After Scott's car is being shot at by the group of mercenaries, bullet marks visible on car's door appear and disappear between shots.
When the TV reporter is interviewing the whistleblower, the caption underneath says "Synco employee speakes out", misspelling 'speaks'.
No fuel, of any type, lasts forever (thermodynamics exists) so the fire tornado can't last forever even if fueled by the most technologically advanced or experimental fuel.
In many scenes where the fire tornado approaches, despite demolishing concrete buildings in a blink, no signs of an actual wind are to be seen on the surroundings, like trees or road signs and such.
A firefighter would never obtain a baggage full of C4 from an the US Army as depicted towards the end of the movie.
Every bank home banking service has a preset logout timer making a user logout from the site if it is not used after a certain amount of time (usually between 10 and 30 minutes) exactly to avoid other people being able to access or see your bank account if you forget your browser open on that page.
During all of the movie, no Army or Police is seen helping people or trying to contain the fire tornado: considering what's happening in a major US town that's at least unexplained (if not unbelievable at all).