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IMDb member since August 2005
Naked News (1999)
Best News Program Ever!
21 June 2006 - 16 out of 27 users found this review helpful.
This has to be the Best News Program I have ever Seen! You might think I'm shallow, but, well, who gives a rats ass? This show is up to date with the latest news... plus it has lots of Naked Women.
I think its a great idea for a show. It gets more Viewers watching the News and remembering stuff. For example, have you ever watched a porno loads of times and then you hear the same background music somewhere else and you automatically remember the porno? Thats what the Naked News does, so say you're at a bar and someone is talking about the war on Iraq, then your Knowledge for the War floods back into you brain just from watching the Naked Ladies, I mean, News.
So, Watch the Naked News. It Makes you Intelligent!
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