Using Downwelling Far- and Thermal-Infrared Hyperspectral Radiance for Cloud Phase Classification in the Antarctic
"> Figure 1
<p>Hyperspectral brightness temperature simulations of ice (dashed lines) and liquid water clouds (solid lines) are calculated for optical depths (<span class="html-italic">τ</span>, shown at the top of the figure) of 0.2 (blue), 1.0 (green), and 8.0 (purple) for each group of particle sizes. The effective radius of liquid water cloud particles (<span class="html-italic">r<sub>eff,w</sub></span>) and ice cloud particles (<span class="html-italic">r<sub>eff,i</sub></span>) are (<b>a</b>) <span class="html-italic">r<sub>eff,w</sub></span> = 5 µm and <span class="html-italic">r<sub>eff,i</sub></span> = 20 µm, (<b>b</b>) <span class="html-italic">r<sub>eff,w</sub></span> = 7 µm and <span class="html-italic">r<sub>eff,i</sub></span> = 30 µm, and (<b>c</b>) <span class="html-italic"><sub>eff,w</sub></span> = 10 µm and <span class="html-italic">r<sub>eff,i</sub></span> = 50 µm.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Hyperspectral brightness temperature simulations of ice clouds at different specific humidities (SH). The cloud optical depth (<span class="html-italic">τ</span>) is 1.0 and the effective radius (<span class="html-italic">r<sub>eff,i</sub></span>) is 30 µm. The blue line indicates a high specific humidity, and the yellow line indicates a low one.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>(<b>a</b>) The accuracy of Turner’s method, the proposed method, and the proposed method without two far-infrared features (i.e., only feature 1 and 6) compared with Shupe’s method, and the monthly frequency of (<b>b</b>) ice, (<b>c</b>) mixed, and (<b>d</b>) liquid water clouds based on the three methods.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Distribution of Turner’s misclassified ice (blue dots) and liquid water (red dots) cloud samples data in December 2016. (<b>a</b>) is the slope of cloud emissivity in the 800–900 cm<sup>−1</sup> region, (<b>b</b>) is the ratio of cloud emissivity in the 526–588 cm<sup>−1</sup> to 833–909 cm<sup>−1</sup> region, and (<b>c</b>) is the difference between cloud emissivity in the 526–588 cm<sup>−1</sup> and in the 833–909 cm<sup>−1</sup> regions. The solid lines indicate liquid water clouds with effective particle radii of 5, 7, and 10 µm, and the dashed lines indicate ice clouds with effective particle radii of 18, 21, and 26 µm.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>The proportion of cloud samples correctly classified (blue) and misclassified (red) by (<b>a</b>) Turner’s and the (<b>b</b>) proposed methods within different PWV intervals in December 2016, where the lines represent the fitting trend of bars. Taking “0–5” as an example, it indicates that the PWV of the cloud sample is greater than or equal to 0 mm and less than 5 mm. “>60” suggests that the PWV of the cloud sample is greater than or equal to 60 mm.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Distribution of the proposed method’s misclassified ice (blue dots) and liquid water (red dots) cloud samples data in December 2016. (<b>a</b>) shows feature 6 (the slope of the BT fitted function in the 900–1000 cm<sup>−1</sup> interval); (<b>b</b>) shows feature 41 (the BTD between 512 cm<sup>−1</sup> and 726 cm<sup>−1</sup>), and (<b>c</b>) shows feature 44 (the BTD between 550 cm<sup>−1</sup> and 726 cm<sup>−1</sup>). The solid lines indicate liquid water clouds with effective particle radii of 5, 7, and 10 µm, and the dashed lines indicate ice clouds with effective particle radii of 20, 30, and 50 µm.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>The accuracy of Turner’s (blue) and the proposed (red) methods within different PWV intervals in 2016.</p> "> Figure 8
<p>The (<b>a</b>) backscatter coefficient and (<b>b</b>) depolarization ratio from HSRL, the (<b>c</b>) reflectivity from KAZR, the (<b>d</b>) cloud phase profile using Shupe’s method, the cloud phase classification results of (<b>e</b>) Shupe’s, (<b>f</b>) Turner’s, and (<b>g</b>) the proposed methods, and the (<b>h</b>) average specific humidity and (<b>i</b>) temperature from 08:00 to 24:00 UTC on the 25 December 2016, in the AWARE. The results of the three methods are plotted at the clouds’ base heights using HSRL.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Instruments and Data
3. Method
3.1. The Features Selection
3.2. The Classification Method
4. Results and Discussion
4.1. Results
4.2. Case Analysis
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A
1 | BT at 900 cm−1 | 18 | BTR of 935.8 to 988.4 cm−1 | 35 | BTD of 420 to 550 cm−1 |
2 | BTR of 496 to 513 cm−1 | 19 | BTR of 420 to 512 cm−1 | 36 | BTD of 420 to 589 cm−1 |
3 | BTR of 496 to 532 cm−1 | 20 | BTR of 420 to 550 cm−1 | 37 | BTD of 420 to 726 cm−1 |
4 | BTR of 558 to 482 cm−1 | 21 | BTR of 420 to 589 cm−1 | 38 | BTD of 420 to 778 cm−1 |
5 | Ratio of the BT sum of 532, 553, 573.5 cm−1 to the BT sum of 596, 608.5 cm−1 | 22 | BTRR of 420 to 726 cm−1 | 39 | BTD of 512 to 550 cm−1 |
6 | Slope of the fitted function of BT in the 800–900 cm−1 interval | 23 | BTR of 420 to 778 cm−1 | 40 | BTD of 512 to 589 cm−1 |
7 | Slope of the fitted function of BT in the 900–1000 cm−1 interval | 24 | BTR of 512 to 550 cm−1 | 41 | BTD of 512 to 726 cm−1 |
8 | BTR of 558 to 495 cm−1 | 25 | BTR of 512 to 589 cm−1 | 42 | BTD of 512 to 778 cm−1 |
9 | BTR of 532 to 553 cm−1 | 26 | BTR of 512 to 726 cm−1 | 43 | BTD of 550 to 589 cm−1 |
10 | Ratio of the BT sum of 532, 553, 573.5 cm−1 to the BT sum of 428, 496.5 cm−1 | 27 | BTR of 512 to 778 cm−1 | 44 | BTD of 550 to 726 cm−1 |
11 | Ratio of the BT sum of 428, 496.5 cm−1 to the BT sum of 596, 608.5 cm−1 | 28 | BTR of 550 to 589 cm−1 | 45 | BTD of 550 to 778 cm−1 |
12 | Ratio of the BT sum of 428, 496.5, 532, 553, 573.5 cm−1 to the BT sum of 596, 608.5 cm−1 | 29 | BTR of 550 to 726 cm−1 | 46 | BTD of 589 to 726 cm−1 |
13 | Ratio of the BT sum of 478, 489 cm−1 to the BT sum of 774, 778 cm−1 | 30 | BTR of 550 to 778 cm−1 | 47 | BTD of 589 to 778 cm−1 |
14 | Ratio of the BT product of 478, 489 cm−1 to the BT product of 774, 778 cm−1 | 31 | BTR of 589 to 726 cm−1 | 48 | BTD of 726 to 778 cm−1 |
15 | Ratio of the BT sum of 400, 460.5 cm−1 to the BT sum of 874, 940 cm−1 | 32 | BTR of 589 to 778 cm−1 | 49 | STD of BT in the 528–552 cm−1 interval |
16 | Ratio of the BT product of 400, 460.5 cm−1 to the BT product of 874, 940 cm−1 | 33 | BTR of 726 to 778 cm−1 | 50 | STD of BT in the 500–550 cm−1 interval |
17 | BTR of 862.5 to 935.8 cm−1 | 34 | BTD of 420 to 512 cm−1 |
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Number of Ice Cloud Samples | Number of Mixed Cloud Samples | Number of Liquid Water Cloud Samples | Number of Other Samples | |
Shupe’s method | 5518 | 3491 | 1897 | 0 |
Turner’s method | 4029 | 4493 | 55 | 2329 |
Proposed method | 7134 | 3405 | 367 | 0 |
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Ren, H.; Liu, L.; Ye, J.; Xie, H. Using Downwelling Far- and Thermal-Infrared Hyperspectral Radiance for Cloud Phase Classification in the Antarctic. Remote Sens. 2024, 16, 71.
Ren H, Liu L, Ye J, Xie H. Using Downwelling Far- and Thermal-Infrared Hyperspectral Radiance for Cloud Phase Classification in the Antarctic. Remote Sensing. 2024; 16(1):71.
Chicago/Turabian StyleRen, Hong, Lei Liu, Jin Ye, and Hailing Xie. 2024. "Using Downwelling Far- and Thermal-Infrared Hyperspectral Radiance for Cloud Phase Classification in the Antarctic" Remote Sensing 16, no. 1: 71.
APA StyleRen, H., Liu, L., Ye, J., & Xie, H. (2024). Using Downwelling Far- and Thermal-Infrared Hyperspectral Radiance for Cloud Phase Classification in the Antarctic. Remote Sensing, 16(1), 71.