A New Approach to Satellite-Derived Bathymetry: An Exercise in Seabed 2030 Coastal Surveys
<p>An ageless reference: the first satellite-based nautical chart ever produced by a Governmental Hydrographic Office: <span class="html-italic">Atolls of Ouvéa and Beautemps-Beaupré</span> (1990).</p> "> Figure 2
<p>ARGANS 2015 optimistic projection of SDB products compliance with S-44 orders of precision.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>A rather uninspiring, although not uncharacteristic, histogram of a 500 sq.km AOI. The ≈ 4 m bias and 3.5 m Std are not compatible with a 2-m grid resolution (Sentinel-2 image—Traditional Lee et al. SDB model—NE Qatar).</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Lyzenga and Lee et al. fundamental problem: one pixel, several possible interpretations.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Comparison of Guadeloupe scatterplot and histogram against S-44 orders of precision. IHO S-44 Compliancy cannot be met in large zones.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>A depths density profile against 490 nm spectral reflectance. <span class="html-italic">Sentinel-2 time series—Guadeloupe</span>.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>Traditional Lee et al. RTE.</p> "> Figure 8
<p>Extraction of probable depth within an ROI polyexp-beta-normal distribution.</p> "> Figure 9
<p>Four test zones and four satellite constellations to prove the new concept. (<b>a</b>) West Indies first exploration, (<b>b</b>) Madagascar, (<b>c</b>) French Polynesia, (<b>d</b>) Qatar.</p> "> Figure 9 Cont.
<p>Four test zones and four satellite constellations to prove the new concept. (<b>a</b>) West Indies first exploration, (<b>b</b>) Madagascar, (<b>c</b>) French Polynesia, (<b>d</b>) Qatar.</p> "> Figure 10
<p>Influence of parameters a, b, and c from Lyzenga’s equation. (<b>a</b>) Simple instance of BNP. (<b>b</b>) Same BNP with higher attenuation coefficient c. (<b>c</b>) Same BNP but with different parameters a and b.</p> "> Figure 11
<p>Influence of the σ dispersion parameter. (<b>a</b>) low σ. (<b>b</b>) average σ. (<b>c</b>) High σ.</p> "> Figure 12
<p>Influence of α and β parameters. (<b>a</b>) α < β. (<b>b</b>) α = β. (<b>c</b>) α > β.</p> "> Figure 13
<p>Ground truth provided by a single sounding line in Tahanea. (<b>a</b>) World View image and supporting ENC cross-section in red. (<b>b</b>) Scatter plot of blue Depth/Reflectance data.</p> "> Figure 14
<p>Example of two distinct depth-constrained water-column profiles. Each cloud of points (red and blue) were generated from a BNP with different parameters.</p> "> Figure 15
<p>Regressing BNP parameters from the ground truth data displayed in <a href="#remotesensing-14-04484-f013" class="html-fig">Figure 13</a>. (<b>a</b>) Regression of a cloud of points (blue crosses) to determine parameters a, b and c. (<b>b</b>) Using inferred parameters a, b and c to deduce statistical parameters σ, α and β.</p> "> Figure 16
<p>Inferring depth for a given input reflectance (horizontal magenta line) for a single BNP distribution trained on a few sample points (blue crosses). Three cases shown here. (<b>a</b>) high reflectance. (<b>b</b>) average reflectance. (<b>c</b>) low reflectance. The range of possible depth values for the given reflectance sample can be seen below in the form of an histogram with uncertainty ranges detailed.</p> "> Figure 17
<p>Example of a BNP mixture with four components.</p> "> Figure 18
<p>Ground truth provided by multiple sounding lines in Tahanea. (<b>a</b>) World View image and supporting ENC cross-sections in red, (<b>b</b>) Scatter plot of blue Depth/Reflectance data.</p> "> Figure 19
<p>Regression using a mixture of two BNPs.</p> "> Figure 20
<p>Splitting a BNP distribution along its depth axis. (<b>a</b>) Sample points inadequately covered by a single BNP distribution. (<b>b</b>) Splitting the samples with a 2-component β-distribution mixture. (<b>c</b>) The two resulting BNP distributions.</p> "> Figure 21
<p>Splitting a distribution along the reflectance axis (relative to curve offset). (<b>a</b>) Sample points inadequately covered by a single BNP distribution. (<b>b</b>) Splitting the samples with a 2-component Gaussian mixture. (<b>c</b>) The two resulting BNP distributions.</p> "> Figure 22
<p>Inference of the attenuation coefficient c in a two-component BNP mixture for a given input reflectance (horizontal green line). The sample cloud is made of red and blue points, each artificially generated from two BNPs respectively.</p> "> Figure 23
<p>Example of a cloud of depth-green-blue samples and a trained multispectral BNP mixture. The cloud of samples (in faded blue) consist of two distinguishable sub-cloud. Green points are the projection of those samples unto depth-blue plane, Blue points are the projection unto depth-green plane. Those projection planes are analogous to scatter plots exhibited in previous sections.</p> "> Figure 24
<p>Example of a cloud of deep green-blue samples mixed with a trained multispectral BNP.</p> "> Figure 25
<p>The 3rd Madagascar area of interest. (<b>a</b>) Original chart (1915) based on the reconnoitre survey; (<b>b</b>) the 3rd AOI’s suspended particular matter.</p> "> Figure 26
<p>(<b>a</b>) Pleiades’ reflectances/depths plot; (<b>b</b>) WCPE density plot after training. <span class="html-italic">Note the very homogeneous, almost linear environment</span>.</p> "> Figure 27
<p>WCPE/Groundtruth scatter plot and Pleiades/WCPE histogram. (<b>a</b>) WCPE/Groundtruth scatter plot; (<b>b</b>) Pleiades/WCPE histogram.</p> "> Figure 28
<p>WorldView statistical analysis. (<b>a</b>) WV/Groundtruth scatter plot; (<b>b</b>) WorldView histogram; (<b>c</b>) WV density plot.</p> "> Figure 29
<p>Persian Gulf min and max downward visibility (source: SHOM’s Mars model).</p> "> Figure 30
<p>Qatar’s two test areas of interest.</p> "> Figure 31
<p>Comparison between WCPE/IDA harmonised DTM and ground truth. The depth of penetration is limited to 11/15 m due to turbidity.</p> "> Figure 32
<p>Typical cross sections comparing methods and satellite images of different resolutions. (<b>a</b>) VHR best single image vs Sentinel-2 time series modellised with WCPE, (<b>b</b>) The same, modellised with traditional SDB. Note the VHR poor signal/noise ratio.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
Fifty Years of SDB Theory, Trials, and Developments
2. State-of-the-Art
- Before 1983: SDB early trials and field simulations by the French Hydrographic Office. Funded by the Ministry of Defence, these trials were validated by a number of internal reports such as [2] “Study of the bathymetric applications of a blue channel radiometer on board a satellite, using data from an airborne simulation” (1983).
- 1980–1990: Development and implementation of the Lyzenga empiric method in the coral waters of New Caledonia and French Polynesia.
- 1990: First publication of the SDB chart of Ouvea in a national chart series.
- 1990–2019: Dissemination of SDB worldwide and subsequent implementation of the Lee et al. physics-based method. SDB methodology spreads amongst HOs and commercial service providers.
- 2019–2022: Introduction in the UK of a statistical method backed by machine learning to complement the traditional SDB methodologies.
3. Objectives
A Novel SDB Approach Based on the Exploitation of Statistics
4. WCPE Method
4.1. Starting Point and Scope
- It bundles up all the main meaningful physical parameters scientists are interested in.
- It is easy to invert to estimate the depth.
- It is valid for every spectral band (although some are marginally better to use than others).
- It is free of arbitrary empirical coefficients.
- The first problem: as seen earlier, certain water-column profiles may exhibit the same radiance but have incompatible depths, thus leading to ambiguities about the resulting bathymetry.
- The second problem: when trying to retrieve depths, several a priori are required because the equation is severely underdetermined and unresolved members must be parameterised. Some of those parameters are very difficult to obtain, e.g., attenuation coefficients, seafloor reflectances).
- Other difficulties that add to the challenge of deriving bathymetry include:
- Proper calibration of satellite images.
- Proper removal of atmospheric effects in coastal environments.
4.2. Single Spectrum Beta-Normal-Polynomial-Exponential Distribution
4.2.1. Definition
4.2.2. Relations between BNP Distributions and In Situ Depth Reflectances
4.2.3. BNP Parameter Regression
4.2.4. Depth Inference
4.3. Single-Spectrum BNP Mixtures
4.3.1. Definition
4.3.2. BNP Mixture Regression
- Splits along the reflectance axis, using the distribution of offsets of training samples relative to the curve of the BNP considered.
- Splits along the depth’s axis, using the distribution of depths of the training samples.
- Keep the original BNP. No split occurs.
- Use the BNP mixture resulting from the split along the reflectance axis.
- Use the BNP mixture resulting from the split along the depths axis.
4.3.3. Inferring Depths and Specific Physical Parameters
- -
- → deep-sea reflectance.
- -
- → seafloor reflectance.
- -
- with a coefficient dependent on the scene geometry → attenuation coefficient.
- -
- with the minimum discriminating reflectance quanta (dependent on the signal-noise ratio of the instrument used) → cut-off depth/depth of penetration.
4.4. Multi-Spectral BNP Mixtures
4.5. Evolution of WCPE
4.5.1. Handling of Ambiguous Cases
4.5.2. Deriving Depth in Uncharted Locations
- An adequacy score is computed between each raster from charted locations and the raster for which we want to infer new depths.
- Adequacy scores are used with a function that associates a weight to each of them, the total amount of weights summing up to 100%.
- Reflectances and depth values are sampled from each charted location and combined given those weights.
- A WCPE model is trained using those values.
- Only selecting the location with the highest adequacy score (akin to argmax).
- Using adequacy scores as is, with just a normalisation process so they sum up to 100 (akin to 1-norm) %.
- Only selecting the n most adequate locations, with n an arbitrary number.
- The most basic one consists of randomly selecting available depth-reflectance samples.
- A more accurate one is to compute the likelihood of each available depth-reflectance sample with the mixture trained for the raster of the uncharted region and then resample among all samples using those as weights.
5. Results
5.1. Guadeloupe First Implementation
- The bathymetric models determined by Sentinel-2 time series are far superior to those yielded by individual VHR images.
- Large areas of interest must be split into homogeneous subzones characterised by similar environments. This requires a preliminary first analysis and sufficient comparisons with ground truths to qualify the subzones.
- There is a need to replay the qualifications, which requires methods and software.
5.2. Madagascar Test Bed: A First Attempt to Survey a Very Large Area
- Regardless of the merits of the Hydrolight simulation tool, and despite numerous publications, the traditional models of Lee et al. proved insufficient and ill-suited to evolve the SDB methodology. The need to develop an entirely different approach based on statistics was clearly demonstrated by this experiment.
- Once again, the superiority of Sentinel-2 time series over VHR individual images for coastal bathymetry was confirmed, not to mention the value-for-money criteria.
- The need to develop and implement a correction model to mitigate the effects of turbidity became apparent. A way ahead consisting of applying a simple correction to depth depending on the concentration of suspended particular matter was envisaged but could not be completed at this stage.
5.3. A Polynesian Textbook Case: The Tahanea Testbed
5.3.1. Pleiades Results
5.3.2. WorldView Results
5.4. The Qatar Test Bed
5.4.1. An Experience Centred on Safety of Navigation
- ARGANS new WCPE statistical model against a traditional Lee et al. RTE model (IDA).
- Selection of high resolution against very-high-resolution images for optimised comparisons.
- Comparison between Sentinel-2 time series against metric to sub-metric commercial images.
- Guided investigation of known charted obstructions with very-high-resolution images (WV, Spot6, Planet scope, Pleiades, etc.).
5.4.2. Nautical-Chart-Guided Investigation of Potentially Dangerous Features
6. Discussion
6.1. HR or VHR Images?
6.2. The WCPE New Paradigm and Points That Need Reinforcing
6.3. Uncertainties of Results
7. Conclusions
- The proven ability of Sentinel-2 models, above the light penetration threshold, to provide depths to an order of accuracy of about one metre, without bias. The consequence of this potential revolution is being recognised with difficulty by professional users who tend to abandon the task of developing their own expertise and rely more and more on blind commercial contracts with service providers.
- The confirmation that high-resolution public time series such as Sentinel-2 achieve far better results than individual commercial VHR images plagued by biases and noise when used on their own, not to mention cost considerations.
- However, VHR model biases can be improved by association with lesser resolution models inferred from time series.
- The disappointing capacity of satellite images at this stage of development, whatever the resolution, to detect small structures with sufficient guarantee to abide by IHO safety of navigation standards embodied in the S-44 publication.
- WCPE parameters and inferred models can be propagated theoretically from a proven area to the next without requiring further ground controls. This outstanding asset must be tested further and the algorithms developed accordingly.
- Thanks to free public imagery, SDB has the proven capacity to meet the Seabed 2030 requirements for very affordable costs.
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Abbreviations and Acronyms
AOI | Area of Interest ≈ ROI |
ARGANS | Applied Research in Geomatics, Atmosphere, Nature and Space |
ATBD | Algorithm Theoretical Baseline Document |
BNP(s) | Beta-Normal-Polynomials |
Cal/Val | Calibration/Validation |
COD | Cut-Off Depth |
DOP | Depth of Penetration |
DTM | Digital Terrain Models |
EM | Expectation-Maximisation |
ENC | Electronic Navigational Chart |
EO | Earth Observation |
ESA | European Space Agency |
GEBCO | General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans |
HO(s) | Hydrographic Office(s) |
HR | High Resolution |
IDA | Image Data Analysis |
IHO | International Hydrographic Organisation |
IOP | Intrinsic Optical Properties |
LUT | Look-Up Table |
MBES | Multibeam Echo Sounder |
ML | Machine Learning |
Probability Density Function | |
ROI | Region of Interest ≈ AOI |
RTE | Radiative Transfer Equation |
SDB | Satellite-Derived Bathymetry |
SHOM | Service Hydrographique de la Marine (i.e., the French HO) |
SNR | Signal-to-Noise Ratio |
SPM | Suspended particulate matter |
Std | Standard deviation |
S-44 | Standards for Hydrographic Surveys, an IHO publication |
UKHO | United Kingdom Hydrographic Office |
UNet | Convolutional neural network |
VHR | Very High Resolution |
WCPE | Water Column Parameter Estimator |
WV | WorldView |
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WCPE | Traditional SDB Model (IDA) | |
Std difference | 2.74 m | Previous models and IDA poor results were discarded due to analysts’ excessive tampering |
Mean difference | 0.36 m | |
Median difference | 0.24 m | |
Absolute difference | 2.07 m |
WorldView + WCPE | Traditional SDB Model (IDA) | |
Std difference | 1.83 m | 3.41 m |
Mean difference | 0.84 | −3.22 m |
Absolute difference | 1.45 m | 3.79 m |
WCPE Composite SDB Model | Admiralty Charts | |
Precision in the 0–5 m range | Better than 1 m | 1.1 m |
Precision in the 5–15 m range | 1.3 m |
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Share and Cite
Louvart, P.; Cook, H.; Smithers, C.; Laporte, J. A New Approach to Satellite-Derived Bathymetry: An Exercise in Seabed 2030 Coastal Surveys. Remote Sens. 2022, 14, 4484. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs14184484
Louvart P, Cook H, Smithers C, Laporte J. A New Approach to Satellite-Derived Bathymetry: An Exercise in Seabed 2030 Coastal Surveys. Remote Sensing. 2022; 14(18):4484. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs14184484
Chicago/Turabian StyleLouvart, Pierre, Harry Cook, Chloe Smithers, and Jean Laporte. 2022. "A New Approach to Satellite-Derived Bathymetry: An Exercise in Seabed 2030 Coastal Surveys" Remote Sensing 14, no. 18: 4484. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs14184484
APA StyleLouvart, P., Cook, H., Smithers, C., & Laporte, J. (2022). A New Approach to Satellite-Derived Bathymetry: An Exercise in Seabed 2030 Coastal Surveys. Remote Sensing, 14(18), 4484. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs14184484