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Novyy Razgovor! (2023)
Born in production hell...
Film "NEW CONVERSATION!" in itself has good potential and an interesting topic, but its impression is spoiled by a bunch of shortcomings and errors in editing. The sequel, unfortunately, was not up to par with its predecessor, but nevertheless, it still has a certain watchable quality.
One of the film's major flaws lies in its editing. Some scenes and transitions between them are abrupt and illogical, which creates confusion and makes it difficult to understand. Perhaps more attention could have been paid to this and the film edited more carefully.
Additionally, the sequel's plot doesn't reach the same levels of depth and emotional intensity that were present in the previous installment. Some characters or themes could have been developed more to meet the expectations of viewers who were already involved in the previous story.
However, "NEW CONVERSATION!" still has its merits. The film offers interesting facts and points of view on the topic, causing thought in the viewer. It also maintains suspense and suspense until the end, making it watchable until the end.
Ultimately, although "NEW CONVERSATION!" has its flaws and doesn't reach the quality of its predecessor, it is still watchable. The film provokes thought and discussion, which is an important aspect in the documentary genre. It is worth a place in the viewing program for those interested in this topic.