Definitions from Wiktionary (nut bar)
▸ noun: A confection containing nuts and sweeteners formed in a bar shape.
▸ noun: Alternative form of nut-bar. [(hardware) A bar or shaft with an aperture for a bolt or threaded rod to attach to or pass through.]
▸ adjective: Alternative form of nut-bar, alternative form of nutbar (“crazy”). [(informal) Crazy, mad.]
▸ Words similar to nut bar
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▸ Idioms related to nut bar
▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
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▸ Rhymes of nut bar
▸ Invented words related to nut bar
▸ noun: A confection containing nuts and sweeteners formed in a bar shape.
▸ noun: Alternative form of nut-bar. [(hardware) A bar or shaft with an aperture for a bolt or threaded rod to attach to or pass through.]
▸ adjective: Alternative form of nut-bar, alternative form of nutbar (“crazy”). [(informal) Crazy, mad.]
granola bar,
health bar,
candy bar,
snack bar,
energy bar,
▸ Words similar to nut bar
▸ Usage examples for nut bar
▸ Idioms related to nut bar
▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
▸ Popular nouns described by nut bar
▸ Words that often appear near nut bar
▸ Rhymes of nut bar
▸ Invented words related to nut bar