Military Training Aircraft Structural Health Monitoring Leveraging an Innovative Biologically Inspired Feedback Mechanism for Neural Networks
<p>Structure of the Hawk T1A aircraft used in the experimental study.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Visualization of healthy and damaged states from sensor 16 in time and frequency domains: (<b>a</b>) healthy state in the time domain; (<b>b</b>) damaged state in the time domain; (<b>c</b>) healthy state in the frequency domain; (<b>d</b>) damaged state in the frequency domain.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>CWT-based Morlet images for (<b>a</b>) HS and (<b>b</b>) (DS) of 1024 Hz image.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>t-SNE distributions of the studied data scatters: (<b>a</b>) 2-dimensional t-SNE; (<b>b</b>) 2nd-degree polynomial mapping of t-SNE.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Simplified diagram of feedforward and feedback processing in the primate object pathway. Reproduced from [<a href="#B22-machines-13-00179" class="html-bibr">22</a>] under open access license.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Architecture of CNN-RM method: (<b>a</b>) CNN architecture; (<b>b</b>) reversed mapping-based pseudo-inverse method.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>Loss function behavior of CNN and CNN-RM: (<b>a</b>) standard loss function with the original scale; (<b>b</b>) loss function on a logarithmic scale; (<b>c</b>) standard training accuracy with the original scale; (<b>d</b>) training accuracy on a logarithmic scale.</p> "> Figure 8
<p>ROC curves and AUC values for CNN and CNN-RM in (<b>a</b>) training and (<b>b</b>) testing.</p> "> Figure 9
<p>Normalized confusion matrices: (<b>a</b>) confusion matrix of CNN on the training set; (<b>b</b>) confusion matrix of CNN on the testing set; (<b>c</b>) confusion matrix of CNN-MR on the training set; (<b>d</b>) confusion matrix of CNN-MR on the testing set.</p> "> Figure 10
<p>Evolution of key hyperparameters (<b>a</b>–<b>d</b>) and convergence trend (<b>e</b>) for CNN and CNN-RM.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
- Signal transformation for simplicity: To avoid the complexity of handling highly semi-random time-series signals, the first step involves transforming the collected signals into 128 × 128-pixel images, with each frame representing half a second of data (sampled at 1024 Hz). This is achieved using the Morlet CWT, ensuring a robust representation of the signals in the time–frequency domain.
- Denoising with DnCNN: The transformed images are subjected to a DnCNN to enhance signal quality and remove noise, ensuring cleaner inputs for subsequent analysis.
- Optimized CNN and CNN-RM models: The denoised images are fed into two models: a CNN and a CNN-RM. Both models are optimized using Bayesian optimization to achieve the best performance.
- Objective functions and feedback mechanism: The CNN-RM employs an objective function that combines overall classification metrics with a reconstruction error term, leveraging a feedback mechanism to refine predictions. In contrast, the CNN uses only the overall mean of classification metrics for comparison, enabling an analysis of the impact of the feedback mechanism in such scenarios.
2. Materials
2.1. Dataset Description
2.2. Important Visualization and Primary Analysis
2.3. Dataset Processing
3. Methods
3.1. Overview of Feedback Mechanisms and Biological Evidence
3.2. Proposed Method
Algorithm 1. Pseudo-algorithm for objective function optimization. |
Inputs: ; % Y stands for labels Outputs: ; 1. Initialize hyperparameter optimization. 2. Train the CNN model and predict labels for test images. 3. Generate a confusion matrix to compute TP, FP, TN, and FN for evaluation metrics. 4. Extract activations from the final convolutional layer and compute the mapping weight matrix. 5. Reconstruct test images. 6. Compute reconstruction error. 7. Calculate the objective function. 8. Optimize hyperparameters to minimize obj. 9. Integrate classification and reconstruction metrics during training to enable interpretable predictions and real-time explainability. |
4. Results
4.1. Visual Evaluations
4.2. Numerical Evaluations
4.3. Global Discussion
- CNN-MR achieves a higher AUC (training: 0.9970, testing: 0.9814) compared to CNN (training: 0.9307, testing: 0.8941).
- CNN-MR demonstrates fewer misclassifications with better confusion matrix results.
- CNN-MR outperforms the CNN in all classification metrics (accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score).
- The optimal hyperparameters for CNN-MR include a higher learning rate, smaller batch size, and lower L2 regularization compared to CNN.
5. Conclusions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
AUC | Area Under Curve. |
ANNs | Artificial Neural Networks. |
CNN | Convolutional Neural Network. |
CNN-RM | Convolutional Neural Network with Reversed Mapping. |
CWT | Continuous Wavelet Transform. |
DnCNN | Denoising using a Convolutional Neural Network. |
DS | Damaged State. |
FBG | Fibre Bragg Grating. |
FFT | Fast Fourier Transform algorithm. |
GRUs | Gated Recurrent Units. |
HS | Healthy State. |
KDE | Kernel Density Estimation. |
LOC | Lateral Occipital Complex. |
LSTM | Long Short-Term Memory. |
MS | Multi-Site Damage. |
MIMO | Multiple-Input Multiple-Output. |
ORPM | Odd Random-Phase Multisine. |
PCA | Principal Component Analysis. |
PN | Pink Noise. |
PR | Panel Removal. |
ROC | Receiver Operating Characteristic. |
RNNs | Recurrent Neural Networks. |
RTD | Resistance Temperature Detector. |
SGDM | Stochastic Gradient Descent with Momentum. |
SHM | Structural health monitoring. |
SYSID | System Identification. |
TE | Temporal Cortex. |
TEO | Temporal–Occipital Area. |
WN | White Noise. |
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Dataset | Description | Refs. | Gaps in Research |
Commercial modular aero-propulsion system simulation dataset (2008) [6] | Physics-based simulation dataset exploring environmental variables and health degradation scenarios in aircraft engines (turbines, compressors). | [10] |
Commercial modular aero-propulsion system simulation dataset (2020) [7] | Improved version of [5] with enhanced data quality and additional degradation scenarios. | [11] | |
Bearing datasets [8,9] | Realistic datasets from experiments on real bearings and testbeds, focusing on inter-shafts and high-speed shafts. | [12,13] |
Sensor Type | Brand/Model | Number of Sensors (139) | Placement | Purpose |
Accelerometers | PCB Piezotronics (10 mV/g, 100 mV/g) | 82 | Nose, cockpit, tail, fuselage midpoint (top, bottom, port, starboard), landing gear (above suspension, axle) | Measure acceleration response of the structure. |
FBG Strain Gauges | N/A (Fiber Bragg Grating) | 40 | Along wings (10 per wing), stabilizers (5 on port, shared on rudder/starboard) | Measure strain on the structure. |
Force Transducers | PCB Piezotronics 208C02 | 5 | Attached to shakers on wings, stabilizers, and rudder | Measure excitation forces from shakers. |
TD | RS PRO PT100 | 1 | On the structure | Record ambient temperature. |
Microphone | GRAS 46AE | 2 | Under the fuselage | Record ambient noise (Fourier transform used for privacy). |
Triaxial Accelerometer | PCB Piezotronics (100 mV/g) | 9 | Ground | Record ground vibrations. |
Phase | Description | Excitation Signals | Bandwidth | Sampling Rate | Configuration | Purpose |
1 | Undamaged condition tests | White noise, Pink noise | 5–256 Hz | 2048 Hz | MIMO | Characterize the normal, undamaged condition and identify amplitude-dependent nonlinearities. |
2 | Single-site pseudo-damage tests | White noise | 5–256 Hz | 2048 Hz | MIMO | Study the response to single-site damage simulated by adding masses at specific locations. |
3 | Undamaged and single-site damage tests with ORPM excitation | Odd Random-Phase Multisine | 5–256 Hz | 2048 Hz | SIMO → MIMO | Identify nonlinearities in the structure using odd-frequency sine waves. |
4 | Multi-site pseudo-damage tests | White noise | 5–256 Hz | 2048 Hz | MIMO | Investigate the response to multi-site damage with up to three masses added simultaneously. |
5 | Actual damage-state tests (removal of port wing panels) | White noise | 5–256 Hz | 2048 Hz | MIMO | Study the response to actual damage by removing panels (PW1–PW5) one at a time. |
Metric | CNN Training | CNN Testing | CNN-MR Training | CNN-MR Testing |
A | 0.98047 | 0.9375 | 0.98438 | 0.95312 |
P | 0.96183 | 0.91667 | 0.98413 | 0.9697 |
R | 1 | 0.97059 | 0.98413 | 0.94118 |
F | 0.98054 | 0.94286 | 0.98413 | 0.95522 |
AUC | 0.93071 | 0.89412 | 0.99695 | 0.98137 |
Model | Initial Learn Rate | Max Epochs | Mini Batch Size | L2 Regularization |
CNN | 3.9892 × 10−5 | 66 | 43 | 0.99678 |
CNN-MR | 0.00035302 | 86 | 8 | 0.46165 |
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Share and Cite
Berghout, T. Military Training Aircraft Structural Health Monitoring Leveraging an Innovative Biologically Inspired Feedback Mechanism for Neural Networks. Machines 2025, 13, 179.
Berghout T. Military Training Aircraft Structural Health Monitoring Leveraging an Innovative Biologically Inspired Feedback Mechanism for Neural Networks. Machines. 2025; 13(3):179.
Chicago/Turabian StyleBerghout, Tarek. 2025. "Military Training Aircraft Structural Health Monitoring Leveraging an Innovative Biologically Inspired Feedback Mechanism for Neural Networks" Machines 13, no. 3: 179.
APA StyleBerghout, T. (2025). Military Training Aircraft Structural Health Monitoring Leveraging an Innovative Biologically Inspired Feedback Mechanism for Neural Networks. Machines, 13(3), 179.