"Love Buzz" is a song written by Robbie van Leeuwen of Dutch rock band Shocking Blue. The American grunge band Nirvana recorded a cover version of the song for its debut single, released on Sub Pop in 1988. It was the first single in the Sub Pop Single of the Month club, a marketing gimmick which helped Sub Pop stay temporarily financially solvent. A different mix of the song would also appear on Nirvana's debut album, Bleach, along with the single's b-side, "Big Cheese". The Bleach version of Love Buzz was mixed differently and is missing a 10-second s… read more
"Love Buzz" is a song written by Robbie van Leeuwen of Dutch rock band Shocking Blue. The American grunge band Nirvana recorded a cover ver… read more
"Love Buzz" is a song written by Robbie van Leeuwen of Dutch rock band Shocking Blue. The American grunge band Nirvana recorded a cover version of the song for its debut single… read more
There are multiple artists tracked as "Nirvana" on Last.fm. Following are six, listed in order of prominence: 1) Nirvana was a popular and highly influential American grunge band. The band formed in Aberdeen, Washington in 1987, and it was part of the Seattle grunge scene of the late 80s, alongside bands like Pearl Jam, Alice in Chains and Soundgarden. As their popularity rose, alternative rock became a dominant genre on American and Canadian radio and music television during the early-to-mid '90s. In late 1987, Cobain and Novoselic recruited drummer Aaron Burckhard (… read more
There are multiple artists tracked as "Nirvana" on Last.fm. Following are six, listed in order of prominence: 1) Nirvana was a popular and highly influential American grunge band.… read more
There are multiple artists tracked as "Nirvana" on Last.fm. Following are six, listed in order of prominence: 1) Nirvana was a popular and highly influential American grunge band. The band formed in Aberdeen, Washington in 19… read more