Sensor Capability and Atmospheric Correction in Ocean Colour Remote Sensing
"> Figure 1
<p>Satellite image of an algal bloom off the southwest coast of England. This Landsat 7 false colour image was taken on 24 July 1999 and shows the spread of phytoplankton <span class="html-italic">E. huxleyi</span>, a species of coccolithophore. Image provided by the NERC EO Data Acquisition and Analysis Service Plymouth, with permission from S. Groom [<a href="#B37-remotesensing-08-00001" class="html-bibr">37</a>]. Approximate scale, north arrow and coordinates.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>At-sensor radiances for a variety of altitudes. Increasing the altitude leads to an increase in the deterioration of the signal due to the atmospheric effects, which demonstrates the importance of accounting for the vertical distribution of aerosols (especially absorbing aerosols). The data were created with a radiative transfer simulation where the contributions of the surface effects and water-leaving radiance remained constant for all of the sensor altitudes [<a href="#B151-remotesensing-08-00001" class="html-bibr">151</a>]. Figure courtesy of C. Mobley, Ocean Optics Web Book [<a href="#B151-remotesensing-08-00001" class="html-bibr">151</a>].</p> "> Figure 3
<p>At-sensor radiance for a sensor at 3000 m, divided into the contributions from the atmospheric effects, surface effects and water-leaving radiance. Retrieving the water-leaving radiance is often the principle goal of ocean colour remote sensing, and as it is only a relatively small percentage of the total contribution, it is important to accurately estimate the other factors that deteriorate the signal. The data were created with a radiative transfer simulation [<a href="#B151-remotesensing-08-00001" class="html-bibr">151</a>]. Figure courtesy of C. Mobley, Ocean Optics Web Book [<a href="#B151-remotesensing-08-00001" class="html-bibr">151</a>].</p> "> Figure 4
<p>The detection of subtle absorption bands made possible with a hyperspectral resolution. (<b>A</b>) The median spectral reflectance of the turbid waters of the Azov Sea, Russia, is shown over the multispectral bands of MERIS; (<b>B</b>) The first derivative of the reflectance signal. The absorption bands of (<b>a</b>) phycoerythrin; (<b>b</b>) phycocyanin and (<b>c</b>) chlorophyll-<span class="html-italic">a</span>. Figure courtesy of A. A. Gitelson [<a href="#B23-remotesensing-08-00001" class="html-bibr">23</a>]. © IOP Publishing. Reproduced with permission. All rights reserved.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Image of the Columbia River meeting the Pacific (northwest USA) from HICO on 12 May 2012 at 1:05 GMT. (<b>A</b>) RGB image; (<b>B</b>) The plume structure is highlighted with the enhanced image; (<b>C</b>) Channels sensitive to plume sediments are selected using derivative analysis. Figure courtesy of N. B. Tufillaro [<a href="#B259-remotesensing-08-00001" class="html-bibr">259</a>]. Approximate scale, north arrow and coordinates.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Ground-Based Sensors
2.1. Land-Based Sensors
2.2. Sea-Based Sensors
3. Remote Sensors
3.1. Sensor Resolutions
Ref. | Sensor | No. of Bands | Spectral Range (nm) | Spatial Res. (m) | Coverage (km) | Orbit | Revisit (Days) | Location | Origin | Launch |
[14] | CZCS | 5 and 1 | 433–800 and 10,000–12,500 | 825 | 1556 | Sun-sync | 6 | Nimbus 7 | USA | 1978 |
[74] | AVIRIS | 224 | 410–2500 | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | Airborne | USA | 1987 |
[75] | OCTS | 8 and 4 | 402–885 and 3550–12,700 | 700 | 1400 | Sun-sync | 41 | ADEOS | Japan | 1996 |
[76] | SeaWiFS | 8 | 402–885 | 1100 | 2801 | Sun-sync | 1 | OrbView-2 | USA | 1997 |
[77] | ETM+ | 8 | 450–2350 | 30/60 | 185 | Sun-sync | 16 | Landsat 7 | USA | 1999 |
[78] | Hyperion | 220 | 400–2500 | 30 | 7.5 × 100 | Sun-sync | 16 | EO-1 | USA | 2000 |
[79] | CHRIS | 19/63 | 415–1050 | 18/36 | 14 | Sun-sync | 7 | Proba-1 | EU | 2001 |
[80] | MERIS | 15 | 390–1040 | 300/1200 | 1150 | Polar | 3 | Envisat-1 | EU | 2002 |
[81] | MODIS Aqua | 19 and 16 | 405–2155 and 3660–14,385 | 250/500/1000 | 2330 | Sun-sync | 1–2 | EOS-PM | USA | 2002 |
[82] | POLDER 3 | 15 | 443–1020 | 6000 | 2400 | Sun-sync | — | PARASOL | France | 2004 |
[83] | AVIRIS-NG | 426 | 380–2510 | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | Airborne | USA | 2009 |
[18] | HICO | 128 | 380–960 | 90 | ∼42 × 192 | ISS orbit | ∼10 | International Space Station | USA | 2009 |
[84] | GOCI | 8 | 412–865 | 500 | 2500 | Geostationary | 1/24 | COMS | S. Korea | 2010 |
[85] | VIIRS | 15 and 7 | 402–2280 and 3550–12,490 | 375/750 | 3000 | Sun-sync | 1 | S-NPP and JPSS | USA | 2011 |
[86] | PRISM | 202 | 350–1050 and 1240, 1610 | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | Airborne | USA | 2012 |
[77] | OLI/TIRS | 9 and 2 | 435–2294 and 10,600–12,510 | 30/60 | 185 | Sun-sync | 16 | Landsat 8 | USA | 2013 |
[87] | SGLI | 19 | 380–865 | 250 | 1150 | Sun-sync | 1–3 | GCOM-C1 | Japan | 2017 |
[88] | OLCI | 21 | 400–1020 | 300/1200 | 1270 | Sun-sync | ∼2 | Sentinel-3 | Europe | 2015 |
[19] | HISUI (MSS) | 4 | 485–835 | 5 | 90 | Sun-sync | 60 | ALOS-3 | Japan | 2015 |
[19] | HISUI (HSS) | 185 | 400–2500 | 30 | 30 | Sun-sync | 60 | ALOS-3 | Japan | 2015 |
[20] | PRISMA | 237 | 400–2505 | 30 | 30 | Sun-sync | 3.5 | PRISMA | Italy | 2015 |
[89] | EnMAP | 244 | 420–2450 | 30 | 30 | Sun-sync | 4 | EnMAP | Germany | 2017 |
[91] | OCI | — | — | — | — | Polar | — | PACE | USA | 2018 |
[92] | GOCI-II | 13 | 360–900 | 250 | 2500 | Geostationary | 1/48 | GeoKompsat2B | S. Korea | 2018 |
[90] | OES | — | — | — | — | Polar | — | ACE | USA | >2020 |
[93] | — | — | — | — | — | Geostationary | — | GEO-CAPE | USA | >2022 |
[21] | HyspIRI | 212 | 380–2500 and 4000, 7500–12,000 | 30 | 185 | Sun-sync | 16 | HyspIRI | USA | >2022 |
3.2. Other Sensors
4. Sensors: Outlook
4.1. Sensor Resolutions
4.2. Other Sensors
5. Contributions to the Top-of-Atmosphere Signal
5.1. Atmospheric Contributions
5.2. Water Surface Effects
5.3. Clouds and Adjacency Effects
6. Multispectral Approaches for Atmospheric Correction
6.1. Black Pixel Approaches
Ref. | Bands | Conditions | Comments |
[205] | NIR | — | Optical model estimates normalised water-leaving radiance in the NIR bands |
[110,206] | NIR | — | Assumes a spatial homogeneity exists in the ratios of two NIR bands |
[150] | NIR | — | Based on a regional (Western Pacific) empirical relationship between the water-leaving radiance in the NIR and the diffuse attenuation coefficient at 490 nm |
[207] | NIR | — | Improves performance by building upon the advantages of three methods [150,205,206] (e.g., aerosol reflectance ratios between two NIR bands are locally derived) |
[39,208] | SWIR | TW | Resolves the black pixel assumption issue for atmospheric correction over turbid coastal and inland waters; limited by low SNR in SWIR bands of current sensors |
[216] | SWIR | TW | Spatially averaged (5 × 5 grid) SWIR data improves MODIS SWIR SNR performance |
[217] | SWIR | TW | Cross-calibration process uses a 5 × 5 grid of pixels from less turbid waters to calculate aerosol reflectance and type |
[219] | SWIR | AA | Estimate of water-leaving radiance in the 412-nm channel of SeaWiFS constrains the aerosol retrieval model |
[220] | NIR/SWIR | TW/AA | Uses pre-atmospheric correction step to find pixels corresponding to turbid waters or absorbing aerosols |
6.2. Spectral Inversion Approaches
6.3. Absorbing Aerosols
6.4. Multi-Purpose Approaches
7. Hyperspectral Approaches for Atmospheric Correction
7.1. Spectral Inversion Approaches
7.2. Derivative Spectroscopy
8. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Emberton, S.; Chittka, L.; Cavallaro, A.; Wang, M. Sensor Capability and Atmospheric Correction in Ocean Colour Remote Sensing. Remote Sens. 2016, 8, 1.
Emberton S, Chittka L, Cavallaro A, Wang M. Sensor Capability and Atmospheric Correction in Ocean Colour Remote Sensing. Remote Sensing. 2016; 8(1):1.
Chicago/Turabian StyleEmberton, Simon, Lars Chittka, Andrea Cavallaro, and Menghua Wang. 2016. "Sensor Capability and Atmospheric Correction in Ocean Colour Remote Sensing" Remote Sensing 8, no. 1: 1.
APA StyleEmberton, S., Chittka, L., Cavallaro, A., & Wang, M. (2016). Sensor Capability and Atmospheric Correction in Ocean Colour Remote Sensing. Remote Sensing, 8(1), 1.