The Textural Motif of Foliated Calcite in Ostreoidea (Mollusca)
<p>The hierarchical organization of the foliated shell layer of <span class="html-italic">H. hyotis</span>. The latter is formed of lath-shaped crystals having arrowhead endings (yellow dots) (<b>A</b>) that join laterally and form a folium (white stars in (<b>B</b>)). Two to three folia overlap horizontally (white arrows in (<b>C</b>)) and vertically (colored dots in (<b>C</b>)) and form a foliated unit (<b>E</b>,<b>F</b>). Assemblies of foliated units (<b>F</b>,<b>G</b>) comprise the foliated shell layer. (<b>A</b>–<b>D</b>): BSE micrographs. (<b>E</b>) and grey-scaled image in (<b>G</b>): EBSD band contrast measurement image. (<b>F</b>) and colored image in (<b>G</b>): Pattern of calcite orientation, color-coded for crystal orientation, in an individual foliated unit (<b>F</b>) and in assemblies of foliated units (<b>G</b>).</p> "> Figure 2
<p>The microstructure, texture and mode of crystal misorientation of a foliated unit of <span class="html-italic">Hyotissa hyotis</span>. (<b>A</b>) EBSD map of the foliated unit, color-coded for crystal orientation; the entire EBSD scan is given in <a href="#crystals-15-00244-f003" class="html-fig">Figure 3</a>A and <a href="#crystals-15-00244-f005" class="html-fig">Figure 5</a>B,D. The striation of the foliated unit is well visible, indicating the stacked arrangement of the comprising folia and the steady change in color with the length, and perpendicular to the length of the striation. Sketched crystals and the white arrows show calcite crystal and calcite c-axis orientation, respectively. As the color of the foliated unit codes for crystal orientation, we observe for the foliated unit a steady change in calcite orientation: (i) along the length of the foliated unit (white dashed line in (<b>A</b>)) and (ii) perpendicular to the latter across many adjacent folia (white dashed line in (<b>A</b>)). (<b>B</b>): c- and a*-axes pole figures, giving the orientation data points and their density distributions for the foliated unit shown in (<b>A</b>). We see elongated clusters for the c- and the three a*-axes. This demonstrates the graded distribution in c- and a*-axes orientation for the calcite of the foliated unit shown in (<b>A</b>). (<b>C</b>,<b>D</b>): Crystal misorientation along trajectories parallel to the length of the foliated unit (a to b and c to d, in black in (<b>A</b>,<b>C</b>)) and perpendicular to the latter (e to f and g to h, in red in (<b>A</b>,<b>D</b>)). We give the cumulative misorientation in the misorientation angle–distance diagrams, hence, misorientation relative to the first point along the trajectory. For the trajectory that runs parallel to the length of the foliated unit (given in black), we find a very smooth increase in misorientation angle, relative to the first point, while for the trajectory that is oblique to the length of the foliated unit, which crosses many adjacent folia (given in red), we still observe the tendency of an increase in cumulative misorientation angle; however, the progression of the increase in misorientation angle is markedly irregular and very different from the progression of the misorientation angle along the trajectory that is parallel to the length of the foliated unit. At EBSD data evaluation, the Euler angles were rotated in the virtual chamber from ϕ1 = 0°, Φ = 0°, ϕ2 = 0° (the conventional Euler angle setting at measurement and data evaluation) to ϕ1 = 35°, Φ = −65°, ϕ2 = 70° (for a better visualization of the foliated texture, rotated Euler angle setting, only at data evaluation).</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Misorientation angle patterns between crystals along differently oriented trajectories for three foliated units of the <span class="html-italic">Hyotissa hyotis</span> shell. (<b>A</b>): EBSD band contrast measurement image (gray-scaled) of a shell portion of <span class="html-italic">H. hyotis</span>. In color, depicting crystal orientation, are four selected foliated units (numbered 1 to 3). (<b>B</b>–<b>D</b>): Misorientation angle–distance diagrams and misorientation gradients (the numbers in the misorientation diagrams) for trajectories a to b and c to d. For each foliated unit, we show the misorientation angle change for two trajectories: parallel and perpendicular to the length of the foliated unit. We give cumulative misorientation angle change, hence, misorientation angle, relative to first point. Depending on the orientation of the trajectory, we see significant differences in the smoothness of the progression and an increase in misorientation angle. Along trajectories that run parallel to the length of the foliated units (trajectories drawn in green), the increase in misorientation angle with distance away from the first point on the trajectory is very smooth, in contrast to trajectories that run orthogonal to the length of the foliated units (trajectories drawn in white). At EBSD data evaluation, the Euler angles were rotated in the virtual chamber from ϕ1 = 0°, Φ = 0°, ϕ2 = 0° (the conventional Euler angle setting at measurement and data evaluation) to ϕ1 = 35°, Φ = −65°, ϕ2 = 70° (for a better visualization of the foliated texture, rotated Euler angle setting, only at data evaluation). For color legend, please see <a href="#crystals-15-00244-f002" class="html-fig">Figure 2</a>.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>The degree of calcite c- and a*-axes co- and misorientation in a folium (<b>A</b>) and in two (<b>C</b>) and three (<b>D</b>) adjacent folia. (<b>A</b>–<b>D</b>) Crystal orientation color-coded EBSD maps and the corresponding pole figures given in either calcite c- and a*-axes orientation data or their density distribution. Furthermore, we show in A to D misorientation angle–distance diagrams along trajectories a to b, c to d and e to f relative to the first point on the trajectory. We give MUD values for the shown EBSD scan in the figure and relative frequency–Euler angle diagrams to demonstrate the EBSD scan given in the figure and the spread in the three Euler angles (Euler angle 1, Euler angle 2, Euler angle 3). We find that the calcite of individual folia is very co-oriented (<b>A</b>) and very similar to the calcite of a crystal grown from solution (<b>B</b>). As the degree of misorientation between adjacent folia is very low, misorientation angles scatter between 0.3° and 0.7° (<b>C</b>,<b>D</b>), and the calcite of a foliated unit is also strongly co-oriented. Misorientation angle along the length of a folium ranges up to two degrees (<b>A</b>,<b>C</b>,<b>D</b>); misorientation angle between very few adjacent folia ranges in total up to 1.5°. Hence, the calcite in individual folia and a foliated unit is very co-oriented.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>The microstructure, texture and crystal co-orientation strength (MUD value) of an EBSD scan that covers small and large foliated units that form the foliated shell of <span class="html-italic">Hyotissa hyotis</span> (<b>B</b>,<b>D</b>). The scan extends from the inner shell surface into the foliated shell layer. The colors in (<b>B</b>,<b>D</b>–<b>F</b>) code for calcite orientation. We find small and large foliated units. Crystal co-orientation strength is very low; we calculated an MUD of 6 for the entire measurement (<b>B</b>,<b>D</b>). For a better understanding of the c- and a*-axes texture pattern, at EBSD data evaluation, the three Euler angles were rotated in the virtual chamber from ϕ1 = 0°, Φ = 0°, ϕ2 = 0° (<b>A</b>), the conventional Euler angle setting at measurement and data evaluation, to ϕ1 = 35°, Φ = −65°, ϕ2 = 70° (<b>C</b>), a rotated Euler angle setting for data evaluation (<b>A</b>–<b>D</b>). The colors in the scans shown in (<b>B</b>,<b>D</b>,<b>F</b>,<b>G</b>) code for crystal orientation; note that the difference in color between (<b>B</b>,<b>D</b>) is not due to a change in color code but to a change in Euler angles at data evaluation. When the Euler angles are rotated, we observe, for both crystallographic axes of the calcite, a ring of c- and a*-axes orientation (<b>D</b>). (<b>E</b>,<b>F</b>): The microstructure and texture of an interlinkage of adjacent large foliated units and the c- and a*-axes orientation rings in the corresponding pole figures. (<b>E</b>): EBSD map showing a portion of a large foliated unit; the position of the EBSD scan is indicated with a green rectangle on the foliated unit no. 1 in (<b>F</b>). We observe light to dark blue and red to purple colors in the map and the corresponding pole figure, hence two sets of calcite orientations. The corresponding texture pattern shows that the c- and a*-axes orientation clusters are substructured and consist of at least two c- and two a*-axes orientation maxima. These correspond to the calcite orientations shown in dark to light blue and red to purple colors in the EBSD map in (<b>E</b>). Nonetheless, we find clusters for the c- and the three a*-axes orientations. The foliated unit no. 1 in (<b>F</b>) is flanked by other foliated units (no. 2 and no. 3. in (<b>F</b>)). These also have substructured c- and a*-axes clusters in the pole figure and consist of subunits with slightly different orientations. Hence, the shell portion framed with white dashed lines in (<b>D</b>,<b>F</b>) comprises at least three large interdigitating foliated units (a, b, c in (<b>D</b>,<b>F</b>)); each of these have slightly different orientation, and each of these foliated units consists of at least two interdigitating subunits, with these having also slightly different orientations. The assembly and interdigitation of adjacent foliated crystal units and the interdigitation of their subunits create a very specific texture pattern, forming orientation rings in the c- and a*-axes pole figures (see pole figures 1, 2, 3 in (<b>E</b>)).</p> "> Figure 6
<p>The c- and a*-axes orientation clusters comprising the c- and a*-axes orientation rings, visible in the corresponding pole figures. (<b>A</b>,<b>B</b>): EBSD measurement taken on the foliated shell portion of <span class="html-italic">Hyotissa hyotis</span>. For a better visualization of the texture pattern, the three Euler angles were rotated in the virtual chamber from ϕ1 = 0°, Φ = 0°, ϕ2 = 0° (the conventional Euler angle setting at measurement and data evaluation) to ϕ1 = 35°, Φ = −65°, ϕ2 = 70° (the rotated Euler angle setting at data evaluation). (<b>C</b>): We observe (i) a ring in c-axis and a*-axes orientation, (ii) consisting of c- and a*-axes orientational clusters (clusters 1 to 10), and (iii) the graded nature of axes orientation (blue star at density distribution pole figure for clusters 1 to 10) and blue arrows in a*-axis pole figure for crystal cluster 1. We also observe (see insert in map for crystal cluster 1) the hierarchical organization of a*-axes orientation. For each a*-axis, we find further clusters of a*-axis orientation; see black arrows in the insert in crystal cluster 1. Nonetheless, for the measurement shown in (<b>A</b>,<b>B</b>), we find a low crystal co-orientation strength, and we calculate an MUD value of 9.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>Pole figures of various calcite orientations in the foliated shell layer of <span class="html-italic">Hyotissa hyotis</span>. EBSD measurements and corresponding pole figures scanning over large (<b>A</b>,<b>C</b>) and small (<b>B</b>) foliated units of the <span class="html-italic">H. hyotis</span> shell. The three Euler angles were rotated in the virtual chamber from ϕ1 = 0°, Φ = 0°, ϕ2 = 0° to ϕ1 = 35°, Φ = −65°, ϕ2 = 70°. We show with the {100}, {001}, {104}, {105}, {106}, {107} and {108} pole figures.We find a ring (cone-shaped distribution) in in c-axes {001} and the a*-axes {100} around a pole near {105} and {106} plane normal orientations. Further, we find strong maxima in the rings of the c-axes orientations, as well as in the {105} and {106} pole figures. Thus, these are the principal orientation directions in the foliated shell. The measurement in (<b>B</b>) covers many misoriented foliated units, while the measurement in (<b>A</b>) covers part of a few adjacent large foliated units. Nonetheless, we find the same texture pattern for the large and small foliated units.</p> "> Figure 8
<p>The texture of very few crystals of a large foliated unit ((<b>B</b>): crystal assemblies 1 to 3 and crystal 4). (<b>A</b>): Band contrast measurement image of the entire measurement, with the position of EBSD map 1 shown in (<b>B</b>) indicated by a red rectangle and positions of the remaining EBSD maps indicted by the yellow rectangle. (<b>B</b>)—EBSD map 1: assembly of a few crystals; (<b>B</b>)—EBSD map 2: assembly of three to four crystals; (<b>B</b>)—EBSD map 3: assembly of two crystals; (<b>B</b>)—EBSD map 4: one crystal. We show the pole figures for {001}, {100}, {104}, {105}, {106} and {107}. The black arrows in the c-axes pole figures point to the internal structuring of the map 1, map 2, map 3 and map 4 c-axis clusters. The red circle indicates that for all subsets 1 to 4 we observe the {001} plane normal directions. The red arrows for subsets 1 to 4 indicate that we find in cases a strong peak in the pole figure for the {105} plane normal direction. For both, the map 1 and map 2 c-axes clusters we find two internal maxima, for the map 3 and the map 4 clusters only one c-axis maximum. Irrespective of whether we regard a few foliated crystals (EBSD map 1 in (<b>B</b>)) or just one crystal (EBSD map 4 in (<b>B</b>)), we find strong maxima in {001}, the c-axes, and in {105}. Thus, generation of distinctive {105}, {106} plane normal directions is intrinsic for the calcite that generates the foliated microstructure. The formation of {105} and {106} plane directions is the result of the foliated crystals, with the laths having arrowhead endings. See the yellow dots on the planes of a lath-shaped crystal in <a href="#crystals-15-00244-f001" class="html-fig">Figure 1</a>A. These planes are the planes with the {105} and {106} directions. For both, the map 1 and map 2 c-axes clusters we find two internal maxima, for the no. 3 and the no. 4 clusters only one c-axis maximum. The red circle indicates that for all subsets 1 to 4 we observe the {001} plane normal directions. The red arrows for subsets 1 to 4 indicate that we find in cases a strong peak in the pole figure for the {105} plane normal direction.</p> "> Figure 9
<p>(<b>A</b>) EBSD map and pole figures showing the ring of c-axes orientation. (<b>B</b>–<b>D</b>): Microstructure and texture of prominent calcite c-axes maxima and the corresponding {001}, {100}, {105} and {106} pole figures. See the different orientation of the three selected c-axes maxima from the ring of c-axes orientation (<b>A</b>). The black arrows in (<b>A</b>) point to the presence of c-axes clusters on the c-axes orientation ring. The black arrows in (<b>B</b>–<b>D</b>) point to the presence of the {105} and {106} plane normal orientations. For the corresponding a*-axes distributions we observe an almost even distribution on a great circle and forthe {105} and {106} plane orientations; irrespective of their change in orientation, some plane normal in the center of the pole figure.</p> "> Figure 10
<p>Structural and crystallographic characteristics of calcite–polymer composites with different microstructures, texture patterns and cumulative misorientations along trajectories a to b. Red and black arrows in the degree of misorientation-distance diagrams point to the difference in the course of the misorientation for a column of the brachiopod shell and a spherulitic crystal in the spherulite aggregate. The black, white, blue and yellow stars give in the misorientation angle-distance diagrams cumulative misorientation (misorientation relative to first point). The black, white, blue, yellow dots give in the misorientation angle-distance diagrams local misorientation (misorientation from point to point). The black, white, blue, yellow arrows in <a href="#crystals-15-00244-f010" class="html-fig">Figure 10</a>A–D visualize the trace of the trajectory on the EBSD map and below the corresponding misorientation angle-distance diagram. (<b>A</b>): The three-layered shell of the modern calcitic brachiopod <span class="html-italic">Liothyrella neozelanica</span> (Thomson, 1918), (<b>B</b>): ommatidial calcite of the terrestrial isopod <span class="html-italic">Tylos europaeus</span> (Arcangeli, 1938), (<b>C</b>): calcite–agarose hydrogel composite aggregate, (<b>D</b>): <span class="html-italic">Hyotissa hyotis</span>.</p> "> Figure 11
<p>The juxtaposition of the turbostratic and the spherulitic texture patterns of calcite–polymer composites. (<b>A</b>): Left: the texture pattern of <span class="html-italic">Hyotissa hyotis</span> foliated calcite; right: the texture pattern of a calcite–agarose composite aggregate. (<b>B</b>): At left, a foliated unit of <span class="html-italic">H. hyotis</span> with a stack of sketched platelets, the latter indicating a possible assembly of folia in the foliated unit. (<b>B</b>): At right, sketch of a mesocrystal. A <span class="html-italic">mesocrystal</span> is a mesoscopically structured crystal, consisting of submicrometer-sized crystallites. These are organized within an individual mesocrystal with a crystallographic register [<a href="#B39-crystals-15-00244" class="html-bibr">39</a>,<a href="#B40-crystals-15-00244" class="html-bibr">40</a>,<a href="#B41-crystals-15-00244" class="html-bibr">41</a>]. In the sketch for a mesocrystal (right in (<b>B</b>)), we see rotated ‘platelets’, with each ‘platelet’ consisting of crystallites, arranged in the ‘platelet’ with strong co-alignment and somecrystallographic register. The sketched crystal, indicating a mesocrystal, has a hierarchical, crystallographically, highly regulated arrangement of its crystalline components, as is the case in a <span class="html-italic">H. hyotissa</span> foliated calcite unit (e.g., left in (<b>B</b>)). (<b>C</b>): EBSD measurement visualizing the arrangement of foliated units in the <span class="html-italic">H. hyotis</span> shell, in particular, visualizing the low degree of co-alignment of the foliated units. Right in (<b>C</b>): Sketch of a turbostratic arrangement of platelet-comprising units. (<b>D</b>,<b>E</b>): Misorientation angle versus distance diagrams, along differently oriented trajectories a, b, visualizing the difference in smoothness of the course of cumulative misorientation for trajectories perpendicular to the long axis of the folia (<b>D</b>) and trajectories parallel to the long axis of the folia (<b>E</b>). The latter is a structural characteristic of a turbostratic texture.</p> "> Figure 12
<p>The alignment or/and misalignment of plane orientations of adjacent shell layers of <span class="html-italic">Hyotissa hyotis</span> shells. (<b>A</b>,<b>B</b>): The crossover from foliated calcite to myostracal aragonite. Black arrows point to the c-axes ring of the foliated calcite. Blue arrows point to the c-axis orientation of myostracal aragonite. Red arrows point to the {105} and {106} plane normal orientations.</p> "> Figure 13
<p>The alignment or/and misalignment of plane orientations of adjacent <span class="html-italic">Hyotissa hyotis</span> shell layers. (<b>A</b>,<b>B</b>): The crossover from foliated to columnar calcite. The black arrow in (<b>B</b>) points to formation of part of the c-axis orientation ring for the foliated shell portion. (<b>C</b>): The c- and a*-axes orientation of columnar calcite. The black arrow points to the c-axis cluster of the columnar shell portion. Note the difference in texture for the columnar (axial) and the foliated (turbostratic-like) shell. Accordingly, we find a c-axis cluster for the columnar shell and ring formation in c-axis orientation for the foliated shell. (<b>D</b>): Orientation of {105} to {107} plane normal for the calcite of the foliated shell. Red arrows point to the orientation of the {105} and {106} plane normals. (<b>E</b>): The c-axis orientation of columnar calcite and of the corresponding pole figures; the entire measurement is given in (<b>B</b>,<b>C</b>). Green arrow indicates the substructuring of the calcite c-axis cluster. Yellow arrows indicate the position of the two calcite subclusters in the pole figure.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Materials
2.2. Methods
2.3. Terminology
3. Results
4. Discussion
4.1. What Is the Texture Pattern of the H. hyotis Foliated Calcite Microstructure?
4.1.1. The Calcite c- and a*-Axes Orientations in the Pole Figures
- The H. hyotis conical and ring-shaped distribution of calcite c-axes orientation is not uniform but contains maxima (Figure 9A). For the measurement shown in Figure 6, we could distinguish 10 different c-axes maxima (Figure 10B,C). When these maxima are individually selected, an axial texture appears to be present for all these maxima (see pole figures in Figure 6C). Furthermore, Checa et al. [22] suggest a sheet or axial texture for the foliated shell microstructure of Magallana angulata (Lamarck, 1819). In Figure 10A and Figure S5, we give an example of an axial texture of a biological calcite. The axial texture pattern [44,46] needs to have for, e.g., calcite, a clustered mode of calcite c-axes orientation with the corresponding three a*-axes orientations scattering on a great circle, thus, not forming any a*-axes clusters. This texture pattern is very common for biocarbonate hard tissues [46], e.g., it is the texture pattern of modern rhynchonellid brachiopod shells. In Figure 10A, we give an example of an axial texture for the shell of the modern brachiopod Liothyrella neozelanica (Thomson, 1918). Compare, in particular, the orientation distribution of the a*-axes for the foliated shell of H. hyotis with the orientation distribution of a*-axes for the shell of L. neozelanica. In the pole density distributions for H. hyotis we observe, for all three a*-axes, an individual and a substructured cluster (Figure 6C). This is not the case for the axial texture of brachiopod shell calcite (Figure 10A, and [45]).
- In this study, we report the graded nature of calcite c- and a*-axes orientation for the foliated units. This characteristic is exceptional, as both crystallographic axes of the calcite have a graded orientation distribution. The gradedness for one of the crystallographic axes of biocalcite or bioaragonite has already been observed, e.g., in the case of terrestrial isopods (e.g., Huber et al. [49]). However, gradedness in all crystallographic axes of biocalcite or bioaragonite has, to the knowledge of the authors, been reported only twice so far, and the present study is the second study. The calcite of ommatidial lenses of the compound eyes of isopods has a graded c- and a*-axes orientation distribution [46]. The latter is well visible from the elongated appearance of the c- and the a*-axes orientation distributions in the pole figures (Figure 10B and Figure S6). Nonetheless, even though they are graded in c- and a*-axes orientation, ommatidial lens with calcite c- and a*-axes do not form ring-shaped orientation distributions but rather clear-cut individual maxima for the c- and the three a*-axes (see the pole figure in Figure 10B). The latter is also the case when the Euler angles are rotated in the virtual chamber (see pole figures in Figure S6). Thus, the texture of the ommatidial calcite lenses must be addressed as being single-crystal-like, with a graded orientational organization for all crystallographic axes of the calcite.
- As shown in this contribution, the formation of conical and ring-shaped crystallographic axes orientation distributions is a hallmark of H. hyotis foliated calcite. Conical and ring-shaped c-axes orientation distributions are also observed for the microstructure of Mg calcite–hydrogel spherulites (Figure 10C, Figures S7 and S8 and [47,48]). The conical and ring-shaped orientation distribution of spherulite c-axes is comparable to the c-axis texture pattern of H. hyotis foliated calcite; even more, we find, for both the spherulitic and the foliated c-axis ring, the development of orientation maxima within the stereographic projections of the c-axes rings (Figure 11A).Nevertheless, there are two main crystallographic differences between the foliated and the spherulitic texture:
- (i)
- For the spherulitic texture, we do not find formation of conical distributions for the a*-axes (see pole figures in Figure 10C, Figures S7 and S8).
- (ii)
- Runnegar et al. [11], Checa et al. [6] and Checa et al. [22] report that the c-axis of the foliated crystals is tilted relative to the inner shell surface normal by 20° to 30° for the Ostreoidea species that were investigated in their studies. This is also what we deduce from the c-axis pole figures for the foliated layer of H. hyotis (Figure 10D and Figure 11A). However, in contrast to the c-axis distribution pattern of the foliated texture, calcite c-axis poles of the spherulites, cover a significantly larger portion of the pole figure. In essence, even though we see some correspondences between the structural–crystallographic characteristics of the textures discussed above and the texture pattern of H. hyotis foliated calcite, none of these textures entirely reflect the texture pattern of the H. hyotis foliated calcite microstructure.
- Thus, what is the structural model that addresses the foliated microstructure and texture in H. hyotis?It has often been described that the foliated microstructure of Ostreoidea shells consists of arrays of folia [4,6,11,12,30,54]. However, what is the correct term for the microstructure and corresponding texture of the Ca-carbonate shell section shown in Figure 11C? The H. hyotis foliated microstructure is, with our current insights, describable to some extent with a turbostratic-like arrangement of foliated units (Figure 11C). The formation of a turbostratic microstructure occurs, for example, by the settling of clay particles and groups of parallel arrays of clay platelets in clay–water suspension systems [42,43]. However, although the clay platelets are assembled in a cluster of platelets, more or less, in parallel, adjacent individual clay platelets in the cluster are rotated randomly, not structured, relative to each other. The clay clusters settle in a clay-water suspension system in a turbulent way, and, when settled, the clusters become variously misoriented relative to each other. This microstructure is a model that can be used to describe the microstructure of the H. hyotis foliated shell layer. The latter is formed of horizontally and vertically structured folia (Figure 1A–D), and the foliated shell layer comprises an assembly of variously sized and oriented foliated units (Figure 1D and Figure 11B); the foliated shell has a very low MUD value (see the MUD values of 6 or 9 for the EBSD maps in Figure 5B and Figure 9A), indicating a very low strength of foliated unit co-orientation in the shell. Accordingly, we can address the texture pattern of the H. hyotis microstructure as being turbostratic-like (see also [4]. For a further discussion of the foliated texture, see [30]).
4.1.2. The Cumulative and Local Misorientations
- The difference in the course of the cumulative misorientation angle along the trajectories between the calcite microstructure that has an axial texture (Figure 10A) and the three other calcite microstructures and textures that display a different texture pattern (Figure 10B–D). In contrast to the calcite of the brachiopod shell, the ommatidial, composite aggregate and foliated calcite have some type of graded arrangement. Gradedness in crystal orientation is well visible from the course of the misorientation angle of the cumulative misorientation angle–distance diagrams, irrespective of the orientation of the trajectories (see the colored stars in Figure 10A–D).
- However, even though the calcite crystals of the microstructures that are shown in Figure 10B–D have some graded arrangements, we find significant differences in the roughness of the course of the cumulative misorientation along the trajectory. This is the result of the different microstructure patterns and morphologies of crystal units, as is the case for ommatidial, spherulitic and foliated calcite.
- Increase in cumulative misorientation along a trajectory placed in an individual subunit of the spherulite (white arrow, indicating the trajectory and white star in the cumulative misorientation diagram) is exceptionally smooth (black arrow in Figure 10C). This indicates that the calcite crystal arrangement within a spherulitic unit is highly structured.
- When the trajectory crosses adjacent spherulite sectors (yellow arrow for the trajectory, yellow stars in Figure 10C), the different spherulitic units are strongly misoriented to each other. We see from the course of cumulative misorientation that individual spherulitic units are also spherulites. For individual spherulitic units, we also observe a smooth increase in the course of the cumulative misorientation with distance (red arrows in Figure 10C).
- (i)
- When the trajectory runs parallel to the length of the foliated unit, the course of the cumulative misorientation is very smooth (black arrow in cumulative misorientation diagram in Figure 10D);
- (ii)
- When the trajectory runs orthogonal to the length of the foliated unit, the course of the cumulative misorientation is uneven and jagged (red arrows in the cumulative misorientation diagram in Figure 10D).
4.1.3. The Coherence Between the Foliated and the Adjacent Shell Layers
- The textures of myostracal aragonite and columnar prismatic calcite are axial. The c-axes orientation of pallial and adductor myostracal prisms is perpendicular to the inner shell surface (this study and Hoerl et al. [55]), as is also the case for the c-axis orientation of columnar calcite (this study and Sancho Vaquer et al. [4]).
5. Conclusions
- The calcite of a folium, consisting of two to four sheets of vertically overlapping lath-shaped crystals, is very co-oriented; it is almost single-crystalline. Accordingly, the texture pattern of a folium is single-crystal-like (Figure 4A).
- Adjacent folia are misoriented relative to each other by less than 1°; accordingly, the calcite of few (<10) adjacent folia is also very co-oriented and the texture of a stack of folia is also single-crystal-like (Figure 4D).
- Individual foliated units, comprising a multitude of folia, show a graded pattern of calcite c- and a*-axes orientation distribution. This results from the strongly structured and staggered vertical and lateral arrangement of the folia in a foliated unit. The texture of an entity of a few foliated units shows some comparable features to an axial texture (Figure 6C); however, the individual c- and a*-axes clusters are substructured by subunits and misoriented to each other by 10° to 20° (pole figure 1 in Figure 5E, insert in EBSD map of c-axis cluster 1 in Figure 6C).
- The gradedness of c- and a*-axes orientation in a foliated unit affects assemblies of foliated units, where calcite c- and a*-axes orientations form, in 3D, conical, and in 2D pole figures, ring-shaped, distributions (Figure 9A). This is a crystallographic characteristic that is, so far, observed only in the foliated calcite of Ostreoidea shells (this study and [4]). Accordingly, the texture pattern of assemblies of foliated units is neither single-crystalline nor axial.
- We find very high crystal co-orientation strengths (MUD > 600) for the laths in folia and the folia in a foliated unit. However, there are very low crystal co-orientation strengths (MUD < 10) for the conglomerates of foliated units forming the foliated shell. The latter is a very characteristic feature of the foliated shell layer of Ostreoidea shells.
- The course of misorientation between folia along trajectories is (i) very smooth when the trajectory runs along the length of a foliated unit; however, (ii) it is rough when the trajectory runs normal to the long axis of a folium. This is specific to Ostreoidea shell foliated units. Hence, along the length of a foliated unit, the arrangement of foils is highly structured, while perpendicular to the length of a foliated unit; thus, the arrangement from folium to folium is less regular.
- The crystals that form the foliated shell of H. hyotis are lath-shaped units with arrowhead endings. Arrowhead development is present only on one of the two ends of a lath. The arrowhead tip points towards the growth direction of the shell and is generated by plains that are, more or less, parallel to the inner shell surface.In the pole figures we find that the {105} or/and {106} plane normals form a strong cluster in the relevant pole figures; their orientation direction is parallel to the orientation direction of myostracal aragonite and of columnar calcite c-axes, the shell layers that are adjacent to the foliated layer of the shell.
- We discuss potential texture patterns for the foliated shell layer of H. hyotis, such as axial, spherulitic and single-crystal-like patterns, with graded calcite c- and a*-axes orientations, as well as turbostratic-like texture patterns.
- Taking all the crystallographic and structural characteristics that we obtained from our EBSD measurements and, in particular, from EBSD data evaluation, we conclude that, at present, a turbostratic-like texture model fits, at least to some degree, the texture pattern of the assemblies of H. hyotis foliated units.
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Griesshaber, E.; Sancho Vaquer, A.; Checa, A.G.; Salas, C.; Harper, E.M.; Schmahl, W.W. The Textural Motif of Foliated Calcite in Ostreoidea (Mollusca). Crystals 2025, 15, 244.
Griesshaber E, Sancho Vaquer A, Checa AG, Salas C, Harper EM, Schmahl WW. The Textural Motif of Foliated Calcite in Ostreoidea (Mollusca). Crystals. 2025; 15(3):244.
Chicago/Turabian StyleGriesshaber, Erika, Anna Sancho Vaquer, Antonio G. Checa, Carmen Salas, Elizabeth M. Harper, and Wolfgang W. Schmahl. 2025. "The Textural Motif of Foliated Calcite in Ostreoidea (Mollusca)" Crystals 15, no. 3: 244.
APA StyleGriesshaber, E., Sancho Vaquer, A., Checa, A. G., Salas, C., Harper, E. M., & Schmahl, W. W. (2025). The Textural Motif of Foliated Calcite in Ostreoidea (Mollusca). Crystals, 15(3), 244.