Spatial Chaos as a Result of War Damage and Post-War Transformations. Example of the Small Town of W?gorzewo
<p>(<b>A</b>) Land use in Węgorzewo in 2020; (<b>B</b>) the location of Węgorzewo within present administrative and political borders; and (<b>C</b>) the location of Węgorzewo within historical and political borders (1939). Source: (<b>A</b>–<b>C</b>) own study; (<b>A</b>) using the Topographic Objects Database BDOT [<a href="#B68-land-10-00541" class="html-bibr">68</a>].</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Panoramic view of the central part of Węgorzewo: (<b>A</b>) before World War II; (<b>B</b>) today. Source: (<b>A</b>) Kreis und Stadt Angerburg [<a href="#B69-land-10-00541" class="html-bibr">69</a>] and (<b>B</b>) Google Maps [<a href="#B70-land-10-00541" class="html-bibr">70</a>].</p> "> Figure 3
<p>View of the town center, 1945. Source: Photo Archive—East Prussia [<a href="#B105-land-10-00541" class="html-bibr">105</a>].</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Graphs showing the morphological changes in Węgorzewo during the examined period. Source: own studies based on archival and present plans for Węgorzewo [<a href="#B71-land-10-00541" class="html-bibr">71</a>,<a href="#B73-land-10-00541" class="html-bibr">73</a>,<a href="#B77-land-10-00541" class="html-bibr">77</a>,<a href="#B79-land-10-00541" class="html-bibr">79</a>].</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Changes in the development cover of the central area of Węgorzewo during the period 1944–2019. Source: own studies based on archival and present plans for Węgorzewo [<a href="#B71-land-10-00541" class="html-bibr">71</a>,<a href="#B73-land-10-00541" class="html-bibr">73</a>,<a href="#B77-land-10-00541" class="html-bibr">77</a>,<a href="#B79-land-10-00541" class="html-bibr">79</a>].</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Comparison of archival and contemporary views of the former Altmarkt and Holzmarkt and the present Grunwald Square, 1910–1915. Source: [<a href="#B105-land-10-00541" class="html-bibr">105</a>,<a href="#B106-land-10-00541" class="html-bibr">106</a>].</p> "> Figure 7
<p>Examples of spatial chaos in Węgorzewo on an architectural and urban scale (status: September 2020). From left to right in the rows: (<b>A</b>). the lack of development on the northern side of Freedom Square (formerly Neuer Markt), (<b>B</b>). the castle and its fence from the side of Zamkowa Street, (<b>C</b>). ‘temporary’ commercial and food facilities at Zamkowa Street, (<b>D</b>). the building of the former Railway Station requiring revitalization, (<b>E</b>). the deteriorating infrastructure of the industrial district from the side of Jaracza Street, (<b>F</b>). chaotic service and municipal buildings from the Armii Krajowej Street side. Source: own photos.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
- An analysis of the scale and nature of war destruction in Węgorzewo;
- The characteristics of reconstruction, construction development, and the development of built-up areas in the periods of 1945 to 1989 and 1990 to 2020;
- An assessment of the impact of post-1945 morphological transformation processes on the emergence of spatial chaos, the modern urban tissue, and the functioning of the town to a limited extent.
- a description of the scale of destruction and post-war spatial development of the town;
- a morphological, urban, and physiognomic analysis of the central area of the town, made in order to determine the scale and distribution of spatial chaos;
- an analysis of the planning and strategic documents of Węgorzewo; and
- an analysis of expert interviews with town authorities and employees of budget entities and cultural institutions.
2. Theoretical and Historical Background
2.1. Spatial Chaos in the Context of Urban Development
2.2. War Destruction and Its Impact on Changes in the Spatial Structure of Cities
2.2.1. Destruction of Cities as a Result of World War II, with Particular Regard to Poland
2.2.2. Reconstruction and Spatial Transformation of Cities after World War II with a Particular Focus on Poland
3. Research Design and Methodology
3.1. Study Area
3.2. Materials and Methods
3.2.1. Materials
3.2.2. Methods
4. Results
4.1. Scale of Destruction and Post-War Reconstruction of the Town
4.2. Post-War Spatial Development of the Town—Analysis of Morphological Changes
4.3. Changes in the Physiognomy and Spatial Layout of Węgorzewo
4.4. Spatial Chaos in the Context of Municipal Planning and Strategic Documents and According to Town Authorities
5. Discussion
6. Conclusions
- the lack of an up-to-date historical and urban planning study and comprehensive conservation and urban planning recommendations;
- the lack of a uniform, comprehensive concept of reconstruction, regeneration, and restoration of the built-up area in the central part of the town;
- the lack of effectiveness in the implementation of the local regeneration programs;
- the lack of a regulated ownership state for many objects and sites in the central area, which makes it challenging to undertake large-scale investments;
- the sale of flagship, attractive, and ideally located plots and buildings in the town (the castle and the area across from Zamkowa Street) to private owners;
- the lack of regeneration of the castle and the lack of ideas for solving the situation;
- ideas for introducing new architecture without respect for the local construction tradition;
- socio-economic problems related to the attempt to restore the Węgorzewo–Kętrzyn railway connection;
- the lack of a specific plan and strategy for the legal protection of the urban layout of the town, which has been entered into the register of historical monuments (it is not known what to protect or how);
- failed attempts and the lack of a vision acceptable to residents regarding the regeneration of the central public space in Freedom Square; and
- the conservative mentality of some residents accustomed to the current state of architecture and urban planning.
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Data Types | Name and Source | Time Reference | Area | Scale or Resolution |
Raster | Plan miasta Węgorzewa (Town plan) [71] | 1940s | Central part of the town | 1:2500 |
Raster | Plan miasta Wegorzewa (Town plan) [72] | 1940s | Central part of the town | 1:2500 |
Raster | Plan miasta Węgorzewa (Town plan) [73] | 1957 | Central part of the town | none |
Raster | Urbs Angerburgica/das ist/Angerburg [69] | 1936 | Węgorzewo and neighboring area | none |
Raster | Szkic przeglądowy (Overview sketch) [74] | 1956–1959 | Węgorzewo | none |
Raster | Miasto Węgorzewo, Szkic do protokołu granicznego (Sketch for the border protocol) [75] | 1960 | Central part of the town (IV districts) | 1:1000 |
Raster | Mapa sytuacyjna m. Węgorzewo [76] | 1966 | Former downtown area | 1:1000 |
Raster | Mapa topograficzna: 214.134, 214.134 (Topographic map) [77] | 1989 | Norther and southern part of the town | 1:10,000 |
Raster | Mapa topograficzna Węgorzewo Płn., Węgorzewo Płd., Kalskie Nowiny, Kolonia Rybacka (Topographic map) [78] | 2017 | N, S-W, E, S-E parts of the town and neighboring area | 1:10,000 |
Raster | Orthophotomaps: N-34-68-A-d-2-3, N-34-68-A-d-2-4, N-34-68-B-c-1-3, N-34-68-A-d-4-2, N-34-68-B-c-3-1 [79] | 2019 | Węgorzewo | Pixel above 10 cm |
Vector | Baza Danych Obiektów Topograficznych (BDOT10k) (Topographic Objects Database) [68] | 2019 | Węgorzewo | 1:10,000 |
Year | Nodes | Edges | Cycles | GDI |
1944 | 211 | 439 | 34 | 2.233 |
1956 | 233 | 351 | 16 | 1.347 |
1989 | 300 | 649 | 66 | 2.560 |
2019 | 371 | 835 | 89 | 2.710 |
Variables | Year | |||
1944 | 1956 | 1989 | 2019 | |
Number of points | 598 | 261 | 473 | 474 |
Observed mean distance (m) | 16.0 | 22.6 | 20.75 | 19.98 |
Expected mean distance (m) | 18.9 | 28.8 | 22.18 | 22.52 |
Average nearest neighbor index | 0.84 | 0.79 | 0.94 | 0.89 |
Z-score | −7.20 | −6.60 | −2.69 | −4.71 |
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Musiaka, Ł.; Sudra, P.; Spórna, T. Spatial Chaos as a Result of War Damage and Post-War Transformations. Example of the Small Town of W?gorzewo. Land 2021, 10, 541.
Musiaka Ł, Sudra P, Spórna T. Spatial Chaos as a Result of War Damage and Post-War Transformations. Example of the Small Town of W?gorzewo. Land. 2021; 10(5):541.
Chicago/Turabian StyleMusiaka, Łukasz, Paweł Sudra, and Tomasz Spórna. 2021. "Spatial Chaos as a Result of War Damage and Post-War Transformations. Example of the Small Town of W?gorzewo" Land 10, no. 5: 541.
APA StyleMusiaka, Ł., Sudra, P., & Spórna, T. (2021). Spatial Chaos as a Result of War Damage and Post-War Transformations. Example of the Small Town of W?gorzewo. Land, 10(5), 541.