An Optimized Framework for Energy-Resource Allocation in a Cloud Environment based on the Whale Optimization Algorithm
<p>Cloud Infrastructure Bala [<a href="#B7-sensors-21-01583" class="html-bibr">7</a>].</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Workflow of Resource Scheduling Santhiya et al. [<a href="#B27-sensors-21-01583" class="html-bibr">27</a>].</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Workflow diagram of the proposed system.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>PSO algorithm.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Flowchart of the whale optimization algorithm.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Parameter Setting in Cloud Analyst.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>Servers specification in XML File.</p> "> Figure 8
<p>Algorithm results with seven servers.</p> "> Figure 9
<p>Algorithm results with eight servers.</p> "> Figure 10
<p>Comparison of the energy consumption of the PSO, CSO, CSA, BAT with WOA algorithms.</p> "> Figure 11
<p>Comparison of execution time of PSO, CSO, CSA, BAT with WOA.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Related Work
2.1. Recently Developed Load Balancing Mechanisms
2.2. Energy Optimization in the Cloud
2.3. Resource Scheduling in a Cloud Based Environment
3. Proposed Work
3.1. Working Methodology
- Input the required number of parameters to create the number of tasks.
- Host the number of servers on each virtual machine to allocate the different resources on it.
- Use the data center to launch all the virtual machines on it and to allocate the storage for them.
- Use the optimization methods to best schedule the resources and to balance the load from one server to another by migrating the resources and to compute the energy consumption.
- We need to compute the pre-migrations and post migrations time for migration and energy consumption and execution time for load balancing on cloud.
- To build the GUI for each optimization methods with proper executing button by using we can fire the event to execute the optimization methods one by one.
- By executing all the proposed methods, we can come to identify the best method for the research work at hand.
- Perform all the proposed work by using Java programming and the Cloud Analyst toolkit.
3.2. Energy Consumption over the Cloud System
3.3. Mathematical Model
- ≤ peak load at time T,
- = 0; when task j is not assigned to node Ri.
- = ; when task j is assigned to node Ri.
3.4. Algorithm Used for Load Balancing, Scheduling, Energy Efficiency
For each particle |
Initialize particle |
End |
Do |
For each particle |
Calculate Fitness value |
If fitness value is better than the best fitness in history |
Set current value as new pbest. |
Set current value as new pbest. |
End |
Choose the particle with best fitness value of all particles as the gbest |
For each particle |
Calculate particle velocity |
Update particle position |
End |
While max iterations or minimum error criteria is not attained |
Begin |
Objective function f(x) |
Generate initial population of n host nest |
Evaluate fitness and rank eggs |
While (t > MaxGeneration) or Stop criterion |
T = t + 1 |
Get a cuckoo randomly/generate new solution by Levy flights |
Evaluate quality/fitness, Fi |
Choose a random nest j |
If (Fi > Fj) |
Replace j by the new solution |
End if |
Worst nest is abandoned with probability Pa and new nest is built |
Evaluate fitness and Rank the solution and fit current best |
End while |
Post process results and visualization |
End |
Randomly initialize cats. |
While (is terminal condition reached) |
Distribute cats to seeking/tracing mode |
For (i = 0; i < NumCat;i++) |
Evaluate Fitness for cat. |
If (Cati in seeking mode) THEN |
Search by seeking mode process. |
Else |
Search by tracing mode process. |
End |
End For |
End While |
- ➢
- Bats use echolocation to find the distance between food sources but they also have knowledge of the difference between background barriers and food.
- ➢
- Bats search for their food with velocity vi at position xi with fixed frequency fmin with varying wavelength. They adjust their position and wavelength based on the target.
Objective function f(x),x = [x1, x2, …, xd]T |
Initialize the bat population xi(i = 1,2, … n) and vi |
Define Pulse frequency fi at xi initialize pulse rates ri and the loudness Ai |
While (t< Max numbers of iterations) |
Generate new solutions by adjusting frequency |
And updating velocities and locations/solutions [(1)] |
If (rand>ri) |
Select a solution among the best solutions |
Generate a local solution around the selected best solution |
End if |
Generate a new solution by flying randomly |
If (rand < Ai and f(xi) < f(x*)) |
Accept the new solutions |
Increase ri and reduce Ai |
End if |
Rank the bats and find the current best x* |
End while |
Postprocess results and visualization |
Randomly initialize the whale population |
Evaluate the fitness values of whales and find out the best search agent X* |
While t < tmax |
Calculate fitness function for each agent |
For each search agent |
If h < 0.5 where h is the random number between 0 and 1 then |
If then ……………………………………Equation (1) |
Else if ……………………………………Equation (2) |
end If |
Else If h ≥ 0.5 then |
………………………………………………Equation (3) |
End If |
End For |
Evaluate the fitness of X(t + 1) and updates X′ |
End While |
3.5. Simulation Toolkit
- ➢
- Test the services of applications in a reoccurring and controlled environment.
- ➢
- Performs experiments with varying workload mix and with different performance scenarios on imitated infrastructure for development.
- ➢
- Tune the system limitations before deployment of apps in an actual cloud.
- ➢
- It is a complete platform for modelling cloud’s service agents, provisioning, and, allocation strategy.
- ➢
- It provides imitation of a cloud-environment which can inter-connect resources of both public as well as private domains.
- ➢
- Virtualization engine availability that helps in creation as well as management of several independent virtual services on a DC node.
3.6. Parameters Used in Toolkit
- ➢
- User Grouping Factor: This parameter is used to guide simulator that in a single bundle of traffic, how many users will be treated simultaneously.
- ➢
- Executable instruction length (in bytes): Simulator execute instructions based on length setting under this parameter.
- ➢
- Load balancing policy: This parameter is used to allocate request to various virtual machine based on policy setting.
- ➢
- Request Grouping Factor: Simulator treat multiple requests for single unit of processing using this parameter.
3.7. Simulation Output Screen
4. Results and Discussion
4.1. Seven Servers
4.2. Eight Servers
4.3. Load Balancing
4.4. Energy Consumption
4.5. Execution Time
5. Conclusions and Future Work
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Author | Technique | Benefits | Limitation |
Adhikari et al. [35] | LB-RC | Achieve less execution cost with QoS parameter | Qualities of task deployment policies is not considered |
Jena et al. [36] | QMPSO | balances the load by reassigning the load to the appropriate VMs by considering the fitness value of each VMs | It is limited to independent tasks |
Golchi et al. [37] | hybrid firefly and IPSO | Response time of task has been increased | Energy efficiency not maintained |
Haidri et al. [38] | CPDALB | Provide better result of load balancing in heterogeneous environment | Various other parameter also need to be focussed other than Load balancing |
Pourghaffari et al. [33] | EDF-VD | Give better results of load balancing by spiting task | Much more better results can come for task scheduling |
Kaur et al. [39] | TSFPA | Makespan of tasks has been reduced as compared to other techniques | Load balancing between tasks need to be consider |
Mishra et al. [40] | ACO-Fuzzy | Optimize cost and provide optimal computer network path for resource allocation | Multiobjective optimization of resources, energy consumption and task migration need to be implement. |
Xiaolong et al. [41] | MTSS | Give the result of better network utilization, reduction in packet loss | Not consider various load cnditions |
Algorithms | Parameters | ||
Response Time | Execution Time | Energy Consumption | |
PSO | 0.116 | 248.390 | 22,355.146 |
CSO | 0 | 94.405 | 8496.522 |
CSA | 2.095 | 103.580 | 9322.227 |
BAT | 0 | 101.633 | 9147.006 |
WOA | 0 | 90.7289 | 8165.603 |
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Share and Cite
Goyal, S.; Bhushan, S.; Kumar, Y.; Rana, A.u.H.S.; Bhutta, M.R.; Ijaz, M.F.; Son, Y. An Optimized Framework for Energy-Resource Allocation in a Cloud Environment based on the Whale Optimization Algorithm. Sensors 2021, 21, 1583.
Goyal S, Bhushan S, Kumar Y, Rana AuHS, Bhutta MR, Ijaz MF, Son Y. An Optimized Framework for Energy-Resource Allocation in a Cloud Environment based on the Whale Optimization Algorithm. Sensors. 2021; 21(5):1583.
Chicago/Turabian StyleGoyal, Shanky, Shashi Bhushan, Yogesh Kumar, Abu ul Hassan S. Rana, Muhammad Raheel Bhutta, Muhammad Fazal Ijaz, and Youngdoo Son. 2021. "An Optimized Framework for Energy-Resource Allocation in a Cloud Environment based on the Whale Optimization Algorithm" Sensors 21, no. 5: 1583.
APA StyleGoyal, S., Bhushan, S., Kumar, Y., Rana, A. u. H. S., Bhutta, M. R., Ijaz, M. F., & Son, Y. (2021). An Optimized Framework for Energy-Resource Allocation in a Cloud Environment based on the Whale Optimization Algorithm. Sensors, 21(5), 1583.