MSCD-YOLO: A Lightweight Dense Pedestrian Detection Model with Finer-Grained Feature Information Interaction
<p>The overall network architecture of YOLOv8.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>The overall network architecture of MSCD-YOLO.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>The architecture of MV2.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>The architecture of MViT Block module.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>The architecture of SPD-Conv; (<b>a</b>) SPD-Conv; (<b>b</b>) ReSPD-Conv.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>The architecture of CGA feature fusion architecture; (<b>a</b>) CGAFusion; (<b>b</b>) CGA module.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>The improvement of Head; (<b>a</b>) DyHead; (<b>b</b>) DEHead; (<b>c</b>) Conv; (<b>d</b>) Deformable Conv; (<b>e</b>) coordinate attention; (<b>f</b>) Efficient Multi-Scale attention.</p> "> Figure 8
<p>Results of the ablation experiment on the Crowdhuman datasets.</p> "> Figure 9
<p>Results of the ablation experiment on the Widerperson datasets.</p> "> Figure 10
<p>Comparison of different models of mAP@0.5, mAP@0.5-0.95, Recall, Param on the Crowdhuman datasets.</p> "> Figure 11
<p>Comparison of different models of mAP@0.5, mAP@0.5-0.95, Recall, Param on the Widerperson datasets.</p> "> Figure 12
<p>Comparison of feature extraction between different models (street).</p> "> Figure 13
<p>Comparison of feature extraction between different models (train).</p> "> Figure 14
<p>Comparison of feature extraction between different models (night).</p> "> Figure 15
<p>Comparison of feature extraction between different models (mall).</p> ">
:1. Introduction
- We chose to introduce the MobileViT backbone network to replace the backbone network of YOLOv8. By combining local and global feature extraction methods, the extracted features contain more information, while MobileViT’s lightweight structure achieves a reduction in model weight.
- We designed SC-Neck, where the neck network incorporates SPD-Conv for information-preserving downsampling. We also proposed the ReSPD-Conv for upsampling feature maps, achieving an information-preserving neck network through auxiliary upsampling and downsampling. Additionally, CGAFusion is introduced for feature fusion, and the P2 layer is included to improve small object detection performance.
- Finally, we added DEHead to the detection head. By incorporating the EMA attention mechanism for modeling long-distance dependencies and replacing the scale attention mechanism in DyHead while removing the task attention mechanism, we further lightweighted the detection head.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. YOLOv8 Algorithm
2.2. MSCD-YOLO Network Model
2.2.1. Feature Extraction Network
2.2.2. Feature Fusion Network
2.2.3. Detection Head
3. Results
3.1. Experimental Environments and Dataset
3.2. Evaluation Indexes
3.3. Experimental Results and Analysis
3.3.1. Ablation Experiments
3.3.2. Comparison and Analysis of Different Model
3.3.3. Visual Analysis of Results
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Environment | Configuration |
Operating System | Ubuntu 20.04 |
GPU | 3090 (24 GB) |
CPU | Intel Xeon Platinum 8362 |
Python | 3.8.19 |
Deep Learning Framework | torch 1.13.1 + cu117 |
Optimizer | SGD |
Datasets | Number of Images | Target Instances | Target Instance |
Caltech-USA | 42,782 | 13,674 | 0.32 |
KITTI | 3712 | 2322 | 0.63 |
COCOPerson | 64,115 | 257,252 | 4.01 |
Cityperson | 2975 | 19,238 | 6.47 |
Crowdhuman | 15,000 | 470,000+ | 22.63 |
Widerperson | 8000 | 240,000 | 26.51 |
Baseline | MViT | MViT (P2) | SCNeck | DyHead | DEHead | Param (M) | R (%) | mAP50 (%) | mAP50-95 (%) |
YOLOv8n | 3.0 | 65.9 | 75.8 | 48.0 | |||||
YOLOv8n_MViT | √ | 1.18 | 64.5 | 74.7 | 46.4 | ||||
YOLOv8n_MViT_P2 | √ | 1.28 | 66.7 | 77.1 | 48.7 | ||||
YOLOv8n_MViT_SCNeck | √ | √ | 1.97 | 68.8 | 79.3 | 51.5 | |||
YOLOv8n_MViT_DyHead | √ | √ | 1.37 | 68.2 | 78.5 | 50.7 | |||
YOLOv8n_MViT_DEHead | √ | √ | 1.35 | 69.1 | 79.2 | 51.5 | |||
MSCD-YOLO | √ | √ | √ | 2.03(−0.97) | 70.4(+4.5) | 80.4(+4.6) | 53.3(+5.3) |
Baseline | MViT | MViT (P2) | SCNeck | DyHead | DEHead | Param (M) | R (%) | mAP50 (%) | mAP50-95 (%) |
YOLOv8n | 3.0 | 79.6 | 88.3 | 62.3 | |||||
YOLOv8n_MViT | √ | 1.18 | 78.4 | 88.0 | 61.6 | ||||
YOLOv8n_MViT_P2 | √ | 1.28 | 80.4 | 89.1 | 62.9 | ||||
YOLOv8n_MViT_SCNeck | √ | √ | 1.97 | 81.2 | 89.8 | 64.3 | |||
YOLOv8n_MViT_DyHead | √ | √ | 1.37 | 80.3 | 89.5 | 63.8 | |||
YOLOv8n_MViT_DEHead | √ | √ | 1.35 | 81.2 | 89.8 | 64.4 | |||
MSCD-YOLO | √ | √ | √ | 2.03(−0.97) | 81.5(+1.9) | 90.1(+1.8) | 64.9(+2.6) |
Method | Param (M) | R (%) | mAP50 (%) | mAP50-95 (%) |
Faster-RCNN | 41.34 | 78.0 | 49.9 | |
Mask-RCNN | 43.99 | 77.0 | 47.0 | |
SSD | 23.746 | 69.6 | 34.7 | |
YOLOv5n | 1.76 | 60.8 | 70.8 | 40.4 |
YOLOv5s | 7.02 | 67.0 | 77.2 | 47.2 |
YOLOv7-Tiny | 6.01 | 69.41 | 78.56 | 46.22 |
YOLOv8n(Baseline) | 3.0 | 65.9 | 75.8 | 48 |
YOLOv8s | 11.1 | 70.8 | 80.1 | 53.2 |
YOLOv9-Tiny | 2.61 | 65.2 | 75.3 | 47.9 |
YOLOv10n | 2.7 | 64.3 | 74.8 | 46.9 |
YOLOv10s | 8.03 | 69.6 | 79.5 | 52.3 |
YOLOv11n | 2.59 | 64.9 | 75.4 | 47.4 |
YOLOv11s | 9.41 | 70.4 | 79.8 | 52.8 |
MSCD-YOLO(Ours) | 2.03 | 70.6 | 80.4 | 53.3 |
Method | Param (M) | R (%) | mAP50 (%) | mAP50-95 (%) |
Faster-RCNN | 41.34 | 86.9 | 58.9 | |
Mask-RCNN | 43.99 | 86.9 | 59.0 | |
SSD | 23.746 | 77.9 | 43.7 | |
YOLOv5n | 1.76 | 76.3 | 86.8 | 57.7 |
YOLOv5s | 7.02 | 77.3 | 88.2 | 60.5 |
YOLOv7-Tiny | 6.01 | 80.5 | 89.0 | 59.5 |
YOLOv8n(Baseline) | 3.0 | 79.6 | 88.3 | 62.3 |
YOLOv8s | 11.1 | 82.2 | 90.1 | 64.6 |
YOLOv9-Tiny | 2.61 | 81.9 | 88.6 | 62.8 |
YOLOv10n | 2.7 | 78.5 | 87.6 | 61.6 |
YOLOv10s | 8.03 | 80.4 | 89.7 | 64.0 |
YOLOv11n | 2.59 | 79.3 | 88.2 | 62.1 |
YOLOv11s | 9.41 | 81.3 | 89.9 | 64.4 |
MSCD-YOLO(Ours) | 2.03 | 81.5 | 90.1 | 64.9 |
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Liu, Q.; Li, Z.; Zhang, L.; Deng, J. MSCD-YOLO: A Lightweight Dense Pedestrian Detection Model with Finer-Grained Feature Information Interaction. Sensors 2025, 25, 438.
Liu Q, Li Z, Zhang L, Deng J. MSCD-YOLO: A Lightweight Dense Pedestrian Detection Model with Finer-Grained Feature Information Interaction. Sensors. 2025; 25(2):438.
Chicago/Turabian StyleLiu, Qiang, Zhongmin Li, Lei Zhang, and Jin Deng. 2025. "MSCD-YOLO: A Lightweight Dense Pedestrian Detection Model with Finer-Grained Feature Information Interaction" Sensors 25, no. 2: 438.
APA StyleLiu, Q., Li, Z., Zhang, L., & Deng, J. (2025). MSCD-YOLO: A Lightweight Dense Pedestrian Detection Model with Finer-Grained Feature Information Interaction. Sensors, 25(2), 438.