2 and H
2S are the two most important gas-phase sulfur species emitted by volcanoes, with a global amount from non-explosive emissions of the order 10 Tg-S/yr. These gases are readily oxidized forming SO
42? aerosols, which effectively scatter the
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2 and H
2S are the two most important gas-phase sulfur species emitted by volcanoes, with a global amount from non-explosive emissions of the order 10 Tg-S/yr. These gases are readily oxidized forming SO
42? aerosols, which effectively scatter the incoming solar radiation and cool the surface. They also perturb atmospheric chemistry by enhancing the NO
x to HNO
3 heterogeneous conversion via hydrolysis on the aerosol surface of N
5 and Br-Cl nitrates. This reduces formation of tropospheric O
3 and the OH to HO
2 ratio, thus limiting the oxidation of CH
4 and increasing its lifetime. In addition to this tropospheric chemistry perturbation, there is also an impact on the NO
x heterogeneous chemistry in the lower stratosphere, due to vertical transport of volcanic SO
2 up to the tropical tropopause layer. Furthermore, the stratospheric O
3 formation and loss, as well as the NO
x budget, may be slightly affected by the additional amount of upward diffused solar radiation and consequent increase of photolysis rates. Two multi-decadal time-slice runs of a climate-chemistry-aerosol model have been designed for studying these chemical-radiative effects. A tropopause mean global net radiative flux change (RF) of ?0.23 W·m
?2 is calculated (including direct and indirect aerosol effects) with a 14% increase of the global mean sulfate aerosol optical depth. A 5–15 ppt NO
x decrease is found in the mid-troposphere subtropics and mid-latitudes and also from pole to pole in the lower stratosphere. The tropospheric NO
x perturbation triggers a column O
3 decrease of 0.5–1.5 DU and a 1.1% increase of the CH
4 lifetime. The surface cooling induced by solar radiation scattering by the volcanic aerosols induces a tropospheric stabilization with reduced updraft velocities that produce ice supersaturation conditions in the upper troposphere. A global mean 0.9% decrease of the cirrus ice optical depth is calculated with an indirect RF of ?0.08 W·m
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