The Bony Nasal Cavity and Paranasal Sinuses of Big Felids and Domestic Cat: A Study Using Anatomical Techniques, Computed Tomographic Images Reconstructed in Maximum-Intensity Projection, Volume Rendering and 3D Printing Models
<p>Representative anatomical dissections images of the cat’s head. The head was sectioned sagittally. The nasal and incisive bones were removed. (<b>A</b>): Left rostromedial view. (<b>B</b>): Rostrodorsal view. (<b>C</b>): Rostroventral view. (<b>D</b>): Left medial view with endoturbinated and ventral nasal concha. (<b>E</b>): Left medial view in which it has been removed, completely, the 2nd, 3rd and 4th endoturbinates. 1. Frontal bone; 2. Frontal bone: external plate; 3. Frontal bone: internal plate; 4. Ethmoid bone: cribriform plate; 5. Ethmoid bone: tectorial plate; 6. Frontal bone: zygomatic process; 7. Parietal bone; 8. Temporal bone: zygomatic process; 9. Zygomatic bone: body; 10. Zygomatic bone: temporal process; 11. Infraorbital canal; 12. Maxilla; 13. Maxilla: palatine process; 14. Palatine bone; 15. Choana; 16. Presphenoid, basisphenoid and basilar part of occipital bones; 17. Frontal sinus; 18. 1st ectoturbinate; 19. 2nd ectoturbinate; 20. Dorsal nasal concha; 21. Middle nasal concha; 22. 3rd endoturbinate; 23. 4th endoturbinate; 24. Ventral nasal concha; 25. Maxillary recess; 26. Sphenoidal sinus; 27. Right mandible; 28. Tongue; 29. Soft palate; 30. Nasopharynx (pars nasalis pharyngis); 31. Encephalon.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Representative anatomical dissections images of the cat’s head. (<b>A</b>): Medial view of the maxilla isolated. (<b>B</b>,<b>C</b>): Left lateral and right medial views, after removing the nasal, incisive, maxillary, zygomatic and lacrimal bones. 1. Maxilla: body; 2. Maxilla: palatine process; 3. Ventral nasal concha; 4. Frontal bone: external plate; 5. Frontal bone: orbital surface; 6. Frontal bone: zygomatic process; 7. Parietal bone; 8. Temporal bone: squamous part; 9. Temporal bone: zygomatic process; 10. Left mandible; 11. Dorsal nasal concha; 12. Middle nasal concha; 13. 3rd endoturbinate; 14. 4th endoturbinate; 15. Sphenoidal sinus; 16. Frontal sinus; 17. Nasal septum: cartilage (partially sectioned); 18. Choanae; 19. Nasopharynx (pars nasalis pharyngis); 20. Presphenoid, basisphenoid and basilar part of occipital bones; 21. Palatine bone. 22. Soft palate.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Bone trepanations images of the cat’s skull. (<b>A</b>): Left rostrolateral view after removing the orbital surface of the frontal bone and the wings of the presphenoid and basisphenoid bones. (<b>B</b>): Right medial view after removing the bone and cartilaginous parts of the nasal septum. (<b>C</b>): Left dorsal oblique view after removing the rostral half of the orbit. (<b>D</b>): Left dorsal oblique view showing the endoturbinates and ectoturbinates. 1. Nasal bone; 2. Frontal bone: external plate; 3. Frontal bone: internal plate; 4. Ethmoid bone: tectorial plate; 5. Ethmoid bone: cribriform plate; 6. Frontal sinus; 7. 1st ectoturbinate; 8. 2nd ectoturbinate; 9. 3rd ectoturbinate; 10. Dorsal nasal concha; 11. Middle nasal concha; 12. 3rd endoturbinate; 13. 4th endoturbinate; 14. Ventral nasal concha; 15. Parietal bone; 16. Osseous tentorium of the cerebellum; 17. Cerebral fossa; 18. Cerebellar fossa; 19. Hypophyseal fossa; 20. Ethmoidal fossa; 21. Temporal bone: petrous part; 22. Occipital bone: squama; 23. Occipital bone: basilar part; 24. Basisphenoid bone: body; 25. Presphenoid bone: body; 26. Sphenoidal sinus: septum; 27. Incisive bone: palatine process; 28. Maxilla: palatine process; 29. Palatine bone: horizontal and perpendicular plate; 30. Choana; 31. Frontal bone: zygomatic process; 32. Temporal bone: squamous part; 33. Temporal bone: zygomatic process; 34. Zygomatic bone: body; 35. Zygomatic bone: frontal process; 36. Zygomatic bone: temporal process; 37. Maxilla; 38. Incisive bone: body; 39: Incisive bone: nasal process.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Transverse anatomical sections of the cat’s head at the level of the nasal plane, vestibule and rostral part of the nasal cavity: respiratory part. (<b>A</b>): Rostral view, level section I. (<b>B</b>): Caudal view, level section II. 1. Tip of the nose; 2. Nasal orifice (nares); 3. Subnasal groove or philtrum; 4. Lateral accessory nasal cartilage; 5. Dorsal lateral nasal cartilage; 6. Ventral lateral nasal cartilage; 7. Alar groove; 8. Frontal bone; 9. Frontal sinus: septum; 10. Nasal septum: cartilage; 11. Vomer; 12. Maxilla: palatine process; 13. Canine tooth: root; 14. Maxilla: orbital surface; 15. Ectoturbinates; 16. Dorsal and middle nasal conchae; 17. 3rd endoturbinate; 18. Ventral nasal concha; 19. Conchal crest of the maxilla; 20. Nasal bone.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Transverse anatomical sections of the cat’s head at the level of the rostral part of the nasal cavity: respiratory part. (<b>A</b>) Rostral view, level section III. (<b>B</b>) Caudal view, level section IV. 1. Frontal bone; 2. Frontal sinus: septum; 3. Nasal septum: cartilage; 4. Vomer; 5. Maxilla: palatine process; 6. Canine tooth: root; 7. Maxilla: orbital surface; 8. Ectoturbinates; 9. Dorsal nasal concha; 10. Middle nasal concha; 11. 3rd endoturbinate; 12. Ventral nasal concha; 13. Conchal crest of the maxilla; 14. Vomeronasal organ; 15. Nasal cavernous plexuses; 16. Maxillary recess.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Transverse anatomical sections of the cat’s head at the level of the middle part of the nasal cavity; respiratory part. (<b>A</b>): Rostral view, level section V. (<b>B</b>): Caudal view, level section VI. 1. Frontal bone; 2. Frontal sinus: septum; 3. Nasal septum: cartilage; 4. Vomer; 5. Maxilla: palatine process; 6. 1st premolar tooth: root; 7. Frontal bone: orbital surface; 8. 1st ectoturbinate; 9. 2nd ectoturbinate; 10. 3rd ectoturbinate; 11. Dorsal nasal concha; 12. Middle nasal concha; 13. 3rd endoturbinate; 14. Ventral nasal concha; 15. Conchal crest of the maxilla; 16. Maxillary recess; 17. Vomeronasal organ; 18. Nasal cavernous plexuses; 19. Frontal sinus.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>Transverse anatomical sections of the cat’s head at the level of the caudal part of the nasal cavity; respiratory part. (<b>A</b>): Rostral view, level section VII. (<b>B</b>): Caudal view, level section VIII. 1. Frontal bone; 2. Frontal sinus: septum; 3. Nasal septum: cartilage; 4. Vomer; 5. Maxilla: palatine process; 6. 2nd premolar tooth: root; 7. Frontal bone: orbital surface; 8. 1st ectoturbinate; 9. 2nd ectoturbinate; 10. 3rd ectoturbinate; 11. Dorsal nasal concha; 12. Middle nasal concha; 13. Conchal crest of the 3rd endoturbinate; 14. 3rd endoturbinate; 15. Conchal crest of the maxilla; 16. Ventral nasal concha; 17. Maxillary recess; 18. Frontal sinus; 19. Vomeronasal organ; 20. Nasal cavernous plexuses.</p> "> Figure 8
<p>Transverse anatomical sections of the cat’s head at the level of the caudal part of the nasal cavity; olfactory part. (<b>A</b>): Rostral view, level section IX. (<b>B</b>): Caudal view, level section X. 1. Frontal bone; 2. Frontal sinus: septum; 3. Ethmoid bone: perpendicular plate; 4. Vomer; 5. Maxilla: palatine process; 6. 3rd premolar tooth: root; 7. Ethmoid bone: orbital plate; 8. Frontal sinus; 9. 1st ectoturbinate; 10. 2nd ectoturbinate; 11. Dorsal nasal concha; 12. Middle nasal concha; 13. 3rd endoturbinate; 14. 4th endoturbinate; 15. Maxillary recess; 16. Ethmoid bone: basal plate; 17. Choana; 18. Olfactory bulb.</p> "> Figure 9
<p>Transverse anatomical sections of the cat’s head at the level of the caudal part of the nasal cavity: olfactory part. (<b>A</b>) Rostral view, level section XI. (<b>B</b>) Caudal view, level section XII. 1. Frontal bone; 2. Frontal sinus: septum; 3. Ethmoid bone: tectorial plate; 4. Ethmoid bone: perpendicular plate; 5. Vomer; 6. Ethmoid bone: basal plate; 7. Palatine bone: perpendicular plate; 8. Palatine bone: horizontal plate; 9. Molar tooth: root; 10. Presphenoid wing: orbital surface; 11. Frontal bone: orbital surface; 12. Frontal sinus; 13. 3rd endoturbinate; 14. 4th endoturbinate; 15. Choana; 16. Olfactory bulb.</p> "> Figure 10
<p>Transverse anatomical sections of the cat’s head at the level of the paranasal sinuses and nasopharynx (pars nasalis pharyngis). (<b>A</b>): Rostral view, level section XIII. (<b>B</b>): Caudal view, level section XIV. 1. Frontal bone: external plate; 2. Frontal bone: internal plate; 3. Frontal sinus: septum; 4. Frontal bone: orbital surface; 5. Basisphenoid bone: wing (orbital surface); 6. Presphenoid bone: body; 7. Sphenoidal sinus: septum; 8. Basisphenoid bone: pterygoid process; 9. Vomer; 10. Soft palate; 11. Frontal sinus; 12. Sphenoidal sinus; 13. 4th endoturbinate; 14. Sphenoidal sinus: caudal wall; 15. Nasopharynx (pars nasalis pharyngis); 16. Cranial cavity.</p> "> Figure 11
<p>Transverse anatomical sections of the cat’s head at the level of the paranasal sinuses and nasopharynx (pars nasalis pharyngis). (<b>A</b>): Rostral view, level section XV. (<b>B</b>): Caudal view, level section XVI. 1. Frontal bone; 2. Frontal bone: orbital surface; 3. Cranial cavity; 4. Sphenoidal sinus: septum; 5. Sphenoidal sinus; 6. Presphenoid bone: body; 7. Presphenoid bone: wing; 8. Vomer; 9. Nasopharynx (pars nasalis pharyngis): mucosa; 10. Soft palate; 11. Oropharynx; 12. Tongue.</p> "> Figure 12
<p>Dorsal anatomical sections of the cat’s head at the level of the (<b>A</b>) frontal sinus, level I and (<b>B</b>,<b>C</b>) frontal sinus and ectoturbinates, levels II and III. Images are oriented so that the rostral part is at the top. All views are dorsal. 1. Frontal bone: external plate; 2. Frontal bone: internal plate; 3. Frontal sinus; 4. Frontal sinus: septum; 5. 1st ectoturbinate; 6. 3rd ectoturbinate; 7. Cranial cavity.</p> "> Figure 13
<p>Dorsal anatomical sections of the cat’s head at the level of the (<b>A</b>,<b>B</b>) ectoturbinates, levels IV and V, and (<b>C</b>) endoturbinates, level VI. Images are oriented so that the rostral part is at the top. All views are dorsal. 1. Nasal bone; 2. Maxilla; 3. Frontal sinus: septum; 4. 1st ectoturbinate; 5. 2nd ectoturbinate; 6. 3rd ectoturbinate; 7. Frontal bone: internal plate; 8. Ethmoid bone: tectorial plate; 9. Ethmoid bone: cribriform plate; 10. Frontal sinus; 11. Nasal septum: cartilage; 12. Dorsal nasal concha; 13. Ethmoidal fossa; 14. Cranial cavity.</p> "> Figure 14
<p>Dorsal anatomical sections at the level of cat’s head at the level of the (<b>A</b>,<b>B</b>) endoturbinates, levels VII and VIII, and (<b>C</b>) sphenoidal sinuses, level IX. Images are oriented so that the rostral part is at the top. All views are dorsal. 1. Nose; 2. Nasal septum: cartilage; 3. Ethmoid bone: cribriform plate; 4. Incisive bone: nasal process; 5. Maxilla; 6. Presphenoid bone; 7. Middle nasal concha; 8. 3rd endoturbinate; 9. 4th endoturbinate; 10. Ventral nasal concha; 11. Basal fold; 12. Alar fold; 13. Sphenoidal sinus: septum; 14. Sphenoidal sinus; 15. Dorsal nasal concha.</p> "> Figure 15
<p>Dorsal anatomical sections of the cat’s head at the level of the (<b>A</b>) endoturbinates and ventral nasal concha, level X and (<b>B</b>) nasopharynx (pars nasalis pharyngis), level XI. Images are oriented so that the rostral part is at the top. All views are dorsal. 1. Nasal orifice; 2. Canine tooth: root; 3. Vomer; 4. Nasal cavernous plexuses; 5. Presphenoid bone; 6. Choana; 7: Soft palate: dorsal surface; 8. Nasopharynx (pars nasalis pharyngis); 9. 3rd endoturbinate; 10. Ventral nasal concha; 11. 4th endoturbinate.</p> "> Figure 16
<p>Sagittal anatomical sections of the cat’s head at the level of the (<b>A</b>,<b>B</b>) paranasal sinuses, nasal cavity and nasopharynx (pars nasalis pharyngis), levels I and II, and (<b>C</b>) frontal sinuses and nasal cavity, level III. Images are oriented so that the rostral part is to the left and the dorsal is at the top. All views are left lateral. 1. Nose; 2. Nasal bone; 3. Frontal bone: external plate; 4. Frontal bone: internal plate; 5. Ethmoid bone: tectorial plate; 6. Ethmoid bone: cribriform plate; 7. Basal fold; 8. Alar fold; 9. Straight fold; 10. Ectoturbinates; 11. Dorsal nasal concha; 12. Middle nasal concha; 13. 3rd endoturbinate; 14. 4th endoturbinate; 15. Ventral nasal concha; 16. Sphenoidal sinus; 17. Frontal sinus: septum; 18. Frontal sinus; 19. Choana; 20. Nasopharynx (pars nasalis pharyngis); 21. Maxilla: palatine process; 22. Incisive bone.</p> "> Figure 17
<p>Sagittal anatomical sections of the cat’s head at the level of the (<b>A</b>–<b>C</b>) nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses and nasopharynx (pars nasalis pharyngis), levels IV, V and VI. Images are oriented so that the rostral part is to the left and the dorsal is at the top. All views are left lateral. 1. Nose; 2. Nasal bone; 3. Frontal bone: external plate; 4. Frontal bone: internal plate; 5. Ethmoid bone: tectorial plate; 6. Basal fold; 7. Alar fold; 8. Straight fold; 9. Ectoturbinates; 10. Dorsal nasal concha; 11. Middle nasal concha; 12. 3rd endoturbinate; 13. 4th endoturbinate; 14. Ventral nasal concha; 15. Frontal sinus: septum; 16. Frontal sinus; 17. Sphenoidal sinus; 18. Choana; 19. Maxilla: palatine process; 20. Incisive bone.</p> "> Figure 18
<p>Sagittal anatomical section of the cat’s head at the level of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses, level I. The venous plexuses have been injected with blue latex via an external jugular vein. The image is oriented so that the rostral part is to the left and the dorsal is at the top. Left lateral view. 1. Nasal vestibule; 2. Respiratory part; 3. Olfactory part; 4. Nasal cavernous plexuses.</p> "> Figure 19
<p>Approximate anatomical-level CT sections of the cat’s head. Lines depict the transverse (<b>A</b>), sagittal (<b>B</b>) and dorsal (<b>C</b>) planes. Each number represents the location for each CT transverse (I to V), sagittal (I) and dorsal (I) images.</p> "> Figure 20
<p>Amira representative transverse CT images at level of the rostral portion of the respiratory part, level I. Images are oriented so that the left side of the head is to the right and the dorsal is at the top. All views are rostral. (<b>A</b>): Leopard; (<b>B</b>): Lion; (<b>C</b>): Cheetah and (<b>D</b>): Cat. 1. Nasal bone; 2. Maxilla; 3. Maxilla: palatine process; 4. Canine tooth: root; 5. Vomer; 6. Dorsal nasal concha; 7. Ventral nasal concha.</p> "> Figure 21
<p>Amira representative transverse CT images at level of the middle portion of the respiratory part, level II. Images are oriented so that the left side of the head is to the right and the dorsal is at the top. All views are rostral. (<b>A</b>): Leopard; (<b>B</b>): Lion; (<b>C</b>): Cheetah and (<b>D</b>): Cat. 1. Nasal bone; 2. Frontal bone; 3. Maxilla; 4. Zygomatic bone; 5. Infraorbital canal; 6. Ethmoid bone: tectorial plate; 7. Maxilla: palatine process; 8. Nasal septum; 9. Vomer; 10. Dorsal nasal concha; 11. Middle nasal concha; 12. Ventral nasal concha; 13. 3rd endoturbinate; 14. Maxillary recess; 15. Frontal sinus; 16. Dorsal nasal meatus; 17. Common nasal meatus; 18. Ventral nasal meatus.</p> "> Figure 22
<p>Amira representative transverse CT images at level of the middle portion of the respiratory part, level III. Images are oriented so that the left side of the head is to the right and the dorsal is at the top. All views are rostral. (<b>A</b>): Leopard; (<b>B</b>): Lion; (<b>C</b>): Cheetah and (<b>D</b>): Cat. 1. Frontal bone; 2. Maxilla; 3. Zygomatic process: body; 4. Zygomatic bone: temporal process; 5. Infraorbital canal; 6. Ethmoid bone: tectorial plate; 7. Maxilla: palatine process; 8. Nasal septum; 9. Vomer; 10. Dorsal nasal concha; 11. Middle nasal concha; 12. 3rd endoturbinate; 13. Ventral nasal concha; 14. Maxillary recess; 15. Frontal sinus; 16. 1st ectoturbinate; 17. 2nd ectoturbinate; 18. 3rd ectoturbinate; 19. Dorsal nasal meatus; 20. Common nasal meatus; 21. Ventral nasal meatus.</p> "> Figure 23
<p>Amira representative transverse CT images at the level of the caudal portion of the respiratory part, level IV. Images are oriented so that the left side of the head is to the right and the dorsal is at the top. All views are rostral. (<b>A</b>): Leopard; (<b>B</b>): Lion; (<b>C</b>): Cheetah and (<b>D</b>): Cat. 1. Frontal bone: external plate; 2. Frontal bone: orbital surface; 3. Frontal sinus; 4. Frontal sinus: septum; 5. 1st ectoturbinate; 6. 2nd ectoturbinate; 7. 3rd ectoturbinate; 8. Dorsal nasal concha; 9. Middle nasal concha; 10; Ethmoid bone: perpendicular plate; 11. 3rd endoturbinate; 12. 4th endoturbinate; 13. Presphenoid bone: wing (orbital surface); 14. Presphenoid bone: body; 15. Vomer; 16. Choana; 17. Palatine bone: horizontal and perpendicular plates.</p> "> Figure 24
<p>Amira representative transverse CT images at the level of the olfactory part of the nasal cavity, level V. Images are oriented so that the left side of the head is to de right and the dorsal is at the top. All views are rostral. (<b>A</b>): Leopard; (<b>B</b>): Lion; (<b>C</b>): Cheetah and (<b>D</b>): Cat. 1. Frontal bone: external plate; 2. Frontal bone: orbital surface; 3. Frontal sinus; 4. Frontal sinus: septum; 5. 1st ectoturbinate; 6. 2nd ectoturbinate; 7. 3rd ectoturbinate; 8. Dorsal nasal concha; 9. Middle nasal concha; 10. Ethmoid bone: perpendicular plate; 11. Basisphenoid bone: wing (orbital surface); 12. 3rd endoturbinate; 13. 4th endoturbinate; 14. Presphenoid bone: wing; 15. Presphenoid bone: body; 16. Vomer; 17. Choana; 18. Palatine bone: horizontal and perpendicular plates.</p> "> Figure 25
<p>Amira representative sagittal multiplanar reconstruction (MPR) CT images at the the level of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses, level I. Images are oriented so that the rostral part is to the right and dorsal is at the top. All views are right lateral. (<b>A</b>): Leopard; (<b>B</b>): Lion; (<b>C</b>): Cheetah and (<b>D</b>): Cat. 1. Nasal bone; 2. Frontal bone: external plate; 3. Frontal bone: internal plate; 4. Ethmoid bone: tectorial plate; 5. Frontal sinus; 6. Ectoturbinates (1st, 2nd and 3rd); 7. Dorsal nasal concha; 8. Middle nasal concha; 9. 3rd endoturbinate; 10. 4th endoturbinate; 11. Ventral nasal concha; 12. Ethmoid bone: cribriform plate; 13. Sphenoidal sinus; 14. Presphenoid bone: body; 15. Basisphenoid bone: body; 16. Occipital bone: basilar part; 17. Choana; 18. Incisive bone: palatine process; 19. Maxilla: palatine process; 20. Palatine bone: horizontal plate; 21. Parietal bone; 22. Occipital bone: squama.</p> "> Figure 26
<p>Amira representative dorsal multiplanar reconstruction (MPR) CT images at level of the 3rd and 4th endoturbinates, level I. Images are oriented so that the rostral part is at the top. All views are dorsal. (<b>A</b>): Leopard; (<b>B</b>): Lion; (<b>C</b>): Cheetah and (<b>D</b>): Cat. 1. Incisive bone; 2. Maxilla; 3. Common nasal meatus; 4. Ventral nasal concha; 5. Nasal septum; 6. Zygomatic bone: body; 7. Zygomatic bone: temporal process; 8. 3rd endoturbinate; 9. 4th endoturbinate; 10. Frontal bone: orbital surface; 11. Mandible: ramus; 12. Presphenoid bone: wing; 13. Ethmoid bone: perpendicular plate; 14. Ethmoid bone: cribriform plate; 15. Frontal sinus.</p> "> Figure 27
<p>OsiriX MIP reconstructed CT images of the leopard’s head. (<b>A</b>) Sagittal image. Left lateral view. (<b>B</b>) Transverse image. Caudal view. (<b>C</b>) Dorsal image. Dorsal view. 1. Incisive bone; 2. Nasal bone; 3. Maxilla; 4. Frontal bone: external plate; 5. Frontal bone: internal plate; 6. Frontal bone: orbital surface; 7. Ethmoid bone: tectorial plate; 8. Ethmoid bone: cribriform plate; 9. Frontal sinus; 10. Frontal sinus: septum; 11. 1st ectoturbinate; 12. 2nd ectoturbinate; 13. 3rd ectoturbinate; 14. Dorsal nasal concha; 15. Middle nasal concha; 16. 3rd endoturbinate; 17. 4th endoturbinate; 18. Ventral nasal concha; 19. Ethmoid bone: perpendicular plate; 20. Nasal septum; cartilage; 21. Vomer; 22. Zygomatic bone: body; 23. Sphenoidal sinus; 24. Choana; 25. Palatine bone: horizontal and perpendicular plate; 26. Presphenoid bone.</p> "> Figure 28
<p>OsiriX MIP reconstructed CT images of the lion’s head. (<b>A</b>) Sagittal image. Left lateral view. (<b>B</b>) Transverse image. Caudal view. (<b>C</b>). Dorsal image. Dorsal view. 1. Incisive bone; 2. Nasal bone; 3. Maxilla; 4. Frontal bone: external plate; 5. Frontal bone: internal plate; 6. Frontal bone: orbital surface; 7. Ethmoid bone: tectorial plate; 8. Ethmoid bone: cribriform plate; 9. Frontal sinus; 10. Frontal sinus: septum; 11. 1st ectoturbinate; 12. 2nd ectoturbinate; 13. 3rd ectoturbinate; 14. Dorsal nasal concha; 15. Middle nasal concha; 16. 3rd endoturbinate; 17. 4th endoturbinate; 18. Ventral nasal concha; 19. Nasal septum: ethmoid bone (perpendicular plate); 20. Nasal septum; cartilage; 21. Vomer; 22. Zygomatic bone: frontal process; 23. Sphenoidal sinus; 24. Choana; 25. Palatine bone: horizontal and perpendicular plate; 26. Presphenoid bone.</p> "> Figure 29
<p>OsiriX MIP CT reconstruction images of the cheetah’s head. (<b>A</b>) Sagittal image. Left lateral view. (<b>B</b>) Transverse image. Caudal view. (<b>C</b>) Dorsal image. Dorsal view. 1. Incisive bone; 2. Nasal bone; 3. Maxilla; 4. Frontal bone: external plate; 5. Frontal bone: internal plate; 6. Frontal bone: orbital surface; 7. Ethmoid bone: tectorial plate; 8. Ethmoid bone: cribriform plate; 9. Frontal sinus; 10. Frontal sinus: septum; 11. 1st ectoturbinate. 12. 2nd ectoturbinate; 13. 3rd ectoturbinate; 14. Dorsal nasal concha; 15. Middle nasal concha; 16. 3rd endoturbinate; 17. 4th endoturbinate; 18. Ventral nasal concha; 19. Nasal septum: ethmoid bone (perpendicular plate); 20. Nasal septum; cartilage; 21. Vomer; 22. Zygomatic bone: frontal process; 23. Sphenoidal sinus; 24. Choana; 25. Palatine bone: horizontal and perpendicular plates; 26. Presphenoid bone.</p> "> Figure 30
<p>OsiriX MIP reconstruction images of the cat’s head. (<b>A</b>) Sagittal image. Left lateral view. (<b>B</b>) Transverse image. Caudal view. (<b>C</b>) Dorsal image. Dorsal view. 1. Incisive bone; 2. Nasal bone; 3. Maxilla; 4. Frontal bone: external plate; 5. Frontal bone: internal plate; 6. Frontal bone: orbital surface; 7. Ethmoid bone: tectorial plate; 8. Ethmoid bone: cribriform plate; 9. Frontal sinus; 10. Frontal sinus: septum; 11. 1st ectoturbinate. 12. 2nd ectoturbinate; 13. 3rd ectoturbinate; 14. Dorsal nasal concha; 15. Middle nasal concha; 16. 3rd endoturbinate; 17. 4th endoturbinate; 18. Ventral nasal concha; 19. Nasal septum: ethmoid bone (perpendicular plate); 20. Nasal septum: cartilage; 21. Vomer; 22. Zygomatic bone: body; 23. Sphenoidal sinus; 24. Choana; 25. Palatine bone: horizontal and perpendicular plate; 26. Presphenoid bone.</p> "> Figure 31
<p>OsiriX 3D reconstructed CT images of the leopard’s head showing the external nares and nasal plane. (<b>A</b>): VR surface reconstruction. Rostral view. (<b>B</b>): VR deep reconstruction. Rostral view. (<b>C</b>) VR deep reconstruction. Right rostrolateral view. a. Root of the nose; b. Dorsum of the nose; c. Tip of the nose; d. Nasal orifice; 1. Nasal bone; 2. Frontal bone; 3. Maxilla; 4. Incisive bone; 5. Nasal cavity; 6. Turbinates.</p> "> Figure 32
<p>OsiriX 3D reconstructed CT images of the lion’s head showing the external nares and nasal plane. (<b>A</b>): VR surface reconstruction. Rostral view. (<b>B</b>): VR deep reconstruction. Rostral view. (<b>C</b>) VR deep reconstruction. Right rostrolateral view. a. Root of the nose; b. Dorsum of the nose; c. Tip of the nose; d. Nasal orifice; 1. Nasal bone; 2. Frontal bone; 3. Maxilla; 4. Incisive bone; 5. Nasal cavity; 6. Turbinates.</p> "> Figure 33
<p>OsiriX 3D reconstructed CT images of the cheetah’s head showing the external nares and nasal plane. (<b>A</b>): VR surface reconstruction. Rostral view. (<b>B</b>): VR deep reconstruction. Rostral view. (<b>C</b>) VR deep reconstruction. Right rostrolateral view. a. Root of the nose; b. Dorsum of the nose; c. Tip of the nose; d. Nasal orifice; 1. Nasal bone; 2. Frontal bone; 3. Maxilla; 4. Incisive bone; 5. Nasal cavity; 6. Turbinates.</p> "> Figure 34
<p>OsiriX 3D reconstructed CT images of the cat’s head showing the external nares and nasal plane. (<b>A</b>): VR surface reconstruction. Rostral view. (<b>B</b>): VR deep reconstruction. Rostral view. (<b>C</b>) VR deep reconstruction. Right rostrolateral view. a. Root of the nose; b. Dorsum of the nose; c. Tip of the nose; d. Nasal orifice; 1. Nasal bone; 2. Frontal bone; 3. Maxilla; 4. Incisive bone; 5. Nasal cavity; 6. Turbinates.</p> "> Figure 35
<p>OsiriX 3D printing images of the leopard’s head at the level of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses. (<b>A</b>) Rostral view so that the dorsal is at the top. (<b>B</b>) Left lateral view so that the rostral part is to the left and the dorsal is at the top. 1. Nasal bone; 2. Frontal bone: external plate; 3. Frontal bone: zygomatic process; 4. Frontal bone: internal plate; 5. Ethmoid bone: cribriform plate; 6. Zygomatic bone: body; 7. Zygomatic bone: temporal process; 8. Zygomatic bone: frontal process; 7. Maxilla; 10. Maxilla: palatine process; 11. Palatine bone: perpendicular and horizontal plates; 12. Presphenoid bone: body; 13. Choana; 14. Frontal sinus; 15. Ethmoid bone: tectorial plate; 16. 1st ectoturbinate; 17. 2nd ectoturbinate; 18. 3rd ectoturbinate; 19. Dorsal nasal concha; 20. Middle nasal concha; 21. 3rd endoturbinate; 22. 4th endoturbinate; 23. Ventral nasal concha; 24. Sphenoidal sinus; 25. Maxillary recess; 26. Vomer; 27. Cerebral fossa; 28. Infraorbital canal.</p> "> Figure 36
<p>OsiriX 3D printing images of the lion’s head at the level of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses. (<b>A</b>) Rostral view so that the dorsal is at the top. (<b>B</b>) Left lateral view so that the rostral part is to the left and the dorsal is at the top. (<b>C</b>) Right lateral view so that the rostral part is to the right and the dorsal is at the top. 1. Nasal bone; 2. Frontal bone: external plate; 3. Frontal bone: zygomatic process; 4. Frontal bone: internal plate; 5. Frontal bone: orbital surface; 6. Temporal bone: squamous part; 7. Temporal bone: zygomatic process; 8. Mandible: ramus; 9. Mandible: angular process; 10. Parietal bone; 11. Occipital bone: nuchal crest; 12. Occipital bone: external occipital protuberance; 13. Occipital bone: squamous part; 14. Osseous tentorium of the cerebellum; 15: Occipital bone: basilar part; 16. Basisphenoid bone: body; 17. Frontal sinus; 18: Frontal sinus: septum; 19. 1st ectoturbinate; 20. 2nd ectoturbinate; 21. 3rd ectoturbinate; 22. Ethmoid bone: tectorial plate; 23. Nasal septum: cartilage; 24. Dorsal nasal concha; 25. Middle nasal concha; 26. 3rd endoturbinate; 27. 4th endoturbinate; 28. Cerebral fossa; 29. Cerebellar fossa.</p> "> Figure 37
<p>OsiriX 3D printing of the cheetah’s head at the level of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses. (<b>A</b>) Rostral view so that the dorsal is at the top. (<b>B</b>) Left lateral view so that the rostral part is to the left and the dorsal is at the top. (<b>C</b>) Right lateral view so that the rostral part is to the right and the dorsal is at the top. 1. Nasal bone; 2. Frontal bone: external plate; 3. Frontal bone: zygomatic process; 4. Frontal bone: internal plate; 5. Frontal bone: orbital surface; 6. Temporal bone: squamous part; 7. Temporal bone: zygomatic process; 8. Mandible: ramus; 9. Mandible: angular process; 10. Mandible: coronoid process; 11. Parietal bone; 12. Occipital bone: nuchal crest; 13. Occipital bone: external occipital protuberance; 14. Occipital bone: squama; 15. Osseous tentorium of the cerebellum; 16: Occipital bone: basilar part; 17. Basisphenoid bone: body; 18. Frontal sinus; 19: Frontal sinus: septum; 20. 1st ectoturbinate; 21. 2nd ectoturbinate; 22. 3rd ectoturbinate; 23. Ethmoid bone: tectorial plate; 24. Nasal septum: cartilage; 25. Dorsal nasal concha; 26. Middle nasal concha; 27. 3rd endoturbinate; 28. 4th endoturbinate; 29. Ventral nasal concha; 30. Sphenoidal sinus; 31. Maxillary recess; 32. Incisive bone: palatine process; 33. Maxilla: palatine process; 34. Palatine bone: horizontal and perpendicular plates; 35. Cerebral fossa; 36. Cerebellar fossa.</p> "> Figure 38
<p>OsiriX 3D printing of the cat’s head at the level of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses. (<b>A</b>) Rostral view so that the dorsal is at the top. (<b>B</b>) Left lateral view so that the rostral part is to the left and the dorsal is at the top. (<b>C</b>) Right lateral view so that the rostral part is to the right and the dorsal is at the top. 1. Nasal bone; 2. Frontal bone: external plate; 3. Frontal bone: zygomatic process; 4. Frontal bone: internal plate; 5. Frontal bone: orbital surface; 6. Temporal bone: squamous part; 7. Temporal bone: zygomatic process; 8. Mandible: ramus (sectioned); 9. Parietal bone; 10. Occipital bone: nuchal crest; 11. Occipital bone: external occipital protuberance; 12. Occipital bone: squama; 13. Osseous tentorium of the cerebellum; 14: Occipital bone: basilar part; 15. Basisphenoid bone: body; 16. Presphenoid bone: body; 17. Frontal sinus; 18: Frontal sinus: septum; 19. 1st ectoturbinate; 20. 2nd ectoturbinate; 21. 3rd ectoturbinate; 22. Ethmoid bone: tectorial plate; 23. Nasal septum: cartilage; 24. Dorsal nasal concha; 25. Middle nasal concha; 26. 3rd endoturbinate; 27. 4th endoturbinate; 28. Ventral nasal concha; 29. Sphenoidal sinus; 30. Maxilla: palatine process; 31. Palatine bone: horizontal and perpendicular plates; 32. Cerebral fossa; 33. Cerebellar fossa.</p> ">
:Simple Summary
1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Animals
2.2. Anatomical Techniques
2.2.1. Dissections
2.2.2. Trepanations
2.2.3. Macroscopic Sections
2.3. Image Diagnostic Techniques (CT)
2.3.1. Feline Skulls CT
2.3.2. Feline Head CT
2.4. 3D Printing Models
3. Results
3.1. Anatomical Dissection
3.2. Trepanations
3.3. Sectional Anatomy
3.4. Felid Skulls CT
3.5. 3D Prints
4. Discussion
4.1. Anatomical Considerations
4.1.1. External Nose
4.1.2. Nasal Vestibule
4.1.3. Nasal Cavity
4.2. Clinical Applications
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Díaz Martínez, E.; Arencibia Espinosa, A.; Soler Laguía, M.; Ayala Florenciano, M.D.; Kilroy, D.; García García, M.I.; Martínez Gomariz, F.; Sánchez Collado, C.; Gil Cano, F.; Jaber, J.R.; et al. The Bony Nasal Cavity and Paranasal Sinuses of Big Felids and Domestic Cat: A Study Using Anatomical Techniques, Computed Tomographic Images Reconstructed in Maximum-Intensity Projection, Volume Rendering and 3D Printing Models. Animals 2024, 14, 2609.
Díaz Martínez E, Arencibia Espinosa A, Soler Laguía M, Ayala Florenciano MD, Kilroy D, García García MI, Martínez Gomariz F, Sánchez Collado C, Gil Cano F, Jaber JR, et al. The Bony Nasal Cavity and Paranasal Sinuses of Big Felids and Domestic Cat: A Study Using Anatomical Techniques, Computed Tomographic Images Reconstructed in Maximum-Intensity Projection, Volume Rendering and 3D Printing Models. Animals. 2024; 14(17):2609.
Chicago/Turabian StyleDíaz Martínez, Elena, Alberto Arencibia Espinosa, Marta Soler Laguía, María Dolores Ayala Florenciano, David Kilroy, María I. García García, Francisco Martínez Gomariz, Cayetano Sánchez Collado, Francisco Gil Cano, José Raduán Jaber, and et al. 2024. "The Bony Nasal Cavity and Paranasal Sinuses of Big Felids and Domestic Cat: A Study Using Anatomical Techniques, Computed Tomographic Images Reconstructed in Maximum-Intensity Projection, Volume Rendering and 3D Printing Models" Animals 14, no. 17: 2609.
APA StyleDíaz Martínez, E., Arencibia Espinosa, A., Soler Laguía, M., Ayala Florenciano, M. D., Kilroy, D., García García, M. I., Martínez Gomariz, F., Sánchez Collado, C., Gil Cano, F., Jaber, J. R., & Ramírez Zarzosa, G. (2024). The Bony Nasal Cavity and Paranasal Sinuses of Big Felids and Domestic Cat: A Study Using Anatomical Techniques, Computed Tomographic Images Reconstructed in Maximum-Intensity Projection, Volume Rendering and 3D Printing Models. Animals, 14(17), 2609.