This movie has so many possibilities but poor direction and some editing flaws the overall experience. It is a perfect example where a "big name" is used just to boost a story or production. I feel for Samuel Jackson here, as he should be awarded for his tenacity and perseverance during this stumbling-along story
Don't get me wrong - there are other notable performances too, but they don't get the credit they deserve - it is all about using SJ's persona. It is a real pity, but this is not the only movie that has used this trait
As for the story itself - well written and executed although the surprise element was a little obvious towards the middle of the movie. The storyline could have done with some punch here and there to counter the slow burning and sometimes awkward watching experience (I fell asleep twice)
For the editing - well, this trait of leaving some scenes hanging for three or four seconds longer than necessary is not doing the experience any good. When a scene tells its story, MOVE ON!
The directing is OK although some scenes make you wonder why? Perhaps creating goofs on purpose? The murder scenes are rather irritating from a factual point of view. They are TOO obviously fake and the prop guys could have done so much more to make the scenes more accurate and believable. Using SJ they could have learnt from "7even" a bit
Overall just a popcorn-Saturday-rainy-night movie.