This document contains a list of most menu, mouse and keyboard functions with brief explanation of the use and necessary additional information. Archived...
This document contains a list of most menu, mouse and keyboard functions with brief explanation of the use and necessary additional information. Archived...
It`s in sort of a beta stage at the moment. I`m still learning MaxEd2 so please be patient with me. There is no end to this level and there`s no actual...
This is the LVL file of the level "Angel of Death" (Punchinello Manor, part 2 chapter 5)
A template for easily converting DMW maps to Gun Game (map source file required).
Autoskips all the graphic novels and levels/sections without enemies, such as dreams and exploration. You can skip Part 2 Mona levels if you want to...
This is a French mod themed after The Matrix that modifies Max's skin and all of his weapons. It allows you to do things like dual wield AK-47s.
This is a class based warfare mod for Max Payne 2. You select a class and accompany a squad of police to defeat a group of cleaner commandos.
This is a modified version of Free To Kill where Niko Bellic from GTA4 replaces Max Payne. It also allows you to play as Niko Bellic in the base game.
In this brief tutorial I'll be explaining exactly how you can produce some fine ass scripted Cinematic Sequences in MaxED2.
This is a tutorial going over how to calculate lighting in MaxEd2.
This tutorial goes over how to add both Friendly and Hostile NPC's (Non Player/Playing Characters) and AI nodes!
If you reading this you are probably either having troubles exporting weapons into Max Payne 2, or are going to soon. Let me begin by saying that I had...
This tutorial will explain how to skin characters with the photo skinning technique for Max Payne 2. You will learn how to make the best out of the worse...
AI Coding, A.K.A Artificial Intelligence, is quite simple when it comes to coding through txt/h files.
This tutorial goes more in-depth on what defines mean in weapon.txt's.
Okay, you've entered the modding scene, and want to do new animations. Who doesn't? to do this tutorial, you're going to need discreets 3d studio MAX...
This is a joke mod for Max Payne where you play as Oprah. It features many changes to weapons/graphics and a few new levels.
ok, If you are a max-payne fan and also had been a fan of George Micheal (obviously for his looks) , then you are with the RIGHT STUFF and its a sure...
Ok, this tutorial is to texture and put a new model into the game. Your model should be finished and scaled properly in 3dsmax 3.1 with the units set...
Made this in MaxEd2 using Remedy's MP2 textures. Good enough for what I need it for, now if I could only remember what that was? *G* Feel free to improve...
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