Generating Time-Series LAI Estimates of Maize Using Combined Methods Based on Multispectral UAV Observations and WOFOST Model
<p>Locations of the study area and the field observation sites.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>The components of the UAV platform (<b>a</b>) and geometric correction accuracy (<b>b</b>).</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Processes of LAI estimation for the entire growth season using combined methods.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Processes of LAI estimation for the late stage using hybrid method (DVS: the development stage of the crop, DVS = 1 indicates the beginning of tasseling period for maize in this study).</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Established empirical vegetation index models (<b>A</b>) 30 June, (<b>B</b>) 29 July, (<b>C</b>) 25 August.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>The accuracy of LAI estimations using the vegetation index method (<b>A</b>) 30 June, (<b>B</b>) 29 July, (<b>C</b>) 25 August.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>The LAI estimation accuracies for the calibrated WOFOST model (<b>A</b>) 30 June, (<b>B</b>) 29 July, (<b>C</b>) 25 August.</p> "> Figure 8
<p>The LAI estimation accuracies using assimilation method (<b>A</b>) 30 June, (<b>B</b>) 29 July, (<b>C</b>) 25 August.</p> "> Figure 9
<p>The seasonal LAI estimated using three methods: the calibrated WOFOST model, the assimilation method, and the VI-based empirical using RS data.</p> "> Figure 10
<p>The LAI estimation accuracies for 25 August using the hybrid method.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Study Area and Field Campaign
2.2. Remote Sensing Data Acquired by the Unmanned Aerial System (UAS)
2.3. Estimation of LAI
2.3.1. VI-Based Method
2.3.2. Data Assimilation Method
2.3.3. The Hybrid Method
- Step 1.
- For early-stage LAI estimation, the VI-based empirical method was applied. VIs were calculated from time-series RS data acquired by UAS and the empirical model was built between field LAI measurements and VIs. Then, LAI was estimated using the empirical model.
- Step 2.
- For mid-stage LAI estimation, the RS-based LAI was assimilated into the WOFOST model to correct the daily crop growth simulations from the beginning of the growth season to the end of the mid stage to generate LAI estimations.
- Step 3.
- For late-stage LAI simulation, crop growth was simulated using the method in Step 2 from the beginning of the growing season to the end of the mid stage. Then, we halted RS assimilation and used the WOFOST model instead to output the daily LAI.
2.4. Evaluating the Accuracies of LAI Estimations
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. LAI Estimation Using the VI-Based Method
3.2. LAI Simulation Using the Assimilation Method
3.2.1. WOFOST Model Calibration
3.2.2. LAI Simulation Using the WOFOST Model
3.2.3. LAI Simulation Using the EnKF Assimilation Method
3.3. LAI Estimations Using the Hybrid Method
4. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Date (Month-Day) | Number of Samples | NDVI | RVI | OSAVI | EVI2 | MTVI2 |
6-30 | 36 | 0.78 ** | 0.79 ** | 0.75 ** | 0.67 ** | 0.73 ** |
7-29 | 28 | 0.63 ** | 0.64 ** | 0.55 ** | 0.46 * | 0.39 * |
8-25 | 29 | 0.30 | 0.30 | 0.42 * | 0.44 * | 0.33 |
Time (Month-Day) | Field LAI | NDVI | RVI | OSVI | EVI2 | MTVI2 |
6-30 | 31.51 | 10.92 | 30.54 | 13.44 | 20.37 | 20.82 |
7-29 | 17.96 | 1.49 | 9.35 | 2.83 | 6.82 | 4.12 |
8-25 | 12.71 | 1.51 | 4.64 | 2.50 | 5.38 | 4.43 |
Parameters | Description | Original Values | Calibrated Values | Unit | Calibration Method |
TSUM1 | Temperature sum from emergence to anthesis | 695 | 890 | °C × d | Field campaign |
TSUM2 | Temperature sum from anthesis to maturity | 800 | 710 | °C × d | Field campaign |
CVL | Conversion efficiency of assimilates into leaf | 0.68 | 0.64 | kg/kg | Field campaign |
CVO | Conversion efficiency of assimilates into storage organ | 0.67 | 0.81 | kg/kg | Field campaign |
CVR | Conversion efficiency of assimilates into root | 0.69 | 0.70 | kg/kg | Field campaign |
CVS | Conversion efficiency of assimilates into stem | 0.66 | 0.66 | kg/kg | Field campaign |
FRTB | Fraction of total dry matter to root | 0–0.37 | 0–0.40 | kg/kg | Field campaign |
FOTB | Fraction of above ground dry matter to storage organs (DVS = 0.1–1.7) | 0–1.00 | 0–0.74 | kg/kg | Field campaign |
FLTB | Fraction of above ground dry matter to leaves (DVS = 0.1–1.7) | 0–0.62 | 0.20–0.75 | kg/kg | Field campaign |
FSTB | Fraction of above ground dry matter to stem (DVS = 0.1–1.7) | 0–0.85 | 0.06–0.57 | kg/kg | Field campaign |
NBASE | Basic soil nitrogen content | 100 | 40–410 | mg/kg | SAN estimation method |
PBASE | Basic phosphorus content | 100 | 10–80 | mg/kg | SAN estimation method |
KBASE | Basic potassium content | 100 | 20–340 | mg/kg | Field campaign |
SMFCF | Soil moisture content at field capacity | 0.11 | 0.46 | cm3/cm3 | FSEOPT software |
SMW | Soil moisture content at wilting point | 0.04 | 0.20 | cm3/cm3 | FSEOPT software |
SM0 | Soil moisture content of saturated soil | 0.39 | 0.570 | cm3/cm3 | FSEOPT software |
RDMCR | Maximum root depth allowed by soil | 10 | 2.4 | m | FSEOPT software |
SPAN | Life span of leaves growing at 35 °C | 33 | 28 | day | FSEOPT software |
Variable | Method | Values | Error |
Emergence time | Observed | 1 June | - |
Original model | 23 May | −8 days | |
Calibrated model | 28 May | −4 days | |
Anthesis time | Observed results | 25 July | - |
Original model | 15 July | −10 days | |
Calibrated model | 29 July | 4 days | |
Maturity time | Observed results | 27 September | - |
Original model | 22 September | −5 days | |
Calibrated model | 30 September | 3 days | |
Yield (kg/ha) | Observed results | 9179 | - |
Original model | 9607 | −428 | |
Calibrated model | 9104 | 75 |
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Cheng, Z.; Meng, J.; Shang, J.; Liu, J.; Huang, J.; Qiao, Y.; Qian, B.; Jing, Q.; Dong, T.; Yu, L. Generating Time-Series LAI Estimates of Maize Using Combined Methods Based on Multispectral UAV Observations and WOFOST Model. Sensors 2020, 20, 6006.
Cheng Z, Meng J, Shang J, Liu J, Huang J, Qiao Y, Qian B, Jing Q, Dong T, Yu L. Generating Time-Series LAI Estimates of Maize Using Combined Methods Based on Multispectral UAV Observations and WOFOST Model. Sensors. 2020; 20(21):6006.
Chicago/Turabian StyleCheng, Zhiqiang, Jihua Meng, Jiali Shang, Jiangui Liu, Jianxi Huang, Yanyou Qiao, Budong Qian, Qi Jing, Taifeng Dong, and Lihong Yu. 2020. "Generating Time-Series LAI Estimates of Maize Using Combined Methods Based on Multispectral UAV Observations and WOFOST Model" Sensors 20, no. 21: 6006.
APA StyleCheng, Z., Meng, J., Shang, J., Liu, J., Huang, J., Qiao, Y., Qian, B., Jing, Q., Dong, T., & Yu, L. (2020). Generating Time-Series LAI Estimates of Maize Using Combined Methods Based on Multispectral UAV Observations and WOFOST Model. Sensors, 20(21), 6006.