Mica Levi, known by her stage name Micachu (Born 1987 in Surrey, United Kingdom), is an English singer, songwriter, composer, and producer. She is classically trained and is best known for experimental music in a variety of genres. Levi was born in Surrey and raised in Bow, East London. The daughter of musicians, she started writing and playing music at the age of four. She studied violin, viola and composition at the Purcell School before being offered a scholarship to attend the Guildhall School of Music and Drama to study composition. Levi performed as a DJ and MC ar… ulteriori informazioni
Mica Levi, known by her stage name Micachu (Born 1987 in Surrey, United Kingdom), is an English singer, songwriter, composer, and producer. She is classically trained and is be… ulteriori informazioni
Mica Levi, known by her stage name Micachu (Born 1987 in Surrey, United Kingdom), is an English singer, songwriter, composer, and producer. She is classically trained and is best known for experimental music in a variety o… ulteriori informazioni
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