This film begins with a young woman named "Kirby Lane" (Whitney Moore) driving somewhere in the southwest when her car breaks down in the middle of the desert. Since her car is equipped with Northstar she calls them up and talks to a service representative named "Max" (Kevin Tye) who advises her to stay in her car and wait for a tow truck. Not long afterward, however, he tells her that he is having some difficulty getting a tow truck because of some strange events happening in that area. Little does she know that a zombie apocalypse has just occurred and society has completely collapsed. What follows is her attempt to stay alive with little food and water in a desert landscape inhabited by lawless gangs and ravenous zombies. Now rather than reveal any more I will just say that this film started off real well but got bogged down somewhere after the first 30 minutes or so and never really recovered after that. That said, although I give the directors (Bob Schultz and Robert Conway) credit for not turning it into yet another zombie-comedy that seeks to become "so bad it's good" it still could have used a lot more depth and for that reason I have rated it accordingly. Below average.