A Novel Dual-Encoder Model for Hyperspectral and LiDAR Joint Classification via Contrastive Learning
<p>The proposed classification framework of joint HSI-LiDAR classification.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Two architectures of HSI networks. (<b>a</b>) Trident-HSI. (<b>b</b>) ConvNeXt-HSI.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>The principle of Octave convolution.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>The architecture of OctaveConv-LiDAR DSM encoder.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Feature visualization. (<b>a</b>) ConvNeXt-HSI feature map. (<b>b</b>) OctaveConv-LiDAR.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>The framework of our proposed stagewise training strategy.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>The visualization of the Houston2013 dataset. (<b>a</b>) Pseudo color map of an HSI. (<b>b</b>) DSM of LiDAR. (<b>c</b>) Training samples map. (<b>d</b>) Testing samples map.</p> "> Figure 8
<p>The visualization of the Trento dataset. (<b>a</b>) Pseudo color map of an HSI. (<b>b</b>) DSM of LiDAR. (<b>c</b>) Training samples map. (<b>d</b>) Testing samples map.</p> "> Figure 9
<p>Classification maps of the Houston2013 dataset. (<b>a</b>) Two-Branch. (<b>b</b>) EndNet. (<b>c</b>) MDL-Middle. (<b>d</b>) Trident-HSI. (<b>e</b>) CNN-LiDAR. (<b>f</b>) ConvNeXt-HSI. (<b>g</b>) OctaveConv-LiDAR. (<b>h</b>) Proposed.</p> "> Figure 10
<p>Classification maps of the Trento dataset using different models. (<b>a</b>) Two-Branch. (<b>b</b>) EndNet. (<b>c</b>) MDL-Middle. (<b>d</b>) Trident-HSI. (<b>e</b>) CNN-LiDAR. (<b>f</b>) ConvNeXt-HSI. (<b>g</b>) OctaveConv-LiDAR. (<b>h</b>) Proposed.</p> "> Figure 10 Cont.
<p>Classification maps of the Trento dataset using different models. (<b>a</b>) Two-Branch. (<b>b</b>) EndNet. (<b>c</b>) MDL-Middle. (<b>d</b>) Trident-HSI. (<b>e</b>) CNN-LiDAR. (<b>f</b>) ConvNeXt-HSI. (<b>g</b>) OctaveConv-LiDAR. (<b>h</b>) Proposed.</p> "> Figure 11
<p>Stagewise training strategy. (<b>a</b>) train_loss on the Houston2013 dataset. (<b>b</b>) val_acc on the Houston2013 dataset. (<b>c</b>) train_loss on the Trento dataset. (<b>d</b>) val_acc on the Trento dataset.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
- We introduce a multi-sensor pair training framework for the HSI-LiDAR classification task. Our multi-sensor training framework can exploit intrinsic data properties in each modality and simultaneously extract semantic information from cross-modal correlations. It can not only encode the two modalities independently to capture more modality-specific information but also complete the deep fusion of the two sensors’ information and learn the alignment between different modalities and learn deep fusion for HSI-LiDAR classification tasks;
- It is well known that information is conveyed at different frequencies, where higher frequencies are typically used for fine detail encoding and lower frequencies are typically used for global structure encoding. The Digital Surface Model (DSM) of LiDAR has rich depth information, that is, high- and low-frequency information. We propose a new LiDAR encoder network structure with Octave convolution. The output maps of a convolutional layer can also be factorized and grouped by their spatial frequency. OctaveConv focuses on reducing the spatial redundancy in CNNs and is designed to replace vanilla convolution operations. In this way, the high- and low-frequency information of the DSM is fully utilized from the aspect of feature extraction;
- Due to the spectral redundancy and low spatial resolution of HSIs, we propose the Spectral-Aware Trident network in parallel and the ConvNeXt network in series. In both networks, dilated convolution that can improve the receptive field is used. Recently, the application of the ConvNeXt network in the visual field has become a hot spot. On the basis of maintaining the CNN structure, the ConvNeXt network borrows the design concepts of Transformer and other methods. While maintaining the local sensitivity of the CNN, a larger kernel size is used to simulate the long-range modeling ability, which ensures the global information of the network. The spectrum of an HSI is a sequence of data that typically contains hundreds of bands. Through the feature extraction advantages of the local information and the global information of the ConvNeXt network, we can not only complete the extraction of global spectral–spatial information but also overcome the problems of accuracy degradation caused by mixed pixels.
- In the training method of the network, we show the use of a stagewise training strategy, which trains the HSI branch, LiDAR branch, and HSI-LiDAR classification tasks in stages. The method of training the HSI and LiDAR branches in stages can provide better model parameter initialization for the HSI-LiDAR classification model, which usually leads to better generalization performance and accelerates convergence on this downstream task.
2. Methods
2.1. Overview
2.2. HSI and LiDAR Encoder
2.2.1. HSI Encoder
- Trident-HSI
- 2.
- ConvNeXt-HSI
2.2.2. LiDAR DSM Encoder
2.2.3. Feature Visualization and Analysis
2.3. HSI-LiDAR Contrastive Learning
2.4. Stagewise Training Strategy
3. Results
3.1. Experimental Datasets Description
3.2. Experimental Setup
3.3. Experimental Results
3.3.1. Classification Results of the Houston2013 Dataset
3.3.2. Classification Results of the Trento Dataset
3.3.3. Computational Complexity Analysis
4. Discussion
4.1. Effect of the Online Multi-Scale Data Augmentation Module
4.2. Effect of the Contrastive Learning Module
4.3. Effect of the Stagewise Training Strategy
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Class | Class Name | Train Num | Test Num | Color |
C1 | Healthy Grass | 198 | 1053 | |
C2 | Stressed Grass | 190 | 1064 | |
C3 | Synthetic Grass | 192 | 505 | |
C4 | Trees | 188 | 1056 | |
C5 | Soil | 186 | 1056 | |
C6 | Water | 182 | 143 | |
C7 | Residential | 196 | 1072 | |
C8 | Commercial | 191 | 1053 | |
C9 | Road | 193 | 1059 | |
C10 | Highway | 191 | 1036 | |
C11 | Railway | 181 | 1054 | |
C12 | Parking Lot1 | 192 | 1041 | |
C13 | Parking Lot2 | 184 | 285 | |
C14 | Tennis Court | 181 | 247 | |
C15 | Running Track | 187 | 473 | |
- | Total | 2832 | 12,197 |
Class | Class Name | Train Number | Test Number | Color |
C1 | Apples | 129 | 3905 | |
C2 | Buildings | 15 | 2778 | |
C3 | Ground | 105 | 374 | |
C4 | Woods | 154 | 8969 | |
C5 | Vineyard | 184 | 10,317 | |
C6 | Roads | 122 | 29,395 | |
- | Total | 819 | 55,738 |
Class | Two- | EndNet | MDL- | Trident- | CNN- | ConvNeXt | OctaveConv | Proposed |
Branch | Middle | HSI | LiDAR | -HSI | -LiDAR | |||
C1 | 83.1 | 81.58 | 83.1 | 82.72 | 52.42 | 83.1 | 46.63 | 88.41 |
C2 | 84.1 | 83.65 | 85.06 | 84.4 | 35.06 | 84.77 | 54.79 | 81.3 |
C3 | 100 | 100 | 99.6 | 98.02 | 83.96 | 99.8 | 86.14 | 100 |
C4 | 93.09 | 93.09 | 91.57 | 92.99 | 82.95 | 92.9 | 81.63 | 99.53 |
C5 | 100 | 99.91 | 98.86 | 99.91 | 44.03 | 100 | 47.72 | 100 |
C6 | 99.3 | 95.1 | 100 | 93.71 | 64.34 | 96.5 | 71.33 | 97.2 |
C7 | 92.82 | 82.65 | 97.64 | 82.28 | 88.06 | 82.74 | 91.98 | 91.98 |
C8 | 82.34 | 81.29 | 88.13 | 70.85 | 94.87 | 76.63 | 87.84 | 85.28 |
C9 | 84.7 | 88.29 | 85.93 | 78.09 | 48.63 | 83.76 | 64.02 | 90.46 |
C10 | 65.44 | 89 | 74.42 | 41.89 | 52.7 | 64.38 | 56.27 | 75.1 |
C11 | 88.24 | 83.78 | 84.54 | 61.86 | 87.95 | 91.75 | 87.86 | 94.97 |
C12 | 89.53 | 90.39 | 95.39 | 96.73 | 27.28 | 97.79 | 35.45 | 96.54 |
C13 | 92.28 | 82.46 | 87.37 | 76.81 | 68.77 | 82.46 | 70.18 | 91.23 |
C14 | 96.76 | 100 | 95.14 | 100 | 78.14 | 97.57 | 80.57 | 100 |
C15 | 99.79 | 98.1 | 100 | 100 | 67.44 | 97.25 | 84.57 | 98.31 |
OA (%) | 87.98 | 88.52 | 89.55 | 81.35 | 63.17 | 87.12 | 67.58 | 91.37 |
AA (%) | 90.11 | 89.95 | 91.05 | 81.76 | 60.6 | 88.17 | 65.29 | 91.33 |
K × 100 | 86.98 | 87.59 | 87.59 | 79.83 | 60.21 | 86.02 | 64.92 | 90.64 |
Class | Two- | EndNet | MDL- | Trident- | CNN- | ConvNeXt- | OctaveConv- | Proposed |
Branch | Middle | HSI | LiDAR | HSI | LiDAR | |||
C1 | 99.78 | 88.19 | 99.5 | 97.87 | 99.5 | 98.17 | 99.78 | 99.88 |
C2 | 97.93 | 98.49 | 97.55 | 87.39 | 95.25 | 98.35 | 96.49 | 99.1 |
C3 | 99.93 | 95.19 | 99.1 | 98.75 | 78.91 | 98.96 | 75.78 | 96.87 |
C4 | 99.46 | 99.3 | 99.9 | 97.94 | 93.73 | 98.09 | 94.38 | 99.87 |
C5 | 98.96 | 91.96 | 99.71 | 99.21 | 91.68 | 99.39 | 91.48 | 99.08 |
C6 | 91.68 | 90.14 | 92.25 | 78.01 | 67.62 | 77.22 | 74.01 | 94.77 |
OA (%) | 98.36 | 94.17 | 98.73 | 95.28 | 90.95 | 96.4 | 91.85 | 98.92 |
AA (%) | 97.96 | 93.88 | 98 | 90.17 | 81.98 | 92.91 | 83.57 | 98.4 |
K × 100 | 97.83 | 92.22 | 98.32 | 92.7 | 88.07 | 95.2 | 89.26 | 98.61 |
Methods | #param. (M) | FLOPs (M) |
Two-Branch | 0.25 | 4.7 |
EndNet | 0.27 | 4.9 |
MDL-Middle | 0.25 | 4.7 |
Proposed | 50 | 10 |
Dataset | Online Multi-Scale | OA (%) | AA (%) | K × 100 |
Houston2013 | × | 89.6 | 89.41 | 88.55 |
√ | 91.37 | 91.33 | 90.64 | |
Trento | × | 97.88 | 97.54 | 96.96 |
√ | 98.92 | 98.4 | 98.61 |
Dataset | Contrastive | OA (%) | AA (%) | K × 100 |
Learning | ||||
Houston2013 | × | 88.14 | 89.12 | 87.16 |
√ | 91.37 | 91.33 | 90.64 | |
Trento | × | 98.55 | 98.23 | 97.94 |
√ | 98.92 | 98.4 | 98.61 |
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Share and Cite
Wu, H.; Dai, S.; Liu, C.; Wang, A.; Iwahori, Y. A Novel Dual-Encoder Model for Hyperspectral and LiDAR Joint Classification via Contrastive Learning. Remote Sens. 2023, 15, 924. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs15040924
Wu H, Dai S, Liu C, Wang A, Iwahori Y. A Novel Dual-Encoder Model for Hyperspectral and LiDAR Joint Classification via Contrastive Learning. Remote Sensing. 2023; 15(4):924. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs15040924
Chicago/Turabian StyleWu, Haibin, Shiyu Dai, Chengyang Liu, Aili Wang, and Yuji Iwahori. 2023. "A Novel Dual-Encoder Model for Hyperspectral and LiDAR Joint Classification via Contrastive Learning" Remote Sensing 15, no. 4: 924. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs15040924
APA StyleWu, H., Dai, S., Liu, C., Wang, A., & Iwahori, Y. (2023). A Novel Dual-Encoder Model for Hyperspectral and LiDAR Joint Classification via Contrastive Learning. Remote Sensing, 15(4), 924. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs15040924