OK where do you cross a bad film with bad acting skills?
Answer: Down Below 2024 Movie!
Dreadful plot to start off with and some jumble scenes that went well over my head.
Typical religion and horror mixed in for good measures but the scenes fail because they are just so boring.
Dialogue is weak especially with the annoying ginger kid who just aks the most bonkers of questions to his pastor father.
Sex scenes are laughable and the killer in question is as wooden as a set of stairs.
If there was an oscar for poor acting would go to the Chinese kid who is in bondage gear. Talk about give a performance that your laughing your head off instead of being en-grossed in the actual scene as being serious.
I see some fake reviews on here where they are praising this bore fest on a huge level.
Dont believe the hype as I turned the movie off at 54:23 because I was bored, so yeah go figure folks!