This is another Christmas movie like so many others this time of year on half dozen or more channels. There is definitely a feel of writers trying to check all the boxes.
I can say two things right away but even though they are obvious, they don't really make the movie exceptional in any way. First, like so many on this network, there is almost no tension, unless you count awkward tension. The writers try to manufacture some by the mayor's constant concern about the success of the Jubilee, but this is overdone and Nate isn't going to drop the ball. Second, yes as other reviewers have pointed out, Hope is so self-deprecating, it detracts from what is obviously a sweet and attractive young lady. Not just modest, but over the top.
Several things in the movie are clumsy. I was floored by the commercial break while Hope and Nate were in the mayor's office. Hope was just gearing up her pitch and they cut away. Then agan another break when Andy was winding up to ask Hope something. Another thing was how much Hope was trying to push Allison on Nate while Nate was being obviously polite but uninterested. At the tree lot, Andy's conversation toward that end was also awkward.
The acting in general is fair to poor. So much of it seemed like community theatre people reading their lines. That might not be surprising given how lame much of the dialogue was. Some of it made me cringe. I think Kristian Jordan's Andy is supposed to be funny, but I didn't laugh.
Then there is Regiftmas. This concept just didn't grab me. I think the term regifting has become too negative and even the rebranding of it in the story just didn't work.
Every rom/com or Christmas romance needs a conflict before the climax. The conflict, if you would even call it that - maybe call it an obstacle - was the least conflictive one I can remember, and I've watch several hundred of these TV movies.
Note to self - you do not want to watch this again.