The tale of a 9-year-old boy named Jian - a shy, unassuming child living in the quaint and bustling small town neighbourhood of SS2, Malaysia. Growing up in his mother's flower shop, nosy ne... Read allThe tale of a 9-year-old boy named Jian - a shy, unassuming child living in the quaint and bustling small town neighbourhood of SS2, Malaysia. Growing up in his mother's flower shop, nosy neighbours, rusty grills and quirky signboards were about all that made up Jian's world.The tale of a 9-year-old boy named Jian - a shy, unassuming child living in the quaint and bustling small town neighbourhood of SS2, Malaysia. Growing up in his mother's flower shop, nosy neighbours, rusty grills and quirky signboards were about all that made up Jian's world.