I enjoyed my time with the game even if it had too many defeat all the enemies Maps it fills a bit terious at some point but the story and gameplay kept me through it.
The story is not about great Wars and the heroes who stand up to defeat the villain this feels more like a personal story about a little group of antihero trying to do what they can to survive and help others it is kind of refreshing how grounded this Stakes are in this game.
I can really feel that they had one of the Fire Emblem guy is creating this game because it has that one thing I need in a Tactics game to like it and that is when you attack them. They can attack you and verses because I do not like free damage and this is correct for me.
It makes it so much more strategic when you know that there's always punishment for them and you want attacking.
The problem with the game is the encounters can get kind of long and it needed more mission variety, but it is a really good game when it comes to the gameplay even if it gets kind of tedious once in a while one of the maps. The presentation is good.
I like it it reminds me of PS2 games in some ways, but in the best possible ways, it's mostly the cutscene that gets my PS2 vibes going which I really like even if their eyes look like they can kill me.
If you're a fan of tactic gameplay, then I can recommend this 100%.