+ Very creative plot based on the book of the same name (Robert Whitlow). Just some things we never learn and that are left vague. The end was kind of crammed together.
+ Great performances, even though Coby does not fit in at all as pastor and conveys little spiritual authority.
+ Beautiful outdoor shots.
+ Powerful music.
o Even though the Bible paints the profession of a lawyer in a negative image, it is entirely possible that our LORD would use the talents of a lawyer for His purposes. But it is questionable that He would sacrifice a pastor for a lawyer. The end of the movie rather suggests that he continued as a lawyer and visited only part time the prisons as pastor.
The movie is entirely based on the erroneous application of the Bible, saying that we have one pastor + elders instead of a plurality of elders / overseers / pastors (all the very same office). The overworked pastor we see here is only in such a position because today's churches don't apply the Bible. A conflict between the income-earning profession of a pastor and his pastoral duties is not something Paul would have encountered. He worked at least part time and still fulfilled his pastoral duties.
O While it is perfectly possible that the LORD speaks to us in visions and dreams today, the movie could also create a dangerous precedent for people who seek to abuse this way of communication. But everything in the movie itself is sound.
- The image of a pastor definitely suffers through that movie. Coby does not look like a pastor, he is an angry pastor with little compassion and he is overworked. He is also not in walking the Spirit, given the amount of times he rejected the request to help, even after the LORD spoke to Him through his future son. If a pastor does not see at this point that the LORD is speaking, then he is nothing more than a professional with the title 'pastor'.