Determination of wild host plants as possible sources of pest insects is important for integrated crop management in cultivated areas. We first clarified biotypes of the whitefly,
Bemisia tabaci, infesting non-crop plants (36 species in 14 families) throughout the Ryukyu Islands, which are subtropical areas in Japan. The B biotype, the most common biotype on crop plants in this area, was found on 32 non-crop plant species (in 13 families), and frequently infested asteraceous and euphorbiaceous weeds; therefore, control of these weeds is important for integrated management of the B biotype in the Ryukyu Islands. The Nauru biotype had a narrower host range, and was found on 13 plant species (in 6 families). The Q biotype was found only once on a
Solanum weed. One biotype belonging to the genetic group ‘China’ was identified from two plant species growing on the seashore.