Dream is the first album of the austrian Symphonic Black/Death Metal band Black Forest, released in 2018. Tracklist: 1. Prelude - 3:122. Intro - 1:023. Darkened - 2:564. Dawn - 4:315. Moonlight - 8:286. Dream - 9:047. Memories - 5:13
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Dream is the first album of the austrian Symphonic Black/Death Metal band Black Forest, released in 2018. Tracklist: 1. Prelude - 3:122. Intro - 1:02… read more
Dream is the first album of the austrian Symphonic Black/Death Metal band Black Forest, released in 2018. Tracklist: 1. Prelude - 3:122. Intro - 1:023. Darkened - 2:564. Dawn - 4:315. Mo… read more
There are multiple artist with this name: Active artists: Black Forest are an Austrian symphonic black / death metal band who's sound often gets compared to wintersun. Their full length album dream was released in 2018. In fall 2019 they supported Herbstschatten on the Black Rain Over Europe tour, with plans to do their own tour in the winter. Link: Official homepage Former / inactive artists: Black Forest is a Russian death doom metal band who released one demo, "Sadness" in 2000. They split-up shortly after. Black Forest is an ambient electronica one-man project f… read more
There are multiple artist with this name: Active artists: Black Forest are an Austrian symphonic black / death metal band who's sound often gets compared to wintersun. Their full lengt… read more
There are multiple artist with this name: Active artists: Black Forest are an Austrian symphonic black / death metal band who's sound often gets compared to wintersun. Their full length album dream was released in 2018. In fall 2… read more