Learning for a Sustainable Economy: Teaching of Green Competencies in the University
"> Graphical abstract
"> Figure 1
<p>Competencies and skills needs for a sustainable economy. Based on CEDEFOP [<a href="#B13-sustainability-06-02974" class="html-bibr">13</a>].</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Base and dimensions of the competencies in sustainability.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Key Competencies for a Sustainability Economy
3. Reference Framework
- (a).
- Reorienting education towards sustainable development, aim for which “environment and development education should deal with the dynamics of both the physical/biological and socio-economic environment and human (which may include spiritual) development, should be integrated in all disciplines, and should employ formal and non-formal methods and effective means of communication” [38] (art. 36.3).
- (b).
- Increasing public awareness, as an essential element in a world campaign for education with a view to reinforcing attitudes, values and measures compatible with sustainable development, and prioritizing responsibility and local control over activities in this area.
- (c).
- Promoting training, that is, giving preference to the acquisition of knowledge related to employability and to participation in activities related to environment and development issues, whilst encouraging a greater awareness of issues in connection with those themes.
4. Competencies in Sustainability in the Context of Higher Education in Spain
- (a).
- (b).
- (c).
Generic competencies in sustainability | |
SOS1 | Critical contextualization of knowledge, establishing inter-relationships between social, economic and environmental problems, local and/or global |
SOS2 | Sustainable use of resources and prevention of negative impacts on the natural and social environment |
SOS3 | Participation in community processes which promote sustainability |
SOS4 | Application of ethical principles related to sustainability values in personal and professional behavior |
INSTRUMENTAL | Cognitional competencies | Capacity to understand Manipulate ideas and thoughts |
Methodological skills | Time management Learning strategies Decision making Problem solving | |
Technological skills | Use of machinery Computer skills Information management | |
Linguistic skills | Spoken and written communication Second language | |
INTERPERSONAL(favoring social interaction and cooperation) | Individual capacities | Capacity to express own feelings Critical and self-critical skills |
Social capacities | Capacity to work in a team Capacity to express a social or ethical commitment | |
SYSTEMIC(skills and capacities concerning systems as a holistic approach) | Combining understanding, sensibility and knowledge Requiring instrumental and interpersonal competencies as a base |
5. Proposal for the Teaching of Generic Competencies in Sustainability at the University
Areas of competence | INDICATORS AND PERFORMANCE LEVELS (Faced with an event, the student is capable of…) | ||
Level 1 | Level 2 | Level 3 | |
Systemic thinking | Enumerate the main elements of the event and their reciprocal interrelations | Explain the interrelations of different type and level among factors and elements | Justify the “emergencies” as effect of systemic dynamic |
Critical thinking | Exhibits of strengths and weakness in a reasoned manner | Explain arguments of strengths and weaknesses in a reasoned manner | Issues reasoned judgments from individual argumentations |
Anticipative thinking | Establishes linear cause-effect relationships | Anticipates possible consequences and effects of actions | Suggests alternative ways of proceeding |
Social and ethical commitment | Identifies the value of the human behavior involved | From a local perspective, logically explains the social and ethical implications of the identified values | From a “glocal” perspective, logically explains the social and ethical implications of the identified values |
6. Final Comments
Conflicts of Interest
References and Notes
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Murga-Menoyo, M.Á. Learning for a Sustainable Economy: Teaching of Green Competencies in the University. Sustainability 2014, 6, 2974-2992. https://doi.org/10.3390/su6052974
Murga-Menoyo MÁ. Learning for a Sustainable Economy: Teaching of Green Competencies in the University. Sustainability. 2014; 6(5):2974-2992. https://doi.org/10.3390/su6052974
Chicago/Turabian StyleMurga-Menoyo, Mª Ángeles. 2014. "Learning for a Sustainable Economy: Teaching of Green Competencies in the University" Sustainability 6, no. 5: 2974-2992. https://doi.org/10.3390/su6052974
APA StyleMurga-Menoyo, M. Á. (2014). Learning for a Sustainable Economy: Teaching of Green Competencies in the University. Sustainability, 6(5), 2974-2992. https://doi.org/10.3390/su6052974