"Nonbinary" is an empowering anthem that challenges societal norms and expectations surrounding gender and self-expression. Through assertive lyrics and a refusal to conform, Arca encourages listeners to embrace their authentic selves and find liberation in their nonbinary identities.
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"Nonbinary" is an empowering anthem that challenges societal norms and expectations surrounding gender and self-expression. Through asserti… read more
"Nonbinary" is an empowering anthem that challenges societal norms and expectations surrounding gender and self-expression. Through assertive lyrics and a refusal to conform, A…read more
Arca is an experimental project by Alejandra Ghersi Rodríguez, a Venezuelan electronic producer, mixing engineer, performance artist, painter and DJ. Arca embraces fluidity and changing between states, whether it be gender, genre, or personality. In a 2020 interview, they say "We all have multiple personalities. Rather than causing panic, I think maybe that could cause some relief". "There was a clear intention on her fourth album, Kick i to allow every self to express itself. Not to decide how much air time each self would get, but to allow for modulation between the… read more
Arca is an experimental project by Alejandra Ghersi Rodríguez, a Venezuelan electronic producer, mixing engineer, performance artist, painter and DJ. Arca embraces fluidity and changing bet… read more
Arca is an experimental project by Alejandra Ghersi Rodríguez, a Venezuelan electronic producer, mixing engineer, performance artist, painter and DJ. Arca embraces fluidity and changing between states, whether it be gender, genre, or p… read more