I'm gonna be entirely honest here; the art style is so pretty. The fight scenes I've seen so far are super engaging and well-choreographed, the protagonist is easy favorite character material with his design and the excellent job his voice actor is doing. The girls are not just 2-dimensional units only there for the fanservice: they have personality and their own goals and things they strive for, and it's easy to grow fond of them. The first villain is a legitimate threat, there are legitimate stakes in the battles because people might just as well die. It's made clear in the first episode that this is meant to be a darker kind of story, so thankfully it's easy to simply leave it be if that's not your thing; you're not gonna get unpleasantly surprised later on, you know what you're getting into in the first 5 minutes.
The premise is... interesting. Qwasers are actually quite cool, I'm a fan of them having control over a specific element, and like I said, the fight scenes this produces go hard. And... the wacky premise of them needing... you know... breast milk (or soma, as they call it) to fight - you know what, fine. Whatever. Slay. It's got that "don't like, don't watch" that you should by all means take seriously (as in, don't watch this show if you do not want bare boobs on your screen), and definitely makes for something interesting. And the show actually pulls it off. The ecchi is there, there are bare boobs, sure, but some of the scenes of this nature are legitimately beautiful portrayals of eroticism.
In short, honestly? This actually works, this could've been quite the show.
So I just have one question. Why does it always need to be kids? Why are the ones with their tids out the 15-16 year old girls, why is the protagonist literally *thirteen* years old? I have nothing against the premise, sure it's wacky but it works. Beautiful as some scenes may be, though... given the moaning and the blushing, it's clear that they're meant to be sexual. So why couldn't the characters just be adults?
Despite the good things that this show has going for it, I stopped watching after the second episode. It would've cost nothing to just make them all 18+.