDoA | DW1000 | UWB, IMU | 3.5–6.5 GHz | Triangulation | IPS | 10 cm | Custom | [242], 2021 |
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Al-Okby, M.F.R.; Junginger, S.; Roddelkopf, T.; Thurow, K. UWB-Based Real-Time Indoor Positioning Systems: A Comprehensive Review. Appl. Sci. 2024, 14, 11005. https://doi.org/10.3390/app142311005
Al-Okby MFR, Junginger S, Roddelkopf T, Thurow K. UWB-Based Real-Time Indoor Positioning Systems: A Comprehensive Review. Applied Sciences. 2024; 14(23):11005. https://doi.org/10.3390/app142311005
Chicago/Turabian StyleAl-Okby, Mohammed Faeik Ruzaij, Steffen Junginger, Thomas Roddelkopf, and Kerstin Thurow. 2024. "UWB-Based Real-Time Indoor Positioning Systems: A Comprehensive Review" Applied Sciences 14, no. 23: 11005. https://doi.org/10.3390/app142311005
APA StyleAl-Okby, M. F. R., Junginger, S., Roddelkopf, T., & Thurow, K. (2024). UWB-Based Real-Time Indoor Positioning Systems: A Comprehensive Review. Applied Sciences, 14(23), 11005. https://doi.org/10.3390/app142311005