I've long been a fan of survival series of all types. I was really excited by the idea of Outlast since it takes place in Alaska, and I expected that it would provide the opportunity to learn techniques of survival in one of the most difficult places to live primitively on earth. How cool, right? Yet this series is not about surviving the elements -- there were no discussion on fire building, shelter building, foraging, fishing, or much anything else survival related.
The series is an example of the worst of human behavior -- it is a foray into the evil that some humans will do to others out of greed, which includes -- theft, destruction, deceit, bullying, and mockery. The aggressive gameplay and manipulation was not fun to watch, it merely underscored how some humans can rationalize the harm they do to others -- and how others within their orbit will passively accept, resign without challenging, or turn a blind eye to the misdeeds to avoid confrontation.
I have to wonder if the creators of this show encouraged the behavior perpetrated by the private investigator from Kentucky? This woman has such a heinous unlikable aspect, yet apparently her underhanded behavior was completely acceptable by the producers of this series. It didn't violate the rules, so all good, right? No.