The Old Man and the Sea (1990)
I got BORED while watching this!!
My movie review is on the 'The Old Man and the Sea' the 1990 version. I didn't like this movie at all. It is boring and did not have that, much action in it. The movie added new events in the story, and took away some parts from the novel. The things they added to the movie were things they didn't even need in the movie. For example, they did not need Santiago's daughter in the movie, especially if she wasn't part of the book. Another character that was not part of the book was the writer. He didn't even do that much in the movie, so what was the point if having him part of the movie. Also they added him and his wife getting married instead. They should have just followed the novel. Those were the things that I think they shouldn't have added to the movie. The events that were in the novel but were not in the movie was when Santiago dreams. In the novel he used to dream about lions, not his wife and him getting married. I thought they were going to show lions in the movie but it had no part to it made me angry. The new parts in the movie had nothing to do with the main plot of the novel, so they shouldn't have even put them in the movie. The movie did help me imagine the story better, since the movie was so garbage it made me like the story even better. The movie made me imagine the story even better than I used to. The little boy and Santiago were very good actors. I liked the story way better than I liked the movie. That's my movie review for 'The Old Man and the Sea'.