- Carla: You see something Scott?
- Scott: It's nothing.
- Carla: Okay alright.
- Scott: Let's do this! Before we get caught!
- [the security camera takes screenshot pictures of Scott and his friends]
- Jason: Tell me there's something else in here besides just this banner.
- Barbie: There is.
- Jason: Nice, that's what I'm talking about.
- Carla: The truth!
- [Carla rolls out the banner]
- Jason: Wow! I can't imagine anything more boring than the truth on a banner.
- Barbie: We're getting the message out Jason and that's what matters.
- Scott: What matters is we get this done before the wind picks up and our message gets flown into the pacific.
- Jason: Yeah! Let's fly this baby and get out of here so we can do some celebration drinking.
- Barbie: Not really all that committed to the cause are you Jason.
- Jason: I'd commit to you for at least two weeks if you give me a shot darling.
- Barbie: Seriously? You're like my dad's age.
- Scott: Maybe we should stop the flirting and concentrate on this.
- Jason: Are you or are you not dating Dr. Hottie.
- Scott, Carla: Dr. Hottie. Dr. Hottie.
- Scott: Dr. Hotties and my relationship has nothing to do with...
- Jason: Ah busted. Ah, damn wind's getting crap in my eyes.
- Barbie: You picked a really good spot. People are gonna see our message for miles, maybe even get some real media attention.
- Jason: Oh don't act so surprised. You know I do whatever I can for the cause Barbie.
- Barbie: Okay, maybe I got you a little wrong.
- Carla: I'm sorry.
- Scott: About what?
- Carla: It's just, if you hadn't met me, then you'd still have your job.
- Scott: You really want to bring that up now?
- Carla: But they never would come after you that hard if it hadn't been for your job.
- Scott: You had nothing to do with it Carla.
- Carla: You still love charging into burning buildings and saving lives so now you're hanging a banner.
- Scott: I live to hang the banners. Alright let's go let's do this!
- Jason: Yep!