Various Collaborations / Illustrations
Unpublished collaborations with friends featuring Evgeny Kiselev, Théo Gennitsakis, John Leigh and Ravi Vasavan.
All artworks have been built in 300dpi.
LSD & Evgeny Kiselev / LSD & Théo Gennitsakis
Thanks to Evgeny and Théo for the collaborations. Both are also looking good when joined together !
LSD & Dirtylipbalm (Ravi Vasavan)
LSD & Karborn (John Leigh)
| Xhtml | Css | cc | MMII - MMVII | All Property of Loïc SATTLER | Powerful hosting provided by Hostinger | Thanks to all who support / have supported my works through the years | Lysergid V2 | Lysergid V3 |