A Symmetric Efficient Spatial and Channel Attention (ESCA) Module Based on Convolutional Neural Networks
<p>Symmetric structure of an ESCA module. This module has four attention sub-modules, and the input image will be attention-extracted in the order of Channel-Spatial (Height-Width)-Channel attention.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>A detailed diagram of the channel attention module. As illustrated in the figure, the channel attention module applies GAP to the input image, performs 1D convolution with a kernel <span class="html-italic">k</span> to obtain the weight map, and then multiplies it with the input features to produce the weighted feature.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Detailed structure of ResNet-50, ESCA-ResNet-50, and ESCA-ResNet-101.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Visualization of Grad-CAM. In the last layer of the YOLOv8-cls network with different attention, we employ Grad-CAM to visualize the input images, and it can be found that our ESCA module pays more attention to the key features of the target.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
- We propose an optimized, effective attention module that enhances the model’s generalization ability.
- We verify the negative effects of GMP and the correctness of our modular symmetrization design through extensive ablation studies.
- We validate that both classification and recognition tasks on multiple benchmarks (Mini ImageNet, CIFAR-10 and VOC 2007) are greatly improved using different network architectures (ResNet, MobileNet, YOLO) by embedding ESCA.
2. Related Work
3. Efficient Spatial and Channel Attention
3.1. Review SE, CBAM, CA, and ECA Modules
3.2. Efficient Spatial and Channel Attention (ESCA) Module
3.3. Discussion
4. Experiments
4.1. Experiments Preparation
4.2. Image Classification on Mini Imagenet
4.2.1. Effect of GAP and GMP on the ESCA Module
4.2.2. Impact of 1D Kernel Size on ESCA
4.2.3. Contrasts Using Different Networks
4.2.4. Image Classification on CIFAR-10
4.2.5. Object Detection on VOC 2007
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Image Classification | Object Detection | |
Dataset | Mini ImageNet | VOC 2007 |
Epochs | 24 | 300 |
Batch size | 256 | 256 |
Image size | 224 × 224 | 640 × 640 |
Optimizer | SGD | SGD |
Initial learning rate | 0.01 | 0.1 |
Final learning rate | 0.001 | 0.01 |
Momentum | 0.9 | 0.9 |
Weight decay | 1×10−4 | 4×10−5 |
Method | Module | #.Param. | Top-1 | Top-5 | # FLOPs |
Baseline | 26.26 M | 54.81% | 80.79% | 8.533 G | |
+GAP | 26.26 M | 61.14% | 84.04% | 8.545 G | |
+GMP | ResNet-50 | 26.26 M | 54.10% | 80.05% | 8.534 G |
+GAP, GMP | 26.26 M | 54.62% | 80.12% | 8.538 G | |
Baseline | 45.25 M | 46.12% | 75.72% | 0.4241 G | |
+GAP | 45.25 M | 48.57% | 77.56% | 0.4249 G | |
+GMP | YOLOv8-cls | 45.25 M | 44.73% | 74.56% | 0.4242 G |
+GAP, GMP | 45.25 M | 46.02% | 75.58% | 0.4245 G |
Kernel Size | Module | #.Param. | Top-1 | Top-5 | # FLOPs |
Baseline | 1.566 M | 46.12% | 75.72% | 0.4241 G | |
K = (3, 3) | 1.566 M | 47.59% | 76.57% | 0.4248 G | |
K = (3, 5) | 1.566 M | 47.60% | 76.86% | 0.4249 G | |
K = (3, 7) | 1.566 M | 47.08% | 76.16% | 0.4250 G | |
K = (5, 3) | 1.566 M | 46.80% | 76.08% | 0.4248 G | |
K = (5, 5) | YOLOv8-cls | 1.566 M | 48.57% | 77.56% | 0.4249 G |
K = (5, 7) | 1.566 M | 48.53% | 77.03% | 0.4250 G | |
K = (7, 3) | 1.566 M | 47.91% | 76.81% | 0.4248 G | |
K = (7, 5) | 1.566 M | 46.99% | 76.49% | 0.4249 G | |
K = (7, 7) | 1.566 M | 46.93% | 75.93% | 0.4250 G |
Method | Backbone Module | #.Param. | Top-1 | Top-5 | # FLOPs | + FLOPs | Time |
Baseline | ResNet-50 | 26.26 M | 54.81% | 80.79% | 8.533G | 0 | 12.55 ms |
+SE | 26.43 M | 58.57% | 82.81% | 8.553G | +0.23% | 13.26 ms | |
+CBAM | 27.63 M | 59.38% | 83.33% | 8.672G | +1.63% | 15.43 ms | |
+CA | 26.39 M | 57.07% | 81.83% | 8.585G | +0.61% | 14.57 ms | |
+ECA | 26.26 M | 59.74% | 83.69% | 8.537G | +0.05% | 12.76 ms | |
+EMA | 26.27 M | 54.58% | 80.14% | 8.917G | +4.50% | 15.08 ms | |
+ESCA | 26.26 M | 61.14% | 84.04% | 8.545G | +0.14% | 13.10 ms | |
Baseline | ResNet-101 | 45.25 M | 57.32% | 81.56% | 15.999G | 0 | 21.53 ms |
+SE | 45.42 M | 59.73% | 83.40% | 16.019G | +0.13% | 22.56 ms | |
+CBAM | 46.63 M | 59.93% | 83.42% | 16.137G | +0.86% | 23.16 ms | |
+CA | 45.39 M | 58.15% | 82.18% | 16.051G | +0.33% | 22.89 ms | |
+ECA | 45.25 M | 60.65% | 83.69% | 16.002G | +0.02% | 21.96 ms | |
+EMA | 45.27 M | 56.91% | 80.87% | 16.381G | +2.51% | 22.97 ms | |
+ESCA | 45.25 M | 61.48% | 84.03% | 16.01G | +0.07% | 22.37 ms | |
Baseline | 0.782 M | 39.24% | 68.75% | 122.811M | 0 | 10.33 ms | |
+SE | 0.782 M | 40.36% | 70.04% | 122.832M | +0.02% | 10.79 ms | |
+CBAM | 0.783 M | 40.49% | 70.05% | 122.953M | +0.12% | 11.08 ms | |
+ECA | MobileNetv3 | 0.782M | 40.48% | 70.08% | 122.836M | +0.02% | 10.74 ms |
+EMA | 0.782 M | 39.14% | 68.37% | 123.094M | +0.23% | 11.01 ms | |
+ESCA | 0.782 M | 41.33% | 70.28% | 122.909M | +0.08% | 10.76 ms | |
Baseline | Yolov8-cls | 1.566 M | 46.12% | 75.72% | 0.4241G | 0 | 6.38 ms |
+SE | 1.569 M | 46.99% | 76.20% | 0.4246G | +0.12% | 6.67 ms | |
+CBAM | 1.587 M | 46.64% | 76.38% | 0.4266G | +0.59% | 7.38 ms | |
+CA | 1.571 M | 47.45% | 76.37% | 0.4263G | +0.52% | 8.65 ms | |
+ECA | 1.566 M | 46.73% | 76.69% | 0.4243G | +0.05% | 7.01 ms | |
+EMA | 1.567 M | 45.81% | 75.16% | 0.4289G | +1.13% | 7.90 ms | |
+ESCA | 1.566 M | 48.57% | 77.56% | 0.4249G | +0.19% | 7.23 ms |
Method | Module | #.Param. | Top-1 | Top-5 | # FLOPs |
Baseline | ResNet-50 | 26.14 M | 85.49% | 99.32% | 8.522 G |
+SE | 26.32 M | 86.40% | 99.45% | 8.542 G | |
+CBAM | 27.52 M | 86.13% | 99.36% | 8.661 G | |
+ECA | 26.14 M | 86.39% | 99.44% | 8.526 G | |
+ESCA | 26.14 M | 86.43% | 99.47% | 8.534 G | |
Baseline | YOLOv8-cls | 1.451 M | 81.93% | 99.00% | 0.413 G |
+SE | 1.454 M | 82.21% | 98.99% | 0.413 G | |
+CBAM | 1.472 M | 82.27% | 99.22% | 0.415 G | |
+ECA | 1.451 M | 82.45% | 99.11% | 0.413 G | |
+ESCA | 1.451 M | 82.52% | 99.22% | 0.414 G |
Method | Module | #.Param. | # FLOPs | mAP(0.5) | mAP(0.5:0.95) |
Baseline | ResNet-50 | 49.29 M | 18.62 G | 57.30% | 34.82% |
+SE | 49.38 M | 18.64 G | 57.91% | 35.14% | |
+CBAM | 50.29 M | 18.69 G | 57.85% | 35.11% | |
+ECA | 49.29 M | 18.62 G | 58.87% | 35.41% | |
+ESCA | 49.29 M | 18.63 G | 59.24% | 36.03% | |
Baseline | YOLOv8n | 3.010 M | 0.993G | 48.60% | 29.32% |
+SE | 3.023 M | 1.007 G | 49.12% | 29.55% | |
+CBAM | 3.223 M | 1.092 G | 49.01% | 29.51% | |
+ECA | 3.015 M | 1.006 G | 49.56% | 29.91% | |
+ESCA | 3.157 M | 1.086 G | 50.27% | 30.04% |
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Liu, H.; Zhang, Y.; Chen, Y. A Symmetric Efficient Spatial and Channel Attention (ESCA) Module Based on Convolutional Neural Networks. Symmetry 2024, 16, 952. https://doi.org/10.3390/sym16080952
Liu H, Zhang Y, Chen Y. A Symmetric Efficient Spatial and Channel Attention (ESCA) Module Based on Convolutional Neural Networks. Symmetry. 2024; 16(8):952. https://doi.org/10.3390/sym16080952
Chicago/Turabian StyleLiu, Huaiyu, Yueyuan Zhang, and Yiyang Chen. 2024. "A Symmetric Efficient Spatial and Channel Attention (ESCA) Module Based on Convolutional Neural Networks" Symmetry 16, no. 8: 952. https://doi.org/10.3390/sym16080952
APA StyleLiu, H., Zhang, Y., & Chen, Y. (2024). A Symmetric Efficient Spatial and Channel Attention (ESCA) Module Based on Convolutional Neural Networks. Symmetry, 16(8), 952. https://doi.org/10.3390/sym16080952