The Impact of Different Kernel Functions on the Performance of Scintillation Detection Based on Support Vector Machines †
<p>Experimental scintillated GNSS data collection configuration.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Scintillation index values of GPS L1 C/A PRN-14 signal—21 January 2016 (SANAE IV).</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Scintillation index values of GPS L1 C/A PRN-20 signal—16 April 2013 (Hanoi).</p> "> Figure 4
<p>An overview sketch of Support Vector Machines (SVM) algorithm linear classifier.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Labeling of the amplitude and phase scintillation index values in the training data sets.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>An example of Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC) space for classification evaluation.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC) curves of Support Vector Machines (SVM) methods with different kernel functions.</p> "> Figure 8
<p>Scintillation detection results based on Support Vector Machines (SVM) with different kernel functions. “1” corresponds to the points in which the related method points out the scintillation event and “0” means no-scintillation event is detected. Both amplitude and phase scintillation indices synchronized in time can be evaluated as ground truth in the graph to evaluate the performances of different kernels.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Ionospheric Scintillation Data and Analysis
3. Overview of Support Vector Machines Algorithm
3.1. Derivation of the Optimum Hyper-Plane
3.2. Kernel Extension
4. Experimental Tests
4.1. Training Data Preparation and Labeling
4.2. Cross Validation
4.3. Tests and Evaluation
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
GNSS | Global Navigation Satellite Systems |
SVM | Support Vector Machines |
ROC | Receiver Operating Characteristics |
RBF | Radial Basis Function |
TP | True Positive |
FP | False Positive |
TN | True Negative |
FN | False Negative |
TPR | True Positive Rate |
FPR | False Positive Rate |
AUC | Area Under the Curve |
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Dates | PRNs | Station | Coordinates | |
1 | 21 January 2016 3 February 2016 8 February 2016 17 August 2016 | 9 | South African Antarctic Research Base (SANAE-IV), Antarctic | Lat.: ° S Long.: ° W |
2 | 10 April 2013 12 April 2013 16 April 2013 4 October 2013 | 11 17 | Hanoi, Vietnam | Lat.: ° N Long.: ° E |
SVM Method | Kernel Scale | Running Time | Validation Accuracy (%) | Operating Point | AUC (%) | |
TPR | FPR | |||||
Linear | 1 | 86.01 | 0.6772 | 0.0468 | 91.98 | |
Coarse Gaussian | 6.9 | 1.28 | 86.29 | 0.6755 | 0.0482 | 90.10 |
Medium Gaussian | 1.7 | 1.55 | 86.16 | 0.6751 | 0.0480 | 90.85 |
Fine Gaussian | 0.43 | 1.70 | 85.95 | 0.6890 | 0.0530 | 93.16 |
Polynomial (Order:2) | 1 | 1.37 | 86.26 | 0.6768 | 0.0485 | 89.38 |
Polynomial (Order:3) | 1 | 3.20 | 86.04 | 0.6779 | 0.0488 | 92.67 |
SVM Method | Kernel Scale | Running Time | Validation Accuracy (%) | Operating Point | AUC (%) | |
TPR | FPR | |||||
Linear | 1 | 90.44 | 0.8990 | 0.0460 | 95.37 | |
Coarse Gaussian | 6.9 | 1.02 | 90.72 | 0.9004 | 0.0487 | 95.18 |
Medium Gaussian | 1.7 | 1.18 | 91.65 | 0.9004 | 0.0487 | 95.19 |
Fine Gaussian | 0.43 | 1.33 | 91.56 | 0.9018 | 0.0378 | 96.01 |
Polynomial (Order:2) | 1 | 1.08 | 91.42 | 0.8920 | 0.0265 | 95.61 |
Polynomial (Order:3) | 1 | 1.80 | 91.56 | 0.8927 | 0.0292 | 95.88 |
Scintillation | No-Scintillation | ||
PREDICTION | Scintillation | True Positive (TP) | False Positive (FP) |
No-Scintillation | False Negative (FN) | True Negative (TN) |
Phase Scintillation | Amplitude Scintillation | |||
Accuracy | Error Rate | Accuracy | Error Rate | |
Linear | ||||
Coarse Gaussian | ||||
Medium Gaussian | ||||
Fine Gaussian | ||||
Polynomial (Order:2) | ||||
Polynomial (Order:3) |
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Share and Cite
Savas, C.; Dovis, F. The Impact of Different Kernel Functions on the Performance of Scintillation Detection Based on Support Vector Machines. Sensors 2019, 19, 5219.
Savas C, Dovis F. The Impact of Different Kernel Functions on the Performance of Scintillation Detection Based on Support Vector Machines. Sensors. 2019; 19(23):5219.
Chicago/Turabian StyleSavas, Caner, and Fabio Dovis. 2019. "The Impact of Different Kernel Functions on the Performance of Scintillation Detection Based on Support Vector Machines" Sensors 19, no. 23: 5219.
APA StyleSavas, C., & Dovis, F. (2019). The Impact of Different Kernel Functions on the Performance of Scintillation Detection Based on Support Vector Machines. Sensors, 19(23), 5219.