“Jean Leon” is an intimate transformation of pain and darkness into a beautiful inner, shining light. “Jean Leon" finds Edwards returning with a strong undeniable earworm as he prepares to charm our hearts and turn some heads in 2022. “This track is the foundation of the entire record,” Edwards tells Atwood Magazine. “Wrapped up in the jovial groove are my most painfully vulnerable reflections yet. It’s darkness meeting the light. Fallacy meeting reality. Just because you’ve adapted to brokenness doesn’t mean it has to define your tomorrow.” "Jean Leon” is about shedding o… read more
“Jean Leon” is an intimate transformation of pain and darkness into a beautiful inner, shining light. “Jean Leon" finds Edwards returning with a… read more
“Jean Leon” is an intimate transformation of pain and darkness into a beautiful inner, shining light. “Jean Leon" finds Edwards returning with a strong undeniable earworm as he prep… read more
Having explored a spectrum of neo-soul, jazz, lo-fi, and pop over the last two years, Micah’s smooth vocals lend themselves to many different styles and genres. Gaining over one million monthly listeners on Spotify, several Spotify editorial playlist placements, and support from outlets like PARADE, HuffPost, Esquire, and Houston Press, this Houston native is daring to create his own unique sound: Texas soul. Bitter, yet uplifting—his debut album "Jean Leon", is a healing, soulful exploration of faith. Searching for answers from God while searching his own heart, you will … read more
Having explored a spectrum of neo-soul, jazz, lo-fi, and pop over the last two years, Micah’s smooth vocals lend themselves to many different styles and genres. Gaining over one million mon… read more
Having explored a spectrum of neo-soul, jazz, lo-fi, and pop over the last two years, Micah’s smooth vocals lend themselves to many different styles and genres. Gaining over one million monthly listeners on Spotify, several Spotify edi… read more