"A Passage to Rhodesia" is ROME's tenth album, but it's safe to say it's one of the most important releases in its long-standing career. The album unites instant dark folk classics such as “A Farewell to Europe” and “One Fire” with ambient collages in the best industrial and experimental traditions -most notably on the exclusive additional album “House of Stone”. Mastermind Jerome Reuter has accomplished a great swirling devil of a record, an epic and tragic masterpiece of considerable scale, rich in theme and philosophic inquiry. "A Passage to Rhodesia… read more
"A Passage to Rhodesia" is ROME's tenth album, but it's safe to say it's one of the most important releases in its long-stan… read more
"A Passage to Rhodesia" is ROME's tenth album, but it's safe to say it's one of the most important releases in its long-standing career. The album unites instant… read more
There are multiple artists with this name: 1) Luxembourgish neofolk act. 2) Hip-hop mc and producer from Los Angeles, USA. 3) R&B singer from Benton Harbor, USA. 4) Experimental dub-influenced band from Chicago, USA. 5) Cape Verdian zouk singer. 6) Rome Ramirez: Singer and guitarist from USA (Singer for Sublime with Rome). 1) ROME is a Luxembourgish neofolk act founded in late 2005 as the main output for the songs of Jerome Reuter and was joined by co-producer Patrick Damiani as official member in early 2008. ROME signed to the Swedish label CMI in 2006 to release an EP titled &… read more
There are multiple artists with this name: 1) Luxembourgish neofolk act. 2) Hip-hop mc and producer from Los Angeles, USA. 3) R&B singer from Benton Harbor, USA. 4) Experimental dub-inf… read more
There are multiple artists with this name: 1) Luxembourgish neofolk act. 2) Hip-hop mc and producer from Los Angeles, USA. 3) R&B singer from Benton Harbor, USA. 4) Experimental dub-influenced band from Chicago, USA. 5) Cape Verdia… read more