アメリカ数学会(AMS) オーストラリア数学会(Aust MS), ヨーロッパ数学会(EMS), フランス数学会(SMF), ニュージーランド数学会(NZMS), 大韓数学会(KMS), ロンドン数学会(LMS), ドイツ数学会(DMV), スペイン数学会(RSME), チュニジア数学会(SMT), 中華民国数学会(TMS), クロアチア数学会(CMS)
AMS: |
American Mathematical Society Membership and Custumer Services P.O.Box 6248,Providence,RI 02940-6248 U.S.A. Tel:+1 401-455-4000 Fax:+1 401 455 4046 amsmem@ams.org http://www.ams.org/membership/ |
Aust MS: |
The Australian Mathematical Society Department of Mathematics, Room G15 John Dedman Mathematical Sciences Building #27 (off Kingsley Street) Australian National University ACT 2601, Australia http://www.austms.org.au/Membership |
EMS: |
The European Mathematical Society EMS Secretariat University of Helsinki Department of Mathematics & Statistics P.O. Box 68 (Gustaf Hällströmink. 2b) 00014 University of Helsinki FINLAND Tel:+358 2941 51502 Fax:+358 2941 51400 ems-office@helsinki.fi http://www.euro-math-soc.eu/corporate-members |
SMF: |
Societe Mathematique de France Secretariat general Institut Henri Poincare, 11 rue Pierre et Marie Curie 75231 Paris cedex 5 FRANCE Tel:+33 01 44 27 67 96 Fax:+33 01 40 46 90 96 smf@dmi.ens.fr |
The New Zealand Mathematical Society Dr Charles Semple(Secretary) Department of Mathematics & Statistics The University of Canterbury Private Bag 4800,Christchurch,New Zealand Tel:+64 3 364 2987 ext8349 Fax:+64 3 364 2587 C.Semple@malh.Canterbury.ac.nz |
KMS: |
The Korean Mathematical Society The Korea Science and Technology Center 214 635-4 Yeoksam-dong Kangnam-ku, Seoul 135-703, Korea Tel:+82 2 565 0361 Fax:+82 2 565 0364 kms@kms.or.kr http://www.kms.or.kr |
LMS: |
London Mathematical Society Membership Secretary De Morgan House,57-58 Russell Square London WC1B 4HP U.K. Tel:+44 0171 637 3686 Fax:+44 0171 323 3655 lms@lms.ac.uk |
DMV: |
Deutsche Mathematiker-Vereinigung Geschaflsstelle der DMV, c/o WIAS, Mohrenstr. 39 D-10117 Berlin Germany http://www.mathematik.uni-bielefeld.de/DMV/ |
Real Sociedad Matemática Española Despacho 525. Facultad de Matemáticas Universidad Complutense de Madrid Plaza de las Ciencias, 3 28040 Madrid Tel: +34 91 394 49 37 Fax: +34 91 394 50 27 secretaria@rsme.es http://www.rsme.es/ |
SMT: |
Société Mathématique de Tunisie Département de Mathématiques 2092 Tunis-Tunisie Tel: +216 71 872 600 Fax: +216 71 885 350 TMS@tms.rnu.tn http://www.tms.rnu.tn/ |
TMS: |
Mathematical Society of the Republic of China Department of Mathematics National Taiwan University No.1, Section 4, Roosevelt Road Taipei 10617, Taiwan tms@math.ntu.edu.tw |
CMS: |
Croatian Mathematical Society Bijenicka cesta 30 10000 ZAGREB, Croatia Tel: +385 01 46 05 704 Fax: +385 01 46 80 335 hmd@math.hr http://www.matematika.hr |