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IMDb member since September 2011
Finch (2021)
Tom Hanks/mechanical Borat road trip.
12 December 2021 - 4 out of 4 users found this review helpful.
Post-apocalyptic cautionary tale where division, fear and greed is the response to a natural disaster. What remains is a not so wildly imagined extension of the status quo into a future of mistrust, paranoia, and fear fueled by survivalism.
This conceit pits Hanks' grounded dour pragmatic affect against the child-like wonderments and fish-out-of-water discoveries of his newly created mechanical side kick. Straight man Hanks serves up comic relief softballs to CLJ but instead of synergy, the net effect of mixing this acid and base, is a neutralized salt. Add a pinch of maudlin, bake at 165F for 2 hours. Serves 0.
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