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IMDb member since November 2004
The Old Man and the Sea (1990)
Do not see this movie unless u wanna go 2 sleep
12 November 2004 - 0 out of 4 users found this review helpful.
Warning Spoiler
I watch this movie in English class after we read the book. I didn't like this book so won't decrement it. The movie was way different from the book. Like in the movie, Santiago has a daughter. There was more sharks' than the book. He had flashbacks of his childhood and his The new parts didn't give more meaning to the movie, so it actually made it worst. The movie gave it a little more meaning but it was still boring to watch or read, it didn't wedding in the movie and the book he had dreams about lions. Have that much things that was interesting I rather see Barney than this. And I hate Barney. So this means this movie wasn't good.
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