Consider a collection of entities moving continuously with bounded speed, but otherwise unpredictably, in some low-dimensional space. Two such entities encroach upon one another at a fixed time if their separation is less than some specified threshold. Encroachment, of concern in many settings
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Consider a collection of entities moving continuously with bounded speed, but otherwise unpredictably, in some low-dimensional space. Two such entities encroach upon one another at a fixed time if their separation is less than some specified threshold. Encroachment, of concern in many settings such as collision avoidance, may be unavoidable. However, the associated difficulties are compounded if there is uncertainty about the precise location of entities, giving rise to potential encroachment and, more generally, potential congestion within the full collection. We adopt a model in which entities can be queried for their current location (at some cost) and the uncertainty region associated with an entity grows in proportion to the time since that entity was last queried. The goal is to maintain low potential congestion, measured in terms of the (dynamic) intersection graph of uncertainty regions, at specified (possibly
all) times, using the lowest possible query cost. Previous work in the same uncertainty model addressed the problem of minimizing the congestion potential
of point entities using location queries of some bounded frequency. It was shown that it is possible to design query schemes that are
-competitive, in terms of worst-case congestion potential, with other, even clairvoyant query schemes (that exploit knowledge of the trajectories of all entities), subject to the same bound on query frequency. In this paper, we initiate the treatment of a more general problem with the complementary optimization objective: minimizing the
query frequency, measured as the reciprocal of the minimum time between queries (granularity), while guaranteeing a fixed bound on congestion potential
of entities with positive extent at one specified target time. This complementary objective necessitates quite different schemes and analyses. Nevertheless, our results parallel those of the earlier papers, specifically tight competitive bounds on required query frequency.
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