GPU Algorithms for Structured Sparse Matrix Multiplication with Diagonal Storage Schemes †
<p>Sparsity pattern of arbitrarily distributed nonzero diagonals.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>(<b>a</b>) A banded matrix, (<b>b</b>) column-major storage scheme for diagonals of (<b>a</b>), and (<b>c</b>) alternative column-major storage for (<b>a</b>). Here “*” means the the absence values as the diagonal size is equal or less than the dimensions of the matrix.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Visualizations of (<b>a</b>) an original matrix, (<b>b</b>) HM (i.e., diagonal) storage, and (<b>c</b>) CDM (i.e., compact diagonal) storage.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Depiction of GPU algorithm for banded matrix multiplication. Here “*” refers to matrix multiplication operator.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Mapping of thread blocks.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Comparison of CPU and GPU times for banded matrix multiplications.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>Relative improvements for GPU timings compared to CPU timings for banded matrix multiplication (matrix size 10,240).</p> ">
:1. Introduction
- We introduce GPU algorithms, for the first time, to multiply banded and structured sparse matrices, where the sparse matrices are stored as the CDM and HM schemes, respectively;
- Explore the performance of both the CDM and HM storage schemes in the multiplication of banded matrices with varying bandwidth and of structured sparse matrices with varying numbers of diagonals, respectively;
- Compare the performances of the proposed GPU algorithms with their CPU implementations.
2. Related Work
3. Storage Schemes
3.1. Diagonal Storage Scheme
3.2. Compact Diagonal Storage Scheme
4. Compact Diagonal Matrix Multiplication
5. GPU Programming
6. Algorithms
6.1. Banded Matrix–Matrix Multiplication
- Integer representing the number of compact diagonals in X.
- List of integers of length , which is the list of the indices of the diagonals of X.
- : One-dimensional list of length containing the values of X.
Algorithm 1:CUDA Algorithm for Banded Matrix–Matrix Multiplication |
6.2. Structured Sparse Matrix–Matrix Multiplication
- An integer value that represents the number of HM diagonals in X. In structured sparse matrices, we know that only some of the diagonals have nonzeros. We will store those diagonals only.
- A list of integers (of length ) that stores the indices of the diagonals of X. The first element of this array is 0 if the principal diagonal is dense. It stores the indices of the super diagonals first, followed by those of the subdiagonals. For superdiagonal indices, those are stored in ascending order. For subdiagonal indices, those are stored in descending order.
- : This is a one-dimensional array that stores the entries of X. The entries from the same diagonal are kept together according to their column indices.
- A list of integers (of length ) that stores the indices of the entries in for each diagonal of X.
- The multiplications between the principal diagonals of A and B contribute to the principal diagonal of C. Each multiplication can be described in the following way, with the left index 0 indicating the (principal) diagonal:
- The entries of A and B are from the i-th superdiagonal and -th subdiagonal, respectively. Each of the multiplications can be described in the following way: .
- The entries of A and B are from the -th subdiagonal and i-th superdiagonal, respectively. Each of the multiplications can be described in the following way: .
- Let and j be an entry from A and an index of a diagonal from B, respectively. If exists, then will be multiplied with , and this multiplication will contribute to .
- Let and j be an entry from the principle diagonal of A and an index of a diagonal from B, respectively. will be multiplied with (if it exists), and their multiplication will contribute to .
- Let be an entry from A. It can be multiplied with (if it exists), and the multiplication result will contribute to .
- Let and be an entry from A and an index of a diagonal from B, respectively. Assume and exist. Then, will be multiplied with , and the multiplication result will contribute to .
- Let and j be an entry from A and an index of a diagonal from B, respectively. Here, . If exists, then will be multiplied with , and the multiplication result will contribute to .
- Rule for matrix multiplication with coordinate matrix data structure: Let and be two matrices of size stored in a coordinate storage scheme. We want to compute . An element will be multiplied with , where , and will contribute to .
- Assume that we convert to matrix A stored in an HM structure. Let be an entry in . This element will be in the HM storage scheme.
Algorithm 2:CUDA Algorithm for Structured Sparse Matrix–Matrix Multiplication |
7. Experimental Results
7.1. Banded Matrix Multiplication
7.2. Structured Sparse Matrix Multiplication
8. Summary and Concluding Remarks
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Matrix | dgA, | dgB, | nzC | CPU | CUDA | Time |
Size | nzA | nzB | (ms) | (ms) | Ratio | |
1000 | 9, 7446 | 5, 3968 | 33,824 | 4.33 | 0.16 | 27 |
2000 | 9, 15,003 | 15, 25,201 | 203,935 | 2.12 | 0.21 | 10 |
3000 | 29, 75,336 | 15, 39,207 | 990,791 | 11.66 | 0.39 | 30 |
4000 | 29, 97,958 | 35, 120,652 | 2,816,485 | 38.60 | 0.88 | 44 |
5000 | 59, 256,918 | 35, 150,005 | 6,625,325 | 99.52 | 1.89 | 52 |
6000 | 89, 473,743 | 75, 381,842 | 17,999,054 | 440.61 | 6.78 | 65 |
7000 | 99, 615,376 | 75, 451,559 | 23,585,358 | 560.69 | 8.92 | 63 |
8000 | 109, 767,508 | 35, 247,865 | 18,893,371 | 307.67 | 5.26 | 5 8 |
9000 | 59, 470,354 | 75, 593,612 | 24,161,386 | 444.00 | 7.09 | 63 |
10,000 | 109, 938,979 | 35, 310,455 | 24,738,090 | 365.51 | 6.34 | 58 |
dgA, nzA | dgB, nzB | nzC | CPU | CUDA | Time |
(ms) | (ms) | Ratio | |||
200, 1,746,454 | 200, 1,734,514 | 69,689,071 | 4812.40 | 66.62 | 72 |
300, 2,574,174 | 300, 2,599,683 | 76,317,794 | 11,031.72 | 141.86 | 78 |
400, 3,462,833 | 200, 3,499,657 | 75,463,181 | 19,733.96 | 241.23 | 82 |
500, 4,358,737 | 500, 4,372,825 | 75,504,513 | 31,817.91 | 358.39 | 89 |
600, 5,237,042 | 600, 5,233,209 | 75,281,188 | 46,549.84 | 468.83 | 99 |
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Haque, S.A.; Parvez, M.T.; Hossain, S. GPU Algorithms for Structured Sparse Matrix Multiplication with Diagonal Storage Schemes. Algorithms 2024, 17, 31.
Haque SA, Parvez MT, Hossain S. GPU Algorithms for Structured Sparse Matrix Multiplication with Diagonal Storage Schemes. Algorithms. 2024; 17(1):31.
Chicago/Turabian StyleHaque, Sardar Anisul, Mohammad Tanvir Parvez, and Shahadat Hossain. 2024. "GPU Algorithms for Structured Sparse Matrix Multiplication with Diagonal Storage Schemes" Algorithms 17, no. 1: 31.
APA StyleHaque, S. A., Parvez, M. T., & Hossain, S. (2024). GPU Algorithms for Structured Sparse Matrix Multiplication with Diagonal Storage Schemes. Algorithms, 17(1), 31.